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So far, 11,800 kg of carp have arrived in Vasi waters

2023.03.03. Share

In the second half of the last week, the Vas County Association of Sports Fishing Associations started the spring stocking of carp in the fishing waters of Vas County. Shipments of beautiful carp have arrived from both Balatoni Halgazdokászi Nonprofit Zrt and Tógazda Zrt.

So far, 11,800 kg of carp have arrived in Vasi waters

During the previous week's installation, most of the fish placed were "Balaton carp". The sudár is a bred breed from Balaton (Little Balaton) wild carp ancestors, its body is more cylindrical and elongated compared to the common carp. Its color is yellowish-brown on the back, with a light shade on the abdomen, but the color can vary depending on the habitat.

On Wednesday, 8,000 kg of catchable carp between 1.5 and 3 kg found a new home in the federal waters (Gersekárati Sárvíz Lake 1,000 kg; Magyarszecsődi Lake 1,000 kg; Püspökmolnári Lake 800 kg; Újperinti No. 1 Lake 800 kg; Szombathely Csónakázó lake 1000 kg; Kerkafalv Kéhatár lake 600 kg; Vadása lake 300 kg; Máriaújfalu Hársas lake 1200 kg; Vasvári lakes 600 kg; Gencsapáti-Horgász lake 400 kg; Csepregi-Téglagyári lake 300 kg), while on Thursday 2,400 kg (Rábasömjén lake 600 kg; Csánigi lake 600 kg; Mersevát lake 600 kg; Celldömölki lake 600 kg). Finally, on Friday, 600 kg arrived in the Szombathely Fishing Lake, 400 kg each in the artificial channel of the Rába river in Ikervár and in the dammed section of Ikervár. The placements will continue this year in several stages, depending on the fisheries. It will be worth changing your carp license, because according to plans, in the next two months - on the occasion of the Association's 30th anniversary - a total of 30,000 kg of carp will be released into the waters of the carp.

It is important to point out that fish price increases that have not been seen for decades finally seem to be slowing down, but even so, the spring net price of three-year-old carp rose to HUF 1,580/kg and, of course, the price of all other fish also changed to a similar extent. According to the fishing regulations of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, the maximum size limit for carp has been reduced from 60 cm to 50 cm as of January 1, 2023, therefore it is forbidden to keep carp larger than 50 cm in both stagnant and flowing waters! We ask everyone to pay particular attention to complying with the size and daily quantity restrictions due to the above.

Our fishing guards will check the individual weight of the fish kept and recorded in the catch log. In order to comply with the annual quantity quotas, the fisheries wardens will sanction a significant difference (greater than 0.5 kg) between the weight recorded in the catch log and the actual individual weight, so register the fish you want to keep as accurately as possible. Our association continues to work to ensure that iron fishermen receive the best possible service and we take every opportunity to implement our planned fish stocking throughout the year. After the fish stocking, a general fishing ban was not ordered in any water area, so that everyone can indulge their passion as soon as possible in the spring weather.

Renew your iron fishing ticket for the spring season as soon as possible and be prepared for the good weather and the fishing season!

Additional useful information:

In the customer service office of the Association in Vaskerzeste, the possibility of personal administration (e.g.: changing tickets, applying for a fishing card, etc.) is provided by prior appointment. Appointments can be made by calling +36 94-506-835; +36 70 3399 703 or by e-mail at After making an appointment, the colleagues will continue to be available to fellow anglers in the following customer service order in 2023:

  • Monday: 8:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.;
  • Tuesday: 8:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.;
  • Wednesday: 8:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.;
  • Thursday: 8:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.;
  • Friday: 8:15 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.;
  • Saturday-Sunday: no customer service.

We hope they will continue to choose our waters and our community in 2023!
Thank you for your trust in our fishing community and our iron waters!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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