Fishing rules
Fishing regulations for fishing waters managed by the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations (Valid from January 1, 2025):
- Fishing rules in Hungarian >>>
- German fishing rules >>>
- Döröske Reservoir fishing schedule >>>
- MOHOSZ National Anglers' Association >>>
- State ticket and catch log foreign language guide >>>
- The most important state rules and guidelines for keeping a catch log in German >>>
Information about domestic fish species, their fishing opportunities and regulations:
Attention! The general national information below is not comprehensive and does not replace knowledge of the laws and local regulations. Before starting fishing, please familiarize yourself with the local fishing regulations and fishing regulations extract for the given registered fish management water area, which can be found in the HORINFO system as an attachment to the territorial ticket or available at the given website address , or which must be printed out according to the regulations!
1. Highly protected and protected species: all species of lings, ling, ling, smooth ling, Danube herring, damselfish, pearl ling, rabbit bream, stout bream, swift bream, short bream, short bream, Petényi barbel, all species of barbels, rainbow bream, all species of barbels, marsh bream, silver bream, Danube grebe, all species of scads, broad bream, silky bream, all species of scads; all native species of medicinal leeches, decapods and frogs. These protected species cannot be kept, their capture under the law will result in the initiation of a nature conservation authority procedure!
2. Native fish species that can be caught : eel, bream, red-winged bream, chub, bream, crucian carp, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, bream, carp, catfish, pike, brown trout, bream, perch, zander, and pikeperch.
Native, uncatchable fish species: bream*, crucian carp, and bream.
3. Alien fish species: Lena sturgeon, shovelnose sturgeon, grass carp, black grass carp, spotted catfish, African catfish, brook sablefish, rainbow trout, spiny pike, trout perch, all species of gobies. Invasive alien fish species: razbora, silver crucian carp, white and spotted bream, dwarf catfish, black dwarf catfish, sunfish, Amur gobies, and hybrids of these species.
In general, non-native fish species can be caught nationwide without any size or quantity restrictions, but the issuer of the territorial permit may establish stricter regulations in its fishing regulations. If the total daily catch quantity is also limited in this fishing regulation, then once this limit is reached, fishing suitable for the regular catch of invasive species can no longer be continued on that day, as the caught individuals may not be released.
4. Specific closed season, catchable size range, and daily catchable quantity of native, catchable fish species:
Size: body length measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. The issuer of the territorial ticket is entitled to set increased lower or upper size limits, as well as reduced daily, weekly, monthly and annual quantitative limits per species and for all catches, other than those above.
The most important laws related to fishing:
- The Hhvtv, the Vhr and the Fines Decree will be unified in a single structure from 2023.08.01>>>
- Act CII of 2013 on fish management and fish protection >>>
- Decree No. 133/2013 (XII. 29.) of the Ministry of Agriculture on establishing certain rules for fish management and fish protection
- 13/2001. (V. 9.) KöM Decree on protected and strictly protected plant and animal species, on the range of strictly protected caves, and on the publication of plant and animal species of importance for nature conservation in the European Community
Telephone numbers of fisheries guards by region:
- Celldömölk area: 06/70-33-99-704
- Körmend area: 06/70-33-99-705
- Szombathely area: 06/70-33-99-706
- Open lakes and Csepreg regional water areas: 06/70-774-45-58
- Vasvár-Püspökmolnári-Döröske: 06/70-33-99-713
- Kerkaszentkirály area: 06/30-969-30-78
9795 Iron Cross, 165/4 hrs.
Phone: 06/94-506-835 Phone: 06/70-33-99-703