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Fishing tickets and prices

To purchase the following licenses You must have a valid state fishing license and angling association membership. "I" annual license types can only be purchased at our member associations.
The following area tickets are in circulation for the water areas managed by the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations from January 1, 2025.

Ticket type, name of prizes**

Unit price (HUF)

Unified federal contribution - membership fee (MOHOSZ virtual ESZH stamp - mandatory for members exchanging state fishing licenses and association memberships in member organizations)

5 500 HUF

"1" Adult county complete 1st district ticket 40 pcs. – max 80 kg - noble fish, 80 kg other /from February 1, 2025/

70,000 HUF

Special offer "1" Adult county complete 1st district ticket 40 pcs. – max 80 kg - noble fish, 80 kg other /until January 31, 2025/

67,000 HUF

"1" Adult 3 selected lakes+rivers 30 pcs. – max 60 kg - noble fish, 50 kg other /from February 1, 2025/

63,000 HUF

Special offer "1" Adult 3 selected lakes + rivers 30 pcs. – max 60 kg - noble fish, 50 kg other /until January 31, 2025/

60,000 HUF

"1" Adult river fish /20 noble fish – max 40 kg - + 50 kg other /from February 1, 2025/

45,000 HUF

Special offer "Adult river fish /20 pcs of noble fish – max 40 kg - + 50 kg of other /until January 31, 2025/

42,000 HUF


"1" Adult complete /Part I/ until May 31, 2025 20 noble fish, - max 40 kg - 40 kg other fish

37 000 HUF

"1" Adult complete /Part II/ until January 31, 2026 20 noble fish, – max 40 kg - 40 kg other fish
(only those who bought a ticket in the previous installment can buy it!)

37 000 HUF


"1" Adult complete /Part I/ until April 30, 2025 15 noble fish, - max 30 kg - 30 kg other fish

20,000 HUF
"1" Adult complete /Part II/ until June 30, 2025 15 noble fish, - max 30 kg - 30 kg other fish
(only those who bought a ticket in the previous installment can buy it!)
30,000 HUF
"1" Adult complete /Part III/ until January 31, 2026 15 noble fish, - max 30 kg - 30 kg other fish
(only those who bought a ticket in the previous installment can buy it!)
25,000 HUF

"1" Youth and preferential ticket 20 pcs. noble fish - max 40 kg -, 40 kg other /from February 1, 2025/ /Full-time student of a youth or educational institution /with school attendance certificate/ fisherman's wife, over 70 years old, disabled/

33 000 HUF

Special offer "1" Youth and preferential season ticket discount 20 pcs. - max 40 kg - noble fish, 40 kg other /until January 31, 2025/

31 500 HUF

Annual fishing license for those without an ESZH or those from abroad: 40 pcs. – max 80 kg - noble fish, 80 kg other

80,000 HUF

Vas- Zala Child 1 pc of noble fish per month, 40 kg of other fish per year /from February 1, 2025/
(Allowed methods: swimming, bottom fishing, spinning, artificial fly fishing)

10,000 HUF

Special annual child discount: 1 piece of noble fish per month, 40 kg of other items per year /until January 31, 2025/
(Allowed methods: swimming, bottom fishing, spinning, artificial fly fishing)

9 000 HUF

Adult Weekly

18 000 HUF

Adult daily /general (valid for 24 hours)

5 500 HUF

Youth and beneficiary daily / general (valid for 24 hours)

4 000 HUF

Child daily / general (valid for 24 hours)

1 500 HUF

Non-ESZH or foreign daily ticket (valid for 24 hours)

8 000 HUF

Daily regional ticket for holders of a tourist state ticket
(entitles you to fish with 1 rod and to keep fish equal to the youth daily quota specified in the fishing regulations)

4 500 HUF

"1" Zala County adult annual - 40 pcs. - max 80 kg - noble fish, 80 kg other - from February 1, 2025

41,000 HUF

Special offer - "1" Zala County adult yearling - 40 pcs. - max 80 kg - noble fish, 80 kg other - until January 31, 2025.

38,000 HUF

„1” Zala County IFI and beneficiary annual "1" - 20 pcs. – max 40 kg - noble fish, 40 kg other /Full-time student of a youth or educational institution /with school attendance certificate/ fisherman's wife, over 70 years old, disabled/ - from February 1, 2025

20 500 HUF

Special offer - "1" Zala County IFI and beneficiary annual "1" - 20 pcs - max 40 kg - noble fish, 40 kg other /Full-time student of a youth or educational institution /with school attendance certificate/ fisherman's wife, over 70 years old, disabled/ –
Until January 31, 2025.

19 500 HUF

Döröske annual regional ticket /20 carp – max 40 kg/ - can be purchased at MOHOSZ national ticket distributors or on

45,000 HUF

Kerkafalva Kéthatár Lake + Kerkaszentkirályi Kerka Backwater for Vas/Zala County “1” ticket holders /
15 pieces of noble fish and 40 kg of other fish/

20,000 HUF

For Vas and Zala members on small streams in Zala

11 000 HUF

C&R annual 2-rod sport fishing ticket - valid for all Federal waters - for SHEVMSZ member organizations - Can only be purchased by those who caught less than 20 kg of fish in Federal waters in the previous year. (The ticket issuer must check in HFNY or in the previous year's logbook)
- From February 1, 2025

54,000 HUF

Special C&R annual 2-rod sport fishing ticket - valid for all Federal waters - for SHEVMSZ member organizations - Can only be purchased by those who caught less than 20 kg of fish in Federal waters in the previous year. (The ticket issuer must check in HFNY or in the previous year's logbook) - until January 31, 2025.

52 500 HUF

C&R ticket – 2 rods - (All rivers + Lukácsházi Abert I-II. lake + Pinkamindszenti lake + Répcelaki lake + Celldömölk Park lake) adult sport fishing ticket - for SHEVMSZ member organizations - Can only be purchased by those who caught less than 20 kg of fish in Federal water areas in the previous year.
(The ticket issuer must check in HFNY or in the previous year's log)

40,000 HUF

C&R ticket – 1 rod - (All rivers + Lukácsházi Abert I- II. lake + Pinkamindszenti lake + Répcelaki lake + Celldömölk Park lake) sport fishing ticket beneficiary /full-time student of a youth or educational institution /with school attendance certificate/ angler's wife, over 70 years old, disabled/ - for SHEVMSZ member organizations - Only those who caught less than 20 kg of fish in Federal water areas in the previous year can purchase it.
(The ticket issuer must check in HFNY or in the previous year's log)

20,000 HUF

Lukácsházi Abert Lake I- II. + Pinkamindszenti Lake + Répcelaki Lake + Celldömölk Park Lake sport fishing day ticket
(Not valid for 24 hours, only for the current day!)

2 700 HUF

Annual "Fishing Family Member" ticket – from 12 years old.
A fisherman's wife, a full-time student can only exchange if the husband, parent, grandparent has a "1" year county complete area ticket - allows fishing with 1 rod - Amount of fish that can be taken: 1 noble fish per month, 10 kg of other fish per year, max. 2 exchangeable adult county tickets.

12 000 HUF

Hunting lake ticket

20 pcs – max 40 kg - noble fish and 40 kg of other fish
(only for residents of Hegyhátszentjakab)

28 000 HUF

Additional quota ticket for extra fish – 15 pcs - max 30 kg - allows you to keep fish

35,000 HUF

Artificial bait C&R annual 1-rod sport fishing ticket - valid for all Federal waters - for SHEVMSZ member organizations - Can only be purchased by those who caught less than 20 kg of fish in Federal waters in the previous year. (The ticket issuer must check in HFNY or in the previous year's logbook)

With a C&R annual sport fishing license, only spinning and fly fishing methods are permitted.

36,000 HUF

An additional entry ticket is also valid for Lake Magyarszecsődi, Lake Hársas and the Döröskei Reservoir.
(can only be exchanged for annual regional tickets)

60,000 HUF

3-day - Additional entry ticket valid for Lake Magyarszecsődi, Lake Hársas and the Döröskei Reservoir (can only be exchanged for annual and weekly area tickets and is valid for 3 consecutive days) 12 000 HUF
"1” Adult Nicki River Ticket /Kis-Rába (from Rába to Miklósmajor) Rába River - From the Rayogó Bridge to the Nicki Dam, and on the Rába section in Győr-Moson-Sopron County from the Nicki Dam to the road bridge between Rábakecöl-Kenyeri / - 20 noble fish - max 40 kg - + 50 kg other 15,000 HUF


The "1" type regional ticket can only be purchased by members of SHEVMSZ member organizations .


Prices valid until December 31, 2025!

In accordance with MOHOSZ regulations and the traditions of previous years, our 2025 regional tickets are valid until January 31, 2026!


Children's regional ticket can be exchanged up to 14 years of age!

No territorial permit is required for Vas County for Federal waters until the age of 6! State fishing permit (600 HUF) is mandatory from the age of 3!

General Federal Day Area Tickets are valid for 24 hours!




The validity of the regional and supplementary fishing tickets purchased by anglers in the HORINFO system begins 30 minutes after the date of purchase, within which time it is possible to cancel the purchased tickets, after which only the fish management operator issuing the regional and supplementary fishing ticket - based on the equitable decision of the person authorized to do so according to internal regulations - can cancel the tickets.
there is a possibility of cancellation.
Individual fairness requests regarding the invalidation of regional tickets are accepted by post at the Association's headquarters in Vaskeresztes (9795 Vaskeresztes, 165/4. hrsz.) or electronically at the e-mail address

Downloadable Documents
Fishing market

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



10.67°  Humidity: 56%