Széchenyi Terv Plusz

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Fishing license exchange information

The customer service/fishing ticket sales regulations of the member associations of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations for 2025 are available here >>>

In the customer service office of the Association in Vaskerestes, personal administration (e.g. ticket exchange, advice, etc.) is possible by prior appointment.

Phone: +3694-506-835; +36703399703 E-mail:

We are personally available to our fellow anglers according to the following customer reception schedule:

Monday: 8:15 – 15:45

Tuesday: 8:15 – 15:45

Wednesday: 8:15 – 15:45

Thursday: 8:15 – 15:45

Friday: 8:15 – 14:45

The following fishing tickets can be exchanged for the water areas of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations at ticket offices, fishing shops , and daily and weekly tickets can also be purchased online. By filtering the search engine of the internet interface for the term VMSZ or the name of the water area, the online Vas County tickets can be easily found.

Regional ticket prices for 2025 are available here >>>

In accordance with MOHOSZ regulations and the traditions of previous years, our 2025 regional tickets are valid until January 31, 2026!

General Federal Day Area Tickets are valid for 24 hours!

Prices valid until December 31, 2025

Children's regional ticket can be exchanged up to 14 years of age!

No territorial permit is required for Vas County for Federal waters until the age of 6! State fishing permit (600 HUF) is mandatory from the age of 3!

From 2025, the state ticket and other documents have also been digitized, so if you download the HORGÁSZ APP, it will also be available on your mobile phone. From February 1, 2025, a digital catch log will also be available, if the angler would like to keep track of his catches in this way. Regarding the catch log, everyone will be able to decide for themselves whether they want to keep it on paper or electronically in the MOHOSZ fishing application. (Important! It will not be possible to switch from paper-based catch logs purchased for the current year to electronic ones within a year, only in the following year.) We recommend that all fellow anglers download the HORGÁSZ APP, in which some functions are already available and the electronic log will also be integrated into it during 2025.


Döröske Reservoir (Döröske 071/1 hrsz, water area code: 18-063-1-4) ticket exchange information

The cooperation agreement signed between MOHOSZ and our Association in December 2024 allows daily, weekly and annual fishing tickets issued for Vas waters to be valid for the Döröskei Reservoir from January 1, 2025 - without having to exchange a separate regional ticket ( We wrote about this in detail here>>> ).

An annual regional ticket for Lake Döröskei can be purchased for HUF 45,000, only if you have a valid state fishing permit, online at with a bank card payment, or in person at the following fishing ticket sales points in cash:

  • Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations - Polgárné Judit Németh - 9795 Vaskeresztes, 165/4. hrsz. - Customer reception: Monday-Thursday: 8:30 - 15:30, Friday: 8:30 - 14:30 - Tel.: +36 70 339 9703
  • Border Guard SHE. – Nagykapás Fishing Shop - Tóth László- 9900 Körmend, Rákóczi u. 90. – Customer service: Monday-Friday: 8:00-16:30; Saturday: 8:00-11:30 - Tel: +36 70 635 7950
  • Körmend Employee HE. - Kerecsényi Csabáné - 9900 Körmend, Rákóczi u. 42. – Client reception: Wednesday, Friday 15.00-17.00 – Tel.: +36 30 358 0179
  • Vasvári Petőfi HE. - Laki László - 9800 Vasvár, Szentmihályfalvi u. 10. - Appointments must be made by phone - Tel.: +36 30 226 0241


You can buy daily and weekly area tickets for the waters of the MOHOSZ and the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations online 24 hours a day
at . To exchange a ticket, you must have a state fishing document valid for this year!


The validity of the regional and supplementary fishing tickets purchased by anglers in the HORINFO system begins 30 minutes after the date of purchase, within which time it is possible to cancel the purchased tickets, after which only the fish management operator issuing the regional and supplementary fishing ticket - based on the equitable decision of the person authorized to do so according to internal regulations - can cancel the tickets.
there is a possibility of cancellation.
Individual fairness requests regarding the invalidation of regional tickets are accepted by post at the Association's headquarters in Vaskeresztes (9795 Vaskeresztes, 165/4. hrsz.) or electronically at the e-mail address


Would you like to go fishing right away?

If you do not yet have an exam or state license, the following option is for you:

For those who do not have a fishing license or a valid state license, but intend to fish , we recommend the tourist state fishing license, which can be purchased once a year for 3,500 HUF - for 90 days, for fishing with one rod - and a tourist daily license for 4,500 HUF can also be purchased online for the Vásárlón waters.


General information regarding tourist state fishing licenses:

From July 1, 2019, tourist state fishing tickets can be purchased at HORINFO!

As of July 1, 2019, the possibility of purchasing tourist state fishing licenses at NÉBIH has been discontinued. From this date, tourist state fishing licenses can be purchased exclusively ONLINE in the HORINFO system, with bank card payment.

The most important changes are as follows:

  • The purchase of a tourist state fishing license is only possible ONLINE from the Angler's own personal profile,
  • The mandatory prerequisite for purchasing a ticket is LIVE angler registration and the successful completion of the online knowledge test (exam),
  • It is possible to submit the tourist catch log and record the catch ONLINE through your own user account, but it is also possible to record the catch data "OFFLINE" with the involvement of an association administrator.

Further details on the topic can be found here:

The ticket contains personal data, the date of issue and validity, and the specific prohibition periods in tabular form. It is accompanied by a catch logbook, and a regional fishing permit for the given body of water is also required for a tourist state ticket. It is valid for three months from the date of issue, during which period, after passing the state fishing exam - and fulfilling the prerequisites for obtaining a state ticket - it can be exchanged for a "full-value" state ticket, i.e. for the current year, at the competent fish management authority in your place of residence.

A person using a tourist state ticket may use one fishing gear - up to three, each equipped with a maximum of three-pronged hooks - and one baitfish lifting net no larger than 1 m2 at the same time.

Downloadable Documents

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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