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Fishing Order

Hungarian National Anglers Association - 1124 Budapest, Korompai Street 17.


General Vas County complete area tickets (daily, weekly, annual) are valid for the lake!
Annual and three-day tickets issued by the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations are also valid for the Döröske Reservoir!

Valid from: January 1, 2025




Valid from: January 1, 2025

1. / When fishing in the still and flowing waters listed in the water list, everyone is required to comply with the National Rules with the following additions:

Every angler has the right to warn anyone who violates the fishing rules, to report any irregularities they notice, as well as any pollution or damage to the shore to an official person or body (fish guard, federal office, police, etc.). Anglers are obliged to report any disorderly persons, if possible in an identifiable manner. /license plate number, etc./ Anglers are obliged to protect the water quality and their environment, and to keep their fishing spot clean.

Fishing in a garbage area will result in immediate withdrawal of the area ticket. (for a minimum period of 1 month) It is strictly forbidden to scatter or store dwarf catfish around the fishing area. Proven and proven damage, placing waste in fire pits can be sanctioned by withdrawal of the area ticket!

It is prohibited to destroy or damage vegetation around fishing spots. Waste collection and removal must be arranged in such a way that no waste ends up in the water or on the shore. It is prohibited to use environmentally harmful substances for fish food. It is prohibited to endanger the reproduction and other vital activities of protected animal species, or to damage their living, feeding, breeding, resting and hiding places.

By purchasing a territorial ticket, the owner consents to the right holder taking photographs, videos and audio recordings of him/her in connection with his/her fishing activities in order to perform fish protection and fish conservation tasks. We will handle the recordings made during fishing activities in accordance with the legal requirements. (Our related GDPR documents can be found as an annex to these Fishing Regulations below)

In case of violation of Act CII of 2013 and Decree 133/2013 (XII. 29.) of the Ministry of Finance, the regional ticket will be revoked in all cases.

Any fish kills must be reported immediately to the relevant fish warden. In the event of water pollution, the Water Management Directorate and the Environmental Protection Inspectorate must be notified immediately. Telephone: 94/506-700

Anglers should protect and preserve fish stocks, not envy others' catches, and even help their fellow anglers with their experiences and advice, especially young people, beginners, and fishing tourists from other parts of the country, as well as those who are more in need due to their old age or physical disability.

It is prohibited to skin fish on the shore, to give fish as gifts! Live fish caught – except for bait fish – may only be kept in the water. All anglers with a territorial license are required to store the caught and kept game fish and other fish in their own nets, separately from the catch of other anglers! It is PROHIBITED to expose the caught fish to slow, painful suffocation in a bucket of water, dry, or in a bucket!!! At the end of fishing, the angler is required to kill the kept fish – except for bait fish – immediately upon leaving the shore! The use of nets is prohibited!

Camping and making fires along lakes and closed fishing waters is only possible in designated places with a permit. Fishing umbrellas with a windbreak, parasols, and boilie tents and half-tents without a base are not considered tents. It is prohibited to wash vehicles or carry out any repairs that pollute the environment on the shores of fishing waters. In order to protect the silence of our fishing waters, it is prohibited to listen to the radio, CD player, or tape recorder loudly.

There is no reserved space in the water areas managed by the Association.

Due to fishing competitions held on fishing waters managed by the Vas County Fishing Association, the organizers may order a fishing ban at the competition site. The angler is obliged to leave the designated competition area free for the period specified by the organizers in order to ensure the smooth running of the competition.

The angler must stay close enough to the gear he has deployed to be able to immediately cut in if caught. No one else may be entrusted with guarding the gear he has deployed. Anyone who leaves his fishing spot for any reason must remove his gear from the water, except for the safety of life and property, helping a neighbor, or for the duration of the fishing trip.

Driving on flood protection embankments of rivers is only possible with the issued water management permits.

Fishing from a boat on rivers must not obstruct water traffic, and boat support poles, temporary anchors, or other boat securing devices must be dismantled after fishing is completed. When securing a fishing boat, the riverbed or the bank must not be disturbed. It is also not permitted to mow the shore reeds, cut down overhanging trees, or prune or prune branches.

It is prohibited to fell trees in the beds of watercourses to create fishing sites, or to change the flow conditions. No tools suitable for logging (chainsaws) may be transported or stored in a road or water vehicle used for fishing purposes, or on a vehicle, on a river, on a flood protection embankment, or on the waterside. A pier, fishing hut, or fishing site may not be established in the riverbed or on the shore, even with the consent of the shore owner. VÍZIG. will file a police report against those who damage the structures of watercourses and water facilities, or their accessories, or those who open or close locks without authorization. Fishing on structures belonging to watercourses or within a 50-meter radius of them is only permitted with a special water management permit. Fishing is prohibited within 5 meters before and after the slipways established with a water rights establishment permit!

The construction of fishing piers, as well as feeding and fishing from boats, bathing mattresses and other watercraft, and the use of feeding boats are prohibited on the lakes of Vas County (exception: Lake Abert I, with additional permission: Lake Hársas in Máriaújfalu and Lake Magyarszecsődi). The sonar (fish radar) can be used throughout the year in the water areas managed by the Association.

With an additional "pull-in" ticket valid for Lake Hársas in Máriaújfalu and Lake Magyarszecsődi, the use of the bait boat and pulling in is permitted without disturbing other anglers!

The use of treble hooks, wire hooks and cutting hooks is only permitted when fishing for catfish in water areas managed by the Association, unless specific regulations for the water area prohibit this.

It is prohibited to place live fish that you wish to release or that are subject to a mandatory number limit on the ground, stone or concrete!

It is strictly forbidden to use lip grips to lift fish on our "Catch and Release" (C&R) fishing waters !

In all water areas managed by the Association, it is mandatory to have a dip net when fishing!

Fishing with live fish or fish sticks while holding a Catch and Release (C&R) area ticket or a child area ticket is strictly prohibited in the waters managed by the Association.

The use of a rod without a hook - e.g. for the purpose of introducing marker floats, bait rockets, fish radar, or stupek - is not considered an angling skill, so it can be used freely in Federal waters. The angler must clearly present the rod when called upon by the fisheries officer during the inspection. In flowing water, the rig can be introduced by boat, but it is prohibited to attach it to coastal vegetation or other coastal objects!

You may stay and fish at the fishing spot solely at your own risk. The Vas County Fishing Association does not assume responsibility for accidents, illnesses, or material damage occurring on the fishing waters and does not cover the costs incurred in this regard.

Fishing is prohibited in all fishing waters managed by the Vas County Fishing Association, where there is an electric line in the immediate vicinity or under it!

When fishing at night, the angler is obliged to illuminate his fishing spot regardless of public lighting!

All anglers are obliged to comply with the Decree of the Ministry of the Interior 46/2001 (XII.27.) on the basic rules of staying on open water. In particular, the following provisions:

“…Section 1 (1) In flowing waters (rivers, permanent and temporary watercourses, backwaters) and standing waters (artificial and natural lakes), as well as in the waters of water facilities (canals) (hereinafter collectively referred to as: free waters) ….”

“… Section 5 (2). It is only permitted to stay on the ice of open waters if the ice is sufficiently strong, does not melt or does not move.

(3) It is prohibited to be on the ice of open waters:

a) at night and in conditions of limited visibility;

b) by vehicle, except for safe work;

c) in the area of ​​ports and places of refuge;

d) on rivers….”

“… Section 6 (1) Anyone who carries out ice mining on ice or cuts a hole larger than 1 square meter to ensure the oxygen supply of fish is obliged to provide the ice-free area with a barrier with red and white stripes, placed at a height of 1 meter, at least 10 centimeters wide. The person who places the warning sign is obliged to remove the devices indicating the ice-free area when the circumstances that gave rise to the placement of the warning sign cease to exist.

(2) Anyone who cuts a hole in the ice smaller than 1 square meter is obliged to mark the area that has become ice-free in a clearly recognizable way from at least 50 meters away, for which natural materials found on the shore (e.g. reeds, grasses, dry branches) may also be used.…”

In the fishing waters managed by the Vas County Fishing Association, in addition to complying with the provisions listed in the regulation, you may engage in live fishing solely at your own risk.

For accident prevention reasons, anglers are required to pause fishing during waterfront work (mowing, grass cutting, brush removal).

Fishing near dwarf catfish traps placed in fishing waters managed by the Association is strictly prohibited.

Anyone can fish in the fishing waters managed by the Association at the fishing spots for people with disabilities, but the fishing spot must be handed over upon the arrival of a disabled person.

Specific regulations for fishing waters .

  • Due to water quality protection reasons, it is forbidden to feed the fish on the Szombathely Boating and Fishing Lake, the Merseváti Peat Lake, the Kerka-holtágo in Kerkaszentkirály, the Vasvári Boating and Fishing Lake, the Rábasömjén Pebble Mine Lake, the Nagypiriti Lake, the Celldömölk Lake, and the Püspökmolnári Lake . Bait feeding is permitted. (Eg: any type of bait basket, rocket, spomb, slingshot, one-handed scoop). In the listed water areas, the angler may carry a maximum of 2 kg of bait ready for fishing.
  • On the Szombathely Boating Lake, anglers must pay special attention to not disturbing people walking, running around the lake, or those doing other leisure sports. The fishing spot must be chosen in such a way that fishing rods, fishing boxes, and chairs cannot be placed on the promenade, as this may hinder free movement. Depending on the availability of free spaces, when choosing a fishing spot, preference should be given to the fishing piers on Árpád Street. On the Szombathely Boating Lake, pole fishing is only permitted during fishing competitions, not at other times. Fishing is strictly prohibited on the harbor belonging to the new boathouse on the Szombathely Boating Lake and within 20 meters of it! On a case-by-case basis, due to fishing competitions and sporting events organized on the Szombathely Boating Lake, the organizers may order a fishing ban at the competition site. Anglers who have not registered for the competition are required to leave the designated competition area free for the period specified by the organizers in order to ensure the smooth running of the competition. Any feeding and fishing activities are strictly prohibited from the island of the Szombathely Boating Lake. (Violation of this rule will result in immediate withdrawal of the fishing license.)
  • It is strictly forbidden to drive onto the waterfront by car on the outer side of Lake Mersevát .
  • A protected area has been established and designated at the southwestern end of Lake Magyarszecsőd (on the Körmend side), in which fishing and staying on the affected peninsula is strictly prohibited all year round!
  • It is forbidden to drive cars into the areas between the outlet and the posted no-entry sign on Lake Magyarszecsőd! In order to preserve the condition of the dirt roads next to the lake, the dirt road may be temporarily closed with a barrier - depending on the weather. It is strictly forbidden to drive cars onto the wet dirt road!
  • It is forbidden to drive vehicles onto the peninsula of Lake Magyarszecsőd from Highway 8!
  • It is forbidden to drive onto the peninsula at Kavicsbánya Lake in Půspökmolnári by car!
  • Gencsapáti-Perenyei Fishing Lake : Fishing is prohibited on the private property 0188/13 hrsz-u adjacent to the fishing lake, it is a protected area. Fishing is only allowed on the sides facing the public road. Fishing from the island on Gencsapáti-Perenyei Lake is PROHIBITED!
  • Driving to the Répcelak - Csánigi fishing lake by car is prohibited!
  • Fishing is possible on the Répcelaki material pit lake under the following conditions.
    • All fish - with the exception of dwarf catfish - must be gently released back into the water immediately after being caught.
    • Fishing cannot be started without a large fishing net, a fish mat ("carp mat") and a hook releaser.
    • On Lake Répcelak, you can only use a barbed or barbed hook for spinning and fly fishing with artificial bait.
    • There is a general - artificial bait - predatory fish ban on Lake Répcelak between January 1st and April 30th.
    • Fishing on the lake is allowed from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or until the street lights are turned on from October 1 to March 31, and from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. or until the street lights are turned on from April 1 to September 30. Fishing in the dark is PROHIBITED!
    • Fishing with live bait fish and fish slices, bait fishing, and the use of bait nets are prohibited on the lake!
    • Fishing in rainy, stormy weather is strictly prohibited under the high voltage line crossing the lake and in its immediate vicinity. Parking is only allowed in the designated area.
    • Feeding fish is prohibited!
  • Fishing, feeding, the establishment of piers or fishing shelters is prohibited on the left side of the Hársas stream feeding Lake Máriaujfalu , as well as on the left side of the lake from the stream's mouth due to habitat protection reasons, as well as in the STRAND area.
  • Lake Kęthatár in Kerkafalvi :
    • It is prohibited to use bait fishing and bait fishing nets on the lake!
    • Habituation feeding on the lake is prohibited!
    • It is FORBIDDEN to keep any carp larger than 50 cm from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail or weighing more than 5 kg.
    • The following specific rules apply on the lake shore in accordance with the NYUDUVIZIG regulations:
      • All types of tents - including special tents without a base - are permitted only in designated parking lots, 15 meters from the water.
      • Fires are only allowed in the designated fire pit.
      • In addition to the designated parking lot, parking is also possible 15 m from the lake shore. People with reduced mobility are also permitted to park closer, as long as parking does not cause damage to nature and water facilities.
      • In case of wet ground, it is prohibited to drive onto the lake shore by car; the vehicle must be left in the designated parking lot.
      • Only persons with a NYUDUVIZIG permit and persons performing law enforcement duties may travel on the dams.
      • There is a designated conservation area at the southern end of the lake , in which fishing is prohibited all year round!
  • On the Kerkaszentkirály backwater:

    • The angler must enter the fish caught in the "recording book" on the lakeside, in addition to the catch log, after finishing fishing. (located next to the bridge leading to the island)
    • Fishing is prohibited in the protected area marked with a sign.
    • Spinning in the backwaters is only permitted from October 1st to January 31st.
    • It is forbidden to fish in the lake and use bait nets!
    • It is FORBIDDEN to keep any carp larger than 50 cm from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail or weighing more than 5 kg.
  • Lake Vadasa:
    • It is prohibited to fish in the water, pollute living water in any form, manner or means, fish from watercraft, or build fishing piers or piers without a permit.
    • Feeding fish in any form is prohibited.
    • The fishing spot occupied by the angler and its immediate surroundings must be clean. The angler must ensure that garbage is collected and removed before and after fishing.
    • Fishing is strictly prohibited in the beach area during the tourist peak season, i.e. between June 1st and August 31st.
    • Fishing is prohibited on the dams of Lake Vadasa.
  • Fishing on Lake Lukácsházi Abért I. - II. is possible under the following conditions:
    • All fish - with the exception of dwarf catfish - must be gently released back into the water immediately after being caught.
    • Fishing cannot be started without a large-sized sinking net, a fish mat ("carp mat") and a hook release device. The use of bait fishing nets is strictly PROHIBITED!
    • There is a general - artificial bait - predatory fish ban on Abért I.-II. lakes between January 1st and April 30th.
    • Fishing is allowed on Lake Abért I-II from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or until the street lights are turned on from October 1 to March 31, and from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. or until the street lights are turned on from April 1 to September 30. Fishing in the dark is PROHIBITED!
    • On Lake Abért I.-II, spinning and fly fishing with artificial bait is only permitted with a hook with a depressed barb or without a barb.
    • Fishing with live bait fish and fish slices, as well as bait fishing, is prohibited on Lake Abért I-II!
    • Fishing is possible in the entire area of ​​Lake Abért I using spinning and fly fishing, but fishing methods other than spinning and fly fishing are only allowed on the two sides facing the Gyöngyös stream. (Fishing by any method other than spinning and fly fishing is prohibited in the area next to the parking lot and on the dam between the two lakes.)
    • With a valid area ticket on Lake Abért I, the use of a bait boat and the pulling in of the bait without disturbing other anglers is permitted!
    • Fishing on Lake Abért II - using all methods - is only permitted on the shore sections designated by the Western Transdanubian Water Management Directorate. /Signs indicate/ Fishing on Lake Abért II on the shore section facing the main road is prohibited!
    • It is forbidden to park your car on the embankment and you can only park your car in the designated parking lot next to Lake Abért I-II. You cannot drive on the roads and embankments next to the lake, even during loading and unloading. Violating traffic rules will result in a local ticket!
    • Feeding fish with food is prohibited!
  • Fishing is possible on Pinkamindszent Lake under the following conditions:
    • All fish - with the exception of dwarf catfish - must be gently released back into the water immediately after being caught.
    • On Lake Pinkamindszent, you can only use a barbed or barbless hook for spinning and fly fishing with artificial bait.
    • Fishing cannot be started without a large fishing net, a fish mat ("carp mat") and a hook releaser.
    • There is a general ban on fishing with artificial bait and predatory fish on the lake between January 1st and April 30th.
    • Fishing on Lake Pinkamindszent is permitted from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or until the street lights are turned on from October 1 to March 31, and from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. or until the street lights are turned on from April 1 to September 30. Fishing in the dark is PROHIBITED!
    • Fishing with live bait fish and fish slices, bait fishing, and the use of bait nets are prohibited on the lake!
    • Fishing is allowed on the shores facing the main road and the water tower (hydro globe). Fishing from the neighboring agricultural area is prohibited!
    • Parking is only allowed in the designated parking lot next to the main road or in the grassy area next to the water tower (hydro globe bus). Parking directly on the waterfront is strictly prohibited!
    • Feeding fish is prohibited!
  • Fishing is allowed at Celldömölk Park Lake (C&R) under the following conditions:
    • All fish - with the exception of dwarf catfish - must be gently released back into the water immediately after being caught.
    • Fishing cannot be started without a large dip net, a fish mat ("carp mat") and a hook release device.
    • Fishing on the lake with artificial bait and fly fishing is only permitted with a barbed or barbed hook, without disturbing anglers who have previously occupied the water area.
    • There is a general ban on fishing with artificial bait and predatory fish on the lake between January 1st and April 30th.
    • Fishing on the lake is allowed from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from October 1 to March 31, or until the street lights are turned on, and from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. from April 1 to September 30, or until the street lights are turned on. Fishing in the dark is PROHIBITED!
    • Fishing with live bait fish and fish slices, bait fishing, and the use of bait nets are prohibited on the lake!
    • Feeding fish is prohibited!
  • Újperinti I. fishing pond: Fishing is prohibited on the private plot 0623/31 adjacent to the fishing pond (side facing Újperinti II. lake)!
  • Fishing is allowed at Vaskeresztes Fishing Lake (C&R) under the following conditions:
    • Between March 1st and October 31st, you can fish with 1 rod, with a maximum of 1 single-barred hook per rod, using any method.
    • Between November 1 and February 28 (last day of February), fishing is permitted only with 1 rod, a barbless hook - artificial bait - spinning and fly fishing. The use of any kind of rubber artificial bait (twister, grub, worm, crab, rubber fish, etc.) is FORBIDDEN! When fishing with artificial bait, the use of knotless or rubberized sinking nets is mandatory! The caught fish must be carefully freed from the hook and released back into the water as soon as possible - avoiding touching it with your hands - and the hook should be unhooked with pliers if possible.
    • All fish - with the exception of dwarf catfish - must be gently released back into the water immediately after being caught.
    • Fishing is allowed from sunrise to sunset, or until the street lights are turned on! Fishing in the dark is FORBIDDEN!
    • Fishing with live bait fish and fish slices, as well as bait fishing, is prohibited on the lake!
    • The use of a sinker and hook release device is mandatory.
    • Anyone can fish at the fishing spot for people with disabilities on the fishing lake, but upon arrival of a disabled person, the fishing spot must be handed over to them!
    • The use of any net suitable for catching fish (except dip nets) is prohibited on the lake.
    • You can obtain more information about any additional temporary regulations, size restrictions, etc. from the staff of the Vas County Fishing Association and on the notice board placed in the lake area.
  • Fishing is prohibited in the following sections of the Rába River:
    • In the area of ​​the dam on the Rába River in Ikervár, as well as within 50 meters before and after it.
    • Staying and fishing are prohibited in the entire area of ​​the fish ladder located in Ikervár.
    • In Ikervár, it is strictly forbidden to stay or fish on the 0467/2 hrsz underwater canal from the power plant to the mouth of the Csörnöc stream.
    • Fishing is prohibited on the Ikervár Patkó Lake, no. 0366, and on the two backwaters of the Ikervár.
    • On the Ikervár artificial canal, from the drift deflector to the inlet lock on both banks, and to the end of the concrete basin under the inlet lock.
    • Within the fenced area of ​​the hydroelectric power plant on the Ikervár artificial canal, as well as within 50 meters before and after it.
    • Car traffic and parking are prohibited on the embankment and embankment foot of the Ikervár artificial canal (privately owned areas closed to public traffic), and fishing is only permitted if you are in possession of appropriate life-saving equipment. /life jacket, life belt, throwing rope./
      • On the Körmendi Rába River, at the dam and within 50 meters of the power plant.
      • Within 50 meters of the structures on the Magyarlak-Csörötneki section of the Rába River.
      • The construction of fishing lodges is strictly prohibited on all artificial canals.
      • On the fish ladder in the area of ​​the Nicky power plant /industrial area/.
  • On the section of the Rába River between the Nicky Dam and the Bright Bridge:
    • Mooring for fishing boats is only permitted in the harbor of the Nič dam.
    • Motorized watercraft with a power greater than 5 KW may not be operated.
    • Fishing is prohibited in the Kenyeri fish ladder, the Nicki dam and the Kenyeri power plant operating area (including the enclosed island area).
    • Camping and tenting are strictly prohibited from the Nicky harbor on the Rába River to the dam!
    • ÉDUVIZIG regulations for the Rába section around the Nicki dam:
      • Fishing is permitted on the section below the Nicki Dam, on the right bank, outside the 50-meter distance from the structure, up to the stone protection wall in the riverbed, but littering, camping, and making fires are prohibited! Access to the shore section through the stone scattering and fishing on the stone scattering are prohibited!
      • Fishing is allowed on the upstream section of the dam's right bank between the main embankment and the backwater, but driving into the maintenance lane is prohibited!
      • Fishing is allowed on the left bank above the dam, from 50 meters from the dam to the boat dock! Parking must not obstruct traffic!
      • Fishing is prohibited in the section between the boat harbor and the Kis-Rába inlet lock!
      • Traffic on the embankment is always subject to a permit, detailed information can be found here:
    • The regional ticket valid for the Vas County section of the Rába River is also valid on the Rába section in Győr-Moson-Sopron County from the Nick Dam to the road bridge between Rábakecöl and Kenyeri (08-182-1-1). The local fishing regulations for the Rába River available in the HORINFO system on the website and/or at apply to this section of the river.
    • The Kenyri backwater of the Rába River (Nick) is a protected area pursuant to Section 9 of the Act CII of 2013 on Fisheries Management and Fish Protection (Hhvtv.) and Section 4 of the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture (Vhr.) of 2013 (XII.29.) issued for its implementation. Fishing in the protected area is strictly PROHIBITED. Section 246 of the Penal Code states that anyone who engages in fishing activities in a protected area is liable to imprisonment for a misdemeanor for up to two years!!! Backwater identification data:
      • Topographical number of the area: Kenyeri 0190/8
      • Size of the water surface at an operating water level of 139.94 mBf: 13,680 m2, i.e. 1.37 ha
      • EOV coordinates: 497 930 and 228 211
      • GPS coordinates: North: 47.380260773 East: 17.033331945
  • Fishing is prohibited all year round in the Pornóapáti backwater of the Pinka stream (0151 hrsz, 0106/6 hrsz), it is a protected area!

  • Fishing is prohibited in the 5 m downstream and 50 m upstream sections of the flood dam of the Gór flood reservoir in Répce .

Pearly stream:

  • Rapid trout trail:
    • It extends from the Gulner Mill on the outskirts of Kőszeg to the Lukácsházi Municipal Parking Lot, which is marked with the sign “P”. On this section of the stream, on the right bank in the direction of flow, it is prohibited to be in possession of any equipment suitable for catching fish or to fish!
    • Fishing is only allowed on the left bank in the direction of the flow! Fishing is only allowed on the nature trail with 1 rod and 1 single-barred hook. The fishing methods used are artificial fly fishing and spinning, exclusively with artificial bait without the use of any bite indicators.
    • The use of a dip net, wet cloth and hook release device is mandatory! Fishing can only be started with the listed equipment.
    • All fish caught on the whitewater section of the nature trail must be released back into the water immediately after being gently unhooked.

    • In the area of ​​the Gyöngyös stream at the Új-Ebergény castle hotel, fishing is permitted only with 1 rod and 1 single-barreled hook during the castle's opening hours - except during events - without purchasing a separate area ticket.
    • The fishing methods that can be used are artificial fly fishing and spinning fishing, exclusively with artificial bait without the use of any bite indicators.
    • The use of a dip net or wet cloth and a hook release device is mandatory! Fishing can only be started with the listed equipment. All fish caught along the entire stretch must be released back into the water immediately after being gently released from the hook.

2./ Among the rivers in Vas and Zala counties, some sections of the Rába River, Lapincs, Strém, Pinka, Répce, Gyöngyös, Kerka, and Lendva are considered border waters, within the area of ​​which compliance with the border order is mandatory. It is prohibited to damage, remove, or relocate border signs marking the state border. In the event of detection of such acts, the border police department of the Vas County Police Headquarters must be notified. Telephone: +36(94)521-011. In the event of the listed border violations in Zala County, the Hungarian Border Guard must be notified. Telephone: +36(92)504-300

The state border can be crossed at any point in accordance with the rules set out in Regulation 562/206/EC of the EU Parliament and of the Council (Schengen Border Control Code) without a personal check, however, the angler is responsible for any unauthorized fishing activity carried out in the territory of the neighboring state without a permit. It is prohibited to throw any object - such as floating, bottom and artificial bait fishing gear - across the state border. It is prohibited to cross the state border with a watercraft intentionally or as a result of the drift of water or wind.

3./ Holders of a federal territorial permit: If the quantitative restriction is not indicated on the territorial ticket or fishing order extract, the following restrictions apply:

- Adult territorial fisher: can fish with 2 fishing rods, with a maximum of 2 hooks per rod, but the use of artificial baits equipped with 3 hooks is an exception. Of the fine fish subject to size restrictions, 2 per species per day, a total of 5 per week, 6 per week. A total of 40 fine fish can be kept per year - regardless of the number - in a total quantity of max. 80 kg . If this annual fine fish quota has been reached, a new territorial fisher or quota ticket must be exchanged if you wish to continue fishing in Federal waters. A maximum of 5 kg of other fish can be kept per day, which must be kept in the water in your own net until the fishing is finished. A total of 80 kg of other fish can be kept per year with an adult territorial permit.

- Youth and beneficiary (full-time student of a youth or educational institution /with school attendance certificate/, angler's wife, over 70 years old, disabled) angler with a territorial ticket: can fish with 1 fishing rod, with a maximum of 2 hooks, but the use of artificial baits equipped with 3 hooks from the factory is an exception. Of the noble fish subject to size restrictions, 1 piece per species per day, a total of 3 pieces. 6 pieces per week, can be kept. A total of 20 noble fish can be kept on an annual basis - regardless of the number - in a total quantity of max. 40 kg. If this annual noble fish quota has been reached, a new territorial ticket or quota ticket must be exchanged if you wish to continue fishing in Federal waters. A maximum of 5 kg of other fish can be kept per day, which must be kept in your own net in the water until the fishing is finished. A total of 40 kg of other fish can be kept per year with a youth territorial permit.”

- Children with an annual territorial permit up to 14 years of age: can fish with 1 fishing rod and 1 single-barred hook without having to establish fishing skills . 1 piece of noble fish subject to size restrictions can be kept per month. With a children's territorial permit, a maximum of 3 kg of other fish can be kept per day, 40 kg per year. With an annual and 24-hour children's territorial permit, fishing is only possible - under the supervision of an adult - from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

If the annual quantitative limit for noble fish is indicated on the territorial ticket or the electronic fishing order extract, then after reaching the annual noble fish quota permitted by the territorial ticket, the license holder is obliged to exchange for a new territorial ticket or quota ticket if he or she wishes to continue fishing in Federal waters.

If the angler has not yet reached the annual quota for the number of noble fish caught and intended to be kept, but the weight of the fish caught already exceeds the annual weight quota allowed by the territorial license, then that fish can still be kept.

In case of a flagrant or repeated violation of the rules, the offending angler may be banned from exchanging the Federation's territorial ticket(s) for a maximum period of 5 years - depending on the severity of the act. In this case, after the ban has expired, the angler may only obtain a new Federation's territorial ticket at the Federation's headquarters in Vaskerestes.

If the angler provably threatens or physically assaults a fish warden, official, employee or agent of the Association, or damages federal or private property, he/she may be banned from exchanging a Federal territorial ticket for a period of more than 5 years or permanently. The decision on the ban will be made by the President of the Association in all cases from January 1, 2025, and the banned person may appeal to the Executive Committee of the Association. The Executive Committee is entitled to change the President's decision and modify the extent of the imposed ban. The angler involved in the procedure must be informed about the possibility of legal recourse in the President's decision.

Anglers can find out about violations of the rules and the sanctions that can be imposed if they are committed on our Association's website .

Perpetrators of the following violations and crimes would be subject to sanctions of being banned from the next ticket exchange in relation to water areas under Federal management. Act

Prohibition from changing regional tickets

Crime (large-scale theft, poaching, animal cruelty)

5 years

Violation of the upper size limit (e.g.: keeping extra carp):

5 years

Unauthorized fishing by a person under suspension:

Double the period of the ban, but at least 2 years

Transporting or attempting to transport large live fish:

5 years

Keeping fish protected by a closed season:

2 years

Violation of quantity limit:

1-5 years

Lower size limit violation:

1-3 years

Violation of the rules for keeping a catch log (falsification or alteration of entered data, failure to enter one or more fish)

1-3 years

Using significantly more skills than allowed:

1-3 years


- If the angler commits any of the above-listed egregious acts again after having committed and been punished once, the ban for the second time will be doubled.

- If the angler is punished for irregularities not listed above and then commits any other irregularity within the following 3 years, he/she may face a 2-year ban.

Anyone who keeps fish in a water area managed by the Federation with a "Catch and Release" (C&R) fishing license - with the exception of pygmy catfish - may not exchange an annual area license for water areas managed by the Federation for 5 years following the violation.

With an adult daily territorial ticket - within 24 hours - you can keep 2 of each species of noble fish subject to size restrictions, a total of 5 pieces, and a maximum of 5 kg of other fish.

With a youth daily area ticket - within 24 hours - you can keep 1 fish of each species of noble fish subject to size restrictions, 3 fish in total, and a maximum of 5 kg of other fish.

With a child's daily area ticket - within 24 hours - you cannot keep fish that are under the size limit! Only other fish can be kept, up to a maximum of 3 kg.

With an adult weekly area ticket - you can keep 6 fish of each species subject to size restrictions per week, a total of 12 fish, and a maximum of 12 kg of other fish per week. (With the weekly ticket, you can keep 2 fish of each species per day, a total of 5 fish, and a maximum of 5 kg of other fish until the weekly quota is reached.)

In case of loss of a state fishing license (catch log), a new regional license must be obtained!

Explanation of the term "noble fish": All fish that have size restrictions and/or a closed season in the water areas managed by the Association. (Ex.: pike, carp, grass carp, rainbow trout, etc.) Chub, bream, and perch are not considered noble fish.

Special rules apply in federal waters.

  • The smallest size of the ham that can be kept is 30 cm / 2 pieces can be kept per day. ./
  • The minimum size of brown and rainbow trout that can be kept is 30 cm /2 pieces can be kept per day/
  • The minimum size of bream and chub that can be kept is 25 cm /3 kg per day./
  • The minimum size of the perch that can be kept is 20 cm /3 kg per day. can be kept/
  • The smallest size of the grass carp that can be kept: 40 cm / 2 pieces can be kept per day /
  • It is FORBIDDEN to keep carp larger than 60 cm measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, both in still waters and in rivers! The angler is obliged to release carp exceeding the upper size limit immediately and gently (after taking a quick photo, if necessary).
  • It is FORBIDDEN to keep a bream larger than 50 cm measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail in both still and flowing waters! The angler must immediately and gently release any bream exceeding the upper size limit (after taking a quick photo, if necessary).
  • In order to protect the fish, when taking photos/videos, the angler is required to hold the fish as low as possible in his hand. In order to protect large fish, when weighing, one should strive to choose the fastest and most gentle solutions for the fish. In case of improper handling of the fish, the fishery guard may withdraw the territorial ticket after issuing a warning.

It is prohibited to bait fish species protected by size restrictions (e.g. brown trout, chub) in water areas managed by the Association.

The removal of dwarf catfish and busa from waters managed by the Association is permitted without any quantitative restrictions.

The weight of the caught and retained noble fish must be recorded immediately after the catch, with the exact date, hour and minute, in the same row.

The weight of other fish must be recorded in the catch log when leaving the fishing spot. The retention of busa and dwarf catfish does not count towards the other fish take-away quota, and they can be retained indefinitely.

The catch log can only be kept with a ballpoint pen, any corrections can only be made on a separate line after crossing out.

4./ There is no specific ban on catching carp in still waters managed by the Association, except for water areas in two environmental protection areas:

  • Lake Hársas – Máriaujfalu.
  • Lake Vadasa with its reservoir - Hegyhátszentjakab.

In the case of a specific ban on catching carp in the listed waters, state regulations must be applied. All types of habituating feeding are prohibited on the lakes located in the two listed environmental protection areas! The Association may order a temporary general ban on catching carp from the date of fish stocking, which must be announced on the website and by means of an announcement next to the affected water area.

5./ A fellow angler who states or spreads a fact about the fishing community (e.g., association leader, fishing guard, etc.) in front of others that is capable of damaging the honor, or uses an expression directly referring to such a fact, commits an offense and, in addition to the applicable legal provisions in force, the fishing guard is entitled to immediately withdraw his territorial tag due to unethical behavior in the fishing community. Based on the fishing guard's report, the Association initiates disciplinary proceedings against the fellow angler at the fishing association concerned.

We are waiting for photographic reports of record-sized fish species caught in the Association's water areas to the Association's contact details throughout the year. In the report, please record the angler's name, association, name of the fish species, time and location of the catch, weight of the caught fish, and a brief description of the circumstances of the catch. Among the reporters of record catches received by November 30 of the current year, we will draw 1 Federation service area ticket valid for the following year. In matters not regulated in these Fishing Rules, the National Fishing Rules of the MOHOSZ shall prevail.

Iron Cross, January 1, 2025.

Miklós Seregi sk



9795 Iron Cross, 165/4 hrs.
Phone: 06/94-506-835 Phone: 06/70-33-99-703

Halóri contact details:

Celldömölk-Sárvár area: 06/70-33-99-704 / Körmend-Szentgotthárd area: 06/70-33-99-705 /

Szombathely area: 06/70-33-99-706 / 06/30-65-81-422

Döröske-Vasvár-Püspökmolnár area: 06/70-33-99-713

Open lakes and Csepreg regional water areas: 06/70-774-45-58; 06/30-82-64-958

Downloadable Documents

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



10.1°  Humidity: 69%