TOP-1.2.1-15-VS1-2016-00001. application no. and subpage no. TOP-1.2.1-15-VS1-2019-00009
You can read in detail about the developments realized within the framework of the project No. TOP-1.2.1-15-VS1-2019-00009 entitled "Fishing tourism developments in Vas County" by the Vas County Association of Sports Fishing Associations by clicking on the following link:
TOP-1.2.1-15-VS1-2016-00001. application page no
Press release - March 1, 2017 -Fishing tourism developments are starting in Vasi waters
The Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations won a grant of almost HUF 110 million in the tourism development tender of the Regional and Settlement Development Operative Program with the project called "Fishing tourism developments in Vasi Vizek". The environment of eight water areas managed by a non-profit association with 8,000 registered fishing members in Vas county will be renewed next spring, to the great joy of anglers. In the framework of the project, more than 250 outdoor elements (e.g. benches, waste bins, mobility-restricted piers, etc.) will be installed, and thousands of square meters of fishing spots and shorelines close to nature will be renovated through the landscaping of the fishing ponds.
On the first day of spring, the Vas County Association of Sportfishing Associations held a project-launching press conference in Vaskeresztes, during which the leaders of the Association informed those present about the planned use of the support they received in the tourism development tender of the Regional and Urban Development Operative Program. After the opening dance of the German National Dance Group of Vaskeresztes, President Miklós Seregi said in his welcome speech that the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations currently operates as a non-profit NGO in 1,397.19 hectares of water as the owner of 29 rivers and 21 stagnant waters. The organization performs its advocacy activities as a member of the Hungarian National Fishing Association, in 2016 there were 7,979 members in the Association's 28 member associations. Taking family members and relatives into account, the Association has in mind the interests of more than 30,000 nature-loving citizens. In addition to ensuring fishing conditions, as a non-profit organization, the main focus of the association's operation is the protection of fish and its habitat, the education of youth, the organization of competitive fishing, and the development of fishing tourism.
The press conference was attended by László Majthényi, the president of the Vas County Assembly , who said in his greeting that the main attraction of Vas County is the medicinal waters, but other additional tourist opportunities are also very important. During the preparation of the county's tourism development strategy, it was a priority to ensure that guests arriving in the county have additional, active tourism services of a suitable standard available to them in the near future. He thanked the Vas County Tourism Association, which actively participated in the preparation of the county's tourism development strategy, as well as the managers and employees of the Vas County Self-Government dealing with tourism. He praised the work of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations and congratulated him on the successful application. The careful preparatory work of the staff of the strong, well-organized Vasi fishing association also reflects the fact that tourism development will take place in eight settlements from the winning bid in the next one year. From the report of executive chairman Norbert Puskás , it was revealed that in accordance with the Vas County Spatial Development Strategy, within the framework of the Széchenyi 2020 program, Magyarszecsődi Lake, Gencsapát Gravel Mine Lake, Vaskeresztes Pinka Lagoon, Vaskeresztes Fishing Tourism Center, Gersekarát Sárvíz Lake, Püspökmolnár Gravel Mine - lake, Csepreg Téglagyári lake, Pinkamindszent mining lake, and the development of the tourist infrastructure of Mersevát lake will be implemented until March 31, 2018. In addition to the listed fishing waters, TOP-1.2.1-15-VS1-2016-00001. with the help of 109.99 million forints from the European Union, which was awarded with tender no. .
According to the preliminary study plans prepared for the tender, a total of 259 outdoor elements will be installed, and several thousand square meters of close-to-nature fishing spots and shorelines will be renovated through the landscaping of the lakes. The aim of the developments is to ensure that the fishing tourism sites and their surroundings, which will be renovated, serve the recreational needs of visitors as well as possible, and provide more orderly conditions for active leisure time. The investments help to improve the image of the settlement in the affected areas and to expand the recreational opportunities of the population living in the area as well as the tourists who come there. There was a comprehensive guiding principle for the tourism development of the individual lakes: development of access and parking facilities, protection of the environmental condition, provision of enjoyable pastime for non-fishing family members (playgrounds, covered event spaces, fire pits), placement of informational surfaces. Another priority is to build suitable fishing lodges for those with limited mobility at several fishing lakes. An important part of the project is the marketing activity, the purpose of which is to present the results of the development and the attractiveness of the iron waters. As part of the marketing activity, the Association's website will be renewed and made available in several languages, as well as its optimization for mobile devices. In order to popularize the renewable fishing waters, appearances are also made in various media, and free tourist publications are also prepared. In order to multiply the marketing activity and the results achieved in the tender, the project manager wants to build an active relationship with the local governments along the fishing waters and the relevant tourist destination management organizations. The Association is confident that, in addition to increasing the satisfaction of local fishermen, the fishing tourism project to be implemented will contribute to the increase in the number of tourists visiting the area and to the extension of their stay. Currently, the construction and licensing plans of the individual development areas are being developed. According to the project's schedule, in the months of April-May - within the framework of a public procurement procedure - the implementing companies implementing the development will be selected, after which the works can begin already at the beginning of summer. The Wednesday event - with the participation of project manager János Páli and tourism expert Judit Hidvéginé Molnár - ended with a consultation with the tourism destination management organizations affected by the project.
The Vas County Association of Sportfishing Associations currently operates as a non-profit civil organization in 1,397.19 hectares of water as the rightful owner of 29 rivers and 21 stagnant waters. Until this fall, 8,291 members joined the Association's 27 member associations, which exceeded last year's record number of 7,979 by 292 people. In addition to ensuring fishing conditions, as a non-profit organization, the main focus of the Association's operation is the protection of fish and its habitat, the education of youth, the organization of competitive fishing, and the development of fishing tourism. In addition to the increase in the number of members, one of the important results of this summer is that work has begun on the project called "Fishing tourism development in Vasi Vizek" with a grant of almost HUF 110 million, which was awarded in the tourism development tender of the Regional and Urban Development Operative Program. In the nationally unique program, eight water areas from the still waters managed by the Vas County Fishing Association (Magyarszecsődi lake, Gencsapát kavicsbánya lake, the Pinka-holtág in Vaskerzeste, Sárvíz lake in Gersekarát, Kavicsbánya lake in Püspökmolnár, Téglagyári lake in Csepreg, Pinkamindszent mine lake, Lake Merseváti) will be renewed next spring. As part of the project, more than 250 outdoor elements will be installed, and thousands of square meters of fishing spots close to nature and shorelines will be renovated through the landscaping of the fishing ponds. In the middle of August, Vaskeresztesen held IV. The expansion of the Vaskeresztes Fishing Tourism Center with a 250 m2 event space and an 80 m2 terrace was already handed over on the Pinka-völgy Fish Day as the initial phase of the project.
At the event, László Majthényi, the president of the Vas County Assembly, said that this year's Fish Day is a historic moment, because it was the first of the projects financed by TOP resources to be handed over. Dr. Csaba Hende, Member of Parliament, also spoke approvingly of the activity of the people of Vaszekrestes and the dynamic development of the Vas County Fishing Association. On behalf of the Hungarian National Fishing Association, Vice-President Károly Bokor congratulated the developments and presented an appreciative procession to his Association, which was received by the organization's leaders, President Miklós Seregi and Executive President Norbert Puskás.
The area of the small Alpesi Horgásztó, which is located next to the Fishing Tourist Center in Vaskereszetes, and is rich in fish, has been enriched with comfortable resting places for everyone, bicycle storage, a log children's play area and other well-being facilities for the end of the summer.
It was gratifying to see that several children's groups already used the completed improvements in the fall. By the beginning of September, the backwaters of the Pinka stream in Vaskereszetes were also renovated, where the support was used to renovate the floodgates, create a comfortable waterfront bench for fishing, benches, tables, a camp toilet, and a renewed gravel road. After Vaskeresztes, the works continued in Csepreg at the Téglagyári lake in the months of October and November.
As part of the project, the gravel road leading to the lake - nearly 200 m long - was renovated, a playground with a sandpit was also built for children, and log benches and tables were installed. In addition, a 6x6 m indoor event space was built, near which bicycle storage, an information board, waste collection, and a bacon oven were also established. We will continue to report on further developments completed during the winter.
Press release - March 15, 2018 - Renewable waterfronts and website await anglers
In recent months, the work has continued on the project TOP-1.2.1-15-VS1-2016-00001 named "Fishing tourism developments in the Vasi Vizek", which was awarded a grant of almost HUF 110 million in the tourism development tender of the Territorial and Urban Development Operative Program. in project no. In the nationally unique program, in addition to the Fishing Tourism Center of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, eight of the stagnant waters managed by the organization are Lake Magyarszecsődi, Lake Gencsapát, Pinka-holtág in Vaskerzeste, Mud Lake in Gersekarát, Gravel Mine in Püspökmolnár lake, the Csepreg Téglagyári lake, the Pinkamindszent mine lake, and the surroundings of Lake Merseváti will be renewed this spring. During the winter, the construction works continued, and in the past few days, the angling tourism developments were completed with the installation of places with restricted mobility in Vaskeresztes and at the Téglagyári lake in Csepreg, which will be handed over in a few weeks. In addition to the construction and land planning works, the Association also carried out IT developments in the framework of the fishing tourism tender. The website, launched eleven years ago, has been renewed both in form and content.
Between the months of December and February, depending on the weather conditions, the landscaping and the creation of fishing spots close to nature took place - at the project locations. The aim of the works was that after the development, the waterfront would meet the biological, aesthetic and functional requirements of fishing. In some places, it was a particularly important task to create a bench on the waterfront, with a horizontal surface. With the high-performance crawler excavators, partial brush and shrub extermination was carried out at the Püspökmolnár, Magyarszecsőd Kavicsbánya lakes, the Gersekarát Sárvíz lake and the Mersevát Tőzegbánya lake, as well as the removal of numerous waterside stumps.

As part of the project, a total of 92 fishing spots with an area of 5-18 m2 suitable for different terrain conditions were also created. The established fishing spots were covered with 10 cm thick antigorite screed, in the places where the difference in level between the shore and the established fishing spot was justified, terrain steps and retaining walls will be built in the coming weeks.

works carried out on the Magyarszecsődi lake
The renovation of the 58-fishing accommodation competition course previously established at the Sárvíz lake in Gersekarát has also been largely completed. In addition to the development of fishing spots and coastal landscaping, the awarded tender fund made it possible to use 363 m3 of antigorite gravel to renovate 1,200 m of dilapidated waterfront road, and the road sections near Lake Gencsapáti are still to be renovated.

During the spring, 15 covered bench-table sets, 57 log benches with backrests, 35 log bench-table sets, 16 bacon ovens, log bicycle racks, garbage bins, information boards, tool storage, and 6 camp toilets. In order to make up for the shortfall, a barrier-free fishing spot will be created at five lakes in order to - safely - serve fellow anglers with limited mobility. At the Püspökmolnári lake - a peninsula that has undergone significant landscaping - in addition to the outdoor wooden furniture, a log sandpit will also be built for fishing families with small children. Similar to Püspökmolnári, the Association will establish a sand pit in Gersekarát, but there will also be a log play element with a slide and swing. Due to the infrastructural features of the waterfront in Gersekarat, the construction of an on-line tourist camera system will also be implemented.
In addition to the construction and land planning works, the Association also carried out IT developments in the framework of the fishing tourism tender. The website, launched eleven years ago, has been renewed both in form and content. The smartphone-optimized website will be available in German and English in the coming months in order to serve tourist purposes. All water areas under the management of the Vas County Fishing Association and nearby fishing shops, associations, ticket offices, and tourist service providers are presented in detail on the website.

On the new website, you can find everything you need to become an angler, or to be a fisherman in everyday life: online registration interface for fishing competitions, fishing exams, whistleblower, fishing news, installations, organizational information, newsletter system. basic fishing knowledge, teaching materials...etc. On the renewed site, in addition to the traditional content, new functions that strengthen the life of the fishing community are available free of charge: For example, "Come fishing with me!", in which menu item the fishermen can organize joint fishing trips, saving travel costs and making new fishing friends at the same time! On the new site, after a quick registration, you can advertise your used fishing equipment for free, as well as share photos of beautiful fish caught on iron waters by entering some catch data.

In the program of Szombathely Television on March 26, 2018, there was a summary report on the fishing tourism developments in Vaskeresztes.
In the program of Vasi Kaleidoscope on April 20, 2018, there was a summary report on the developments of the Téglagyári lake in Csepreg and the Kavicsbánya lake in Püspökmolnári
The Szombathely Television program featured a summary report on the fishing tourism developments in Gersekarát.
The Szombathely Television program featured a summary report on the fishing tourism developments in Magyarszecsőd.
Detailed information on fishing opportunities and tenders in Vas county can be requested by calling 06-94/506-835, as well as on the website, which is being renewed as part of the project!
Photos of the developments completed in the tender project >>>
The above information is from TOP-1.2.1-15-VS1-2016-00001. was published with the support of tender no