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Fishing test regulations

Detailed regulations of the fishing examination

Data protection
Participants in the state fishing examination are bound by the legal regulations related to data protection. The personal data of applicants for the fishing exam (hereinafter referred to as: the examinee) may be used by those participating in the examination solely for the purpose of identification during the examination. Those taking part in the examination acknowledge that the data obtained in this way must be treated confidentially and that their legal protection must be ensured.

Liability and Eligibility
The state fishing examination - CII of 2013 on fish management and fish protection. Act (hereinafter: Hhvtv.) § 40, paragraph (9) - the Hungarian National Fishing Association (hereinafter: fishing association) or the fishing organization authorized by it - by means of a written agreement - to carry out fishing examinations (hereinafter: fishing organization) can be carried out.
Only the organization that complies with Regulation No. 133/2013 on the establishment of certain rules for fish farming and fish protection can be involved in fishing inspections. (XII. 29.) VM decree (hereinafter: Vhr.) fulfills the conditions set out in paragraph (2) of § 21, and has submitted the documents certifying compliance to the fishing association.
The fishing organization included in the examination is obliged to hold at least one state fishing examination every two months.
The smooth conduct of the fishing exam is the responsibility of the exam organizer.
The chairman of the fishing examination committee and the members of the committee are obliged to fully comply with the provisions of the relevant legislation and these regulations.
At the same time as applying for the exam, the candidate acknowledges the obligations established by the legislation related to the fishing exam, the legal consequences of violating them and the provisions of these exam regulations.

Application and conditions for the exam
The state fishing exam can be taken on the exam day announced by the fishing association or the fishing organization involved in the examination. All persons who have reached the age of 10 on the day of application can apply for the fishing exam. If the candidate has not yet reached the age of 14 on the day of application for the exam, in that case, before the start of the exam, he/she must present to the exam board a statement of consent given by his/her legal representative to participate in the fishing exam.​
An additional condition for a valid application for the fishing test is the completion of the fishing registration, which can be done on the website or at the association's ticket sales point. You can register for the fishing exam ONLY by entering the website (under the sub-menu of exams under Memberships and licenses) in the profile of the person applying for the exam. We cannot accept applications by phone or e-mail! It is important to know that if the announced exam dates are full, then the exam dates are automatically no longer available and it is not possible to apply for them. You can register for free exam places until 12:00 the day before the exam.
The state fishing exam is free of charge.

Tasks before the exam
On the day of the exam, before it begins, the chairman of the exam board is obliged to open the exam minutes and make sure that all members of the exam board are present, and that the announcement of the exam and the application of the persons wishing to take the exam have been made in accordance with the relevant legislation and these exam regulations.
The president is obliged to declare to the members of the examination board whether there is a conflict of interest with respect to any person applying for the examination. If a conflict of interest can be established in the case of an examination committee member, the fact must be recorded in the examination minutes. If there is also an oral examination, the committee member affected by the conflict of interest must leave the examination venue for the duration of the oral answer of the candidate affected by the conflict of interest.
After that, the persons wishing to take the exam will be called and the persons identified, which can be verified by presenting a valid identity document or Hungarian Fishing Card. A student ID card is also acceptable as proof of identity for persons under the age of 14 who wish to take the exam.

Student behavior
The examinee is obliged to comply with the provisions of these regulations and to comply with the general norms of behavior. The candidate's inappropriate behavior as a candidate will result in immediate disqualification. Inappropriate conduct by the examinee is understood as disrupting the order of the exam, thus any activity or intent to gain an unauthorized advantage for the examinee or his/her examinee.
The examinee must prove his/her identity in a credible way (identification document valid on the day of the exam, student ID card, Hungarian Fishing Card). If there is any doubt about the candidate's identity, the chairman of the examination board is obliged to ask the candidate to present an additional photo ID. If the candidate is unable to present another identity document upon the invitation, the candidate cannot be admitted to the exam.

Exemption from the examination requirement
An exam taken in a member state of the European Union, in another state that is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or in a state whose citizen is a citizen of the European Community and its member states, and on the basis of an international treaty between a state that is not a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, is considered equivalent to a state fishing exam. He enjoys the same legal status as a citizen of a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
Hhvtv. Pursuant to the provisions of § 40, paragraph (5), a person with an intellectual disability whose legal representative submits the documents certifying his status to the state fishing examination committee is exempted from taking the state fishing examination. A person with an intellectual disability who is exempt from taking the state fishing test and has documents authorizing fishing can only fish in the continuous presence of a person who has reached the age of 18 and has a state fishing test.
Hhvtv. According to § 40, paragraph (5), a blind or partially sighted person is exempt from taking the state fishing exam if he submits documents proving his status to the state fishing exam committee. Exemption from the fishing examination can be granted to the state fishing examination committee by a person who proves the basis of the exemption - e.g. it must be verified by submitting a specialist doctor's or other official document certifying long-term severe disability or a certified copy thereof.
The Vhr. Pursuant to § 21, paragraph (11), the fishing association, or the fishing organization authorized by it to conduct fishing examinations, replaces the lost or destroyed state fishing examination certificate - based on its registration data - without the obligation to repeat the examination, free of charge.

The fishing test
The fishing exam consists of multiple-choice questions to assess the level of online knowledge and recognition of the fish species found in our country from pictures.

The course of the exam
After the chairman of the committee has recorded the exact number of attendees and their basic data (name, place and time of birth, mother's name) in the electronic exam report, he opens the exam and starts the exam software.
The chairman of the committee informs the participants that he is obliged to exclude from the exam without warning the perpetrators of the following actions:
• who uses an electronic device during the exam that contains any knowledge material that can be used in the fishing exam, which may give its user an unfair advantage,
• who communicates with other examinees either verbally or in writing.

All examinees must answer the exam questions in the context of an online knowledge test on the tablet provided by our Association for the duration of the exam.
After completion, the system indicates the score achieved and automatically evaluates the exam as pass or fail. During the exam, a minimum of 30 points out of the maximum possible 45 points must be achieved.

In the case of a successful exam, the state fishing exam certificate is automatically generated in the angler's online profile for the person who took the exam.

Tasks after the exam
The chairman of the fishing examination committee electronically records and closes the results of the examination, and then sums up on the attendance sheet, which is a mandatory appendix to the minutes, how many of the candidates who applied for the examination passed the examination. Before closing the minutes, it must be established whether there were any irregularities or disturbing factors during the entire exam, whether the exam had to be interrupted, whether an exclusion occurred, or whether any candidate objected to their exam results.
The protocol is closed with the countersignature of the members of the examination committee, after its signature the fishing exam ends.

Downloadable Documents

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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