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We are launching our county competition series for the fourteenth time

2023.03.07. Share

In accordance with the traditions of previous years, this year we will also announce our "Best Sport Angler of Vasi Vize" competition series, within the framework of which, for the fourteenth time, all fellow anglers will have the opportunity to compete in the hobby and competitive categories.

We are launching our county competition series for the fourteenth time

The previously established excellent partnership with TackleBait Fishing Store and Pet Food and Garbolino Wholesale will continue in 2023, thanks to which anglers who place in our competitions will receive valuable shopping vouchers and gifts in addition to the usual souvenirs.

Decathlon Szombathelyi Sportáruház, which has been a significant supporter of the Association's fishing community events for years, will once again be the main supporter of the Association's programs for youth and disabled anglers.

At our competitions, professional anglers can compete according to national fine-rigging regulations, while more permissive rules apply to hobby anglers. The stated goal of the hobby category is for as many fellow anglers as possible to try the competition in a friendly environment. For them, both the float and bottom method are allowed, while for the competitors, you can only fish with the float method.

We organize several different competitions for children and youth competitors throughout the year, but we also welcome young people in the hobby youth category at the stations of the competition series. Those who have not turned 19 by December 31 of the current year can take part in the series of competitions in the youth category, for them our competitions are still free.

An important and perhaps the only significant change this year is that entry into the county competition series will be possible for adults regardless of category by paying an entry fee. Competitors who want to participate in several rounds and pay their entry fee in one sum by April 10, 2023, will be charged HUF 2,000/person/competition for each valid entry submitted. This year, for example, there will be 4 rounds in the hobby category, the entry fee of which is only HUF 8,000/person paid in a lump sum by April 10, 2023. For those anglers who pay their entry fee separately for each competition up to and including the entry deadline, the entry fee is HUF 3,000/person/competition. A total of 5 rounds will be held in the competitive category this year, of which the County Team Championship counts as two rounds, but entry to this member association team competition is free for everyone. Due to the above, competitors can only pre-order the entry fee for the other three rounds, the fee of which is only HUF 6,000/person.

Please pay the entry fee to the Association's bank account number 72100237-11042428 as soon as possible after registration, but no later than the entry deadline. It is absolutely necessary to include the names of the competitions and the competitor's name in the reference notice! (For example: János Kiss – Abért Cup, Karát Cup or in case of entry for the whole series: János Kiss – Vasi Vizeken competition series)

If someone does not have a bank account, or for some reason it is problematic for them to pay by bank transfer, in that case it is possible to pay the entry fees in cash at the Federation Office in Vaskereszeszte. Anglers intending to compete in the Competition category must obtain a competitor's license in accordance with MOHOSZ requirements. (Details here >>> ) The regulations and innovations introduced on a trial basis last year were well tested, so they remain in force and were also indicated in the rules of this year's competition announcements.

Anglers who have redeemed their license in one of the Association's member associations and enter the Vasi Vizeken cups announced by the Association, will automatically participate in the XIV. also in the competition series called "The Best Sport Angler of Iron Waters", which in 2023 includes the following competitions:

  • In the hobby category:

April 16, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Karát Cup - Location: Gersekarát

May 1, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Kétchatar Lake Cup - Location: Kerkafalva

May 14, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Abért–tó Cup - Location: Lukácsháza

June 18, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Magyarszecsód Cup - Location: Magyarszecsód

  • In the competitive category:

April 16, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Karát Cup - Location: Gersekarát

May 1, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Kétchatar Lake Cup - Location: Kerkafalva

May 14, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Abért–tó Cup - Location: Lukácsháza

September 23-24, 2023 - Garbolino-TackleBait Vas County Individual and Team Championship - Location: Lukácsháza

From the specified rounds, a minimum of 3 rounds per category must be taken in order for the sports angler's result to be evaluated in the competition series. Anyone can participate in the competition series, but only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association are included in the overall evaluation.

The end-of-season winners of the categories will receive the wanderer's cup and the title of "Best Sport Angler of Vasi Vizek 2023". Furthermore, the first-place winners of the competition and hobby categories will win an annual area ticket valid for the year 2024 for the fishing waters managed by the Association, among other valuable gifts. In addition, we also definitely count on children and youth anglers.At each competition, we also give separate prizes to those who enter the hobby youth category up to the age of 18.

The competition calendar and the detailed description of the competitions can be previewed as an attachment to this news. The registration interface for the competitions will be made available on our website from 10:00 a.m. on March 13, 2023 (Monday), under the events-competition dates menu item. Similar to last year, this year too, the entry interfaces are available separately by category. We keep fishing spots open for youth competitors in every competition, so that in all cases the start of the youth competitors is ensured. Please pay due attention to submitting your entry in the correct category! We can accept the entries of 35-50 people per location, so it's not worth delaying!

We wish you a successful competition!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



30.03°  Humidity: 47%