The VASI VIZEKEN-DECATHLON COUNTY YOUTH FISHING FESTIVAL will be held on Sunday 19 June 2022 on Lake Rábasömjen. The event, which is supported by the MOHOSZ HUNOP competition, was open only to students participating in secondary school education. By the end of the registration deadline, a total of 6 young people had applied.
The Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Association considers the following entry list to be final:
1. | Linter Hunor | Répcelak City Miner Fisherman 's Association |
2. | Olivér Takács | Rábapaty and Region Fishermen's Association |
3. | András Csizmazia | Locomotive Fishing Association Celldömölk |
4. | Sarah Szélesi | Locomotive Fishing Association Celldömölk |
5. | Áron Balhási | Alsószölnö Sports and Tourism Association |
6. | Máté Bucsek | Rábapaty and Region Fishermen's Association |
In case you do not want to / cannot take part in the competition, please let us know by sending an e-mail to or by phone at +36 70 3399 709 by 10 am on Friday, June 17, 2022. !
The competition consists of four events. Participants start the day by writing a theoretical test, followed by a fishing DIY. After the first two hurdles, a 3-hour catch of fish begins and the competition ends with a throwing competition.
The winner of the quiz will be the one with the lowest total ranking at the end of the day. In a possible tie, the final test ranks, and in the event of a tie, the final result of the fishing race.
Rewarding: Competitors who have achieved 1-3 places will be enriched with valuable Decathlon gifts in addition to the souvenirs, as well as MOHOSZ in the I-II-III. In terms of the number of winners, it provides object bonuses in the amount of HUF 38,000-28,000-18,000 as basic support. Furthermore, the first three winners of the competition - with the exception of travel expenses - can participate in the final of the MOHOSZ 2022 National Fishing Competition in the summer, free of charge, with full board (accommodation, meals).
The course of the competition:
7:00 - 7:15 Registration
7:15 - 7:30 Opening, technical meeting, lottery
7:30 - 8:00 Theoretical quiz (Test)
8:00 - 8:30 DIY quiz
8:45 - 9:45 Occupying fishing spots and preparing for a fishing competition
9:45- 12:45 Fishing competition
12:45 - 13:30 Weighing, packing
13:30 -14: 30 Goal throwing competition
15:15 Announcement of results
We hereby inform the fellow fishermen that
On June 19, 2022 (Sunday) from 07.00 to 15.00 on Lake Rábasömjen
there will be a general ban due to the County Youth Fishing Quiz
for anglers not entered in the competition.
Thank you for your understanding!