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Wounded trout arrived in the iron rivers

2020.04.17. Share

On 16 April 2020, 100 kg of brown trout per stream, ie 400-450 per water area, were installed in the Gyöngyös and Pinka streams and in the Répce river.

Wounded trout arrived in the iron rivers

The beautiful fish from the Trout Farm in Lillafüred were transported by Tamás Urfi, the managing director of the Fejér County Fishermen's Association, in special fish transport tanks, ordered by the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Fishermen's Associations. After a long journey, fish deployed at 4-5 sites per stream quickly found themselves in their new home.

In addition to the employees of our Association, three well-known lovers of spinning and fly fishing also took part in the installation, to whom we would also like to thank once again. During the installations, the effect of the dams of the small streams was taken into account, so that, if possible, the installed trout can appear on all sections.

The trout stocks of all three watercourses can be said to be stable, in some sections throughout the year, in others only in spring and autumn specimens of the typically territorially behaving fish species appear to the delight of spinning and fly fishing.

In order to protect the installed specimens in all three rivers 04.18. A general ban on fishing was ordered until 06.00 on Saturday, and we would like to draw the attention of our fishermen to the fact that our Association, using the opportunity provided by law, has ordered a ban on keeping caught trout no matter the size until 30.00 on April 30, 2020!

We ask our anglers to be informed of the relevant restrictions before fishing, and to release all specimens of brown trout caught in the water area of Vas County immediately after careful and gentle release of the hook! Our Association is initiating official action against fishing violators against violators of the restriction!

Of course, we wish our law-abiding anglers who try sport-like fishing methods the richest possible river experience! Let's protect and defend these wonderful fish from our streams together!


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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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