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They competed in three categories for the Lake Abért Cup

2021.09.15. Share

Last Sunday, 54 starters successfully took part in this year’s Iron Waters - Decathon Abért-Lake Cup. The next stop of the Vasi Vizek's best sport fishing competition series this time was Lake Abért in Lukácsháza, located in a picturesque environment.

They competed in three categories for the Lake Abért Cup

For hobby and junior anglers, the last competition came from this year’s race series, while another race awaits the riders next weekend. For the 7-hour registration in the morning, the anglers kept coming to the waterfront, so while the entries were being submitted, they had some time to come up with tactics to use in sunny, windless weather that could lead to a victory in the Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Lake Abért Cup.

The event was opened by Managing President Norbert Puskás with a quick introduction to the rules, and he also said a few words about the draw and the occupation of seats. After that, the draw started, in which Judit Polgárné Németh listed the names and Norbert Puskás pulled out the starting places of the pecs. The draw was first for the 18 racing category anglers, followed by the 4 youngsters and finally the hobby category riders were able to find out where they could book a seat in the next 4 hours.

Before the first bagpipe was uttered, the fishing comrades went through a quick bait limitation. The anglers starting in the competitor category prepared a lot of pole fishing skills, and the bait and bait for feeding were in many places of the same texture and color, so only professional anglers could trust their knowledge and their fishing place.

Sportsmates starting in the hobby category were made with different quality and quantity of bait, bait and method, and bottom fishing was also allowed in this category. It was among the hobby anglers who preferred the distant pecca but there were those who preferred to trust more near the shore to turn there for more fish in the almost summer hot weather.

This year's Lake Abért Cup kicked off at ten o'clock. The assemblies got into the water, so all we had to do was wait for the fish. It gave the anglers little hope that shortly after the start of the race, the wind began to sway, so there was no need to question the mirror water. In the first two hours, Lake Abért did not really show how many fish it hides, as there was a competition angler who could put only 2 dwarf catfish in the bag after two hours. Several complained that they could not cheat the fish in front of them and if they did, they were extremely careful. They presumably felt the cold front breaking from the west, as the dark clouds had gathered heavily in the meantime.

In both the hobby and youth categories, several boasted nice dishes after the first two hours. Towards the end of the survey, the lake showed its true face, there were those who had to ask for consideration, as they had already caught more than 20 kilos of fish.

For hobby anglers, mainly the feeder method technique worked, the competition started to get tighter. By the end of this year's Lake Abért Cup, even the rain showed itself for a few moments, but fortunately the deliberations and the announcement of the results took place in pleasant and weather conditions.

In the end, the following close results were achieved in the competition:

  • Hobby category:

1st place: Ferenc Nagy - Kerkfalvi Kéthatár-tó HE. - 23. 340 gr. - 1 hsz.

2nd place: Gábor Németh - HE of Ölbői. - 23,260 gr - 1 hsz.

3rd place: Gábor Bálint - Körmendi Munkás HE. - 21,520 gr - 1 hsz.

  • Youth category:

1st place: Linter Hunor - Répcelaki HE. - 17,700 gr

2nd place: Gersei Milán - Körmendi Munkés HE. - 8,540 gr

3rd place: Bors Ivett - Spartacus HE. - 5860 gr

  • Competitor category:

1st place: Zsolt Horváth - Szentgotthárd HE. - 24,300 gr - 1 hsz.

2nd place: Viktor Kovács - Worker from Körmend HE. - 22,300 gr - 1 hsz.

3rd place: György Unger - Körmendi Munkás HE. - 16,780 gr - 2 hsz.

  • Best female hobby angler:

Imréné Fekete 6820 gr - 5.5 hsz.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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