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The young people from Iron performed well in the 44th National Youth Fishing Camp and Competition

2022.08.08. Share

MOHOSZ's 44th National Youth Fishing Camp started on July 31, 2022 in Zalaegerszeg, on Lake Gébárti. On Sunday afternoon, 44 youth fishermen moved into the camp on the lake's peninsula. They are the podium finishers of the youth fishing competitions organized by the member associations of MOHOSZ, who were now able to compete against each other in the national finals.

The young people from Iron performed well in the 44th National Youth Fishing Camp and Competition

As in the contests, the competitors had to demonstrate their skills in four competitions (fish catching, rigging, casting and theory), but they also took part in numerous programs and performances during the six days. The members of the iron team were Sára Szélesi (Celldömölki Locomotive HE.), Hunor Linter (Répcelaki HE.), András Csizmazia (Celldömölki Locomotive HE.).

The second day was about lectures and practical demonstrations, and the rigging competition was also held on this day. At six o'clock the camp was full of young people gathering for the morning tournament. Breakfast was followed by three performances. Balázs Magyar drew the attention of the campers to the gentle treatment of fish and demonstrated the correct use of fish protection devices. Norbert Kovács spoke about the origin, present and future of native and alien fish species in our country in his presentation on fish fauna.
Imre Biri explained the rules of water transport and then taught the young people to row. Those who weren't boating at the time were of course chasing fish and training for Tuesday's fishing competition.

After lunch, the first of the camp's four main competitions began, which was rigging. This year, the competitors had to make a long fore knife feeder end assembly combined with a thrower and a power tire. At the end of the long day, everyone managed to prepare for the next day's competition, the fishing equipment was prepared and lined up on the terraces of the wooden houses. The next day, after the early wake-up call, the morning hours were spent preparing. The campers competed against each other in the Andráshid branch of Lake Gébárti. Two sectors were designated on the approximately half-kilometer race track, where the competitors could comfortably fit. Most of them decided to feed, but it was not easy because of the deep water. The bed deepens steeply, the feeding baskets have already sunk to a depth of 6-7 meters 20-30 meters from the shore.

Linter Hunor became the first in the composite, who struggled throughout the three-hour competition and caught more than four and a half kilos of snecitis along with a couple of bonus bucks. After the substantial lunch, the task was to prepare the bream caught together in the kitchen as the first part of the home team competition. The young people did well in the exam and it seemed that it was not the first time that they were peeling and filleting fish. During the free time in the afternoon, the campers could relax by going to the beach and playing football.

On the fourth day, after the usual morning routine, Károly Bokor introduced the campers to the secrets of spinning. In the framework of the colorful and experience-rich presentation, he presented the most important types of lures, then got into a boat and swam them.

Target spotting, or casting as it is called, taught young anglers a lesson. On four courses, from a distance of 12 and 16 meters, you had to throw as accurately as possible onto the tarpaulins. Due to equality of points, the fate of more than ten places had to be decided by "tossing". The most points were collected by Bence Gandis , who only threw eights twice. After the water bomb battle in the afternoon, the water-drenched competitors continued to cool off in the aqua park next to the lake. In the sparkling sun, there were those who chose to bathe or sunbathe, the others played beach volleyball. After the evening summary and briefing, another competition, the rubber boot toss, caused fun moments.

Fishing guide and nature lover István Dóczi's presentation about insects, amphibians and reptiles surprised even the camp leaders. Together with the young people, they listened curiously to the exciting presentation about aquatic life, the focus of which was not on fish. After a short rest, the theoretical round of the competition followed, where the competitors could measure their skills by filling out a test sheet and recognizing fish. In the team competition, fish species also had to be named, which was no problem for the nine-person teams, even though they only had 15 seconds per fish species. The second round of the fishing competition started at two in the afternoon. Using the experience of the previous round, the young fishermen already caught twice as many fish here. Balázs Németh, a member of the selected squad, arrived at the start of the competition and helped them with a number of instructions. During the evening discussion, they continued to question Balázs, who answered the questions until dark. The fish catching competition was won by Linter Hunor, who collected only three points for his sector victory on Tuesday.

On the penultimate day of the camp , Ákos Kovács and Balázs Magyar held a lecture and practical demonstration on catfishing. During the presentation of the different methods, the campers were able to take a close look at the rigs, but they also talked about fatigue and gentle treatment, among other things. In the practical part, Ákos scuttled from a boat, which the students also tried.

On the closing day of the camp on Friday , Norbert Puskás, the vice president of MOHOSZ, during the announcement of the results - as a former camper - praised the importance of the National Youth Fishing Camps and encouraged the young people to take part in the education of fishing youth in the future and to take on association or association leadership tasks as adults. . The Hungarian fishing movement needs well-prepared young fishing leaders so that excellent programs like the National Fishing Camp can be held in the coming decades. Zsolt Komáromy, the chairman of the Youth and Education Committee, thanked the camp management team for their work, who individually evaluated the results of the fishing competition and handed over the prizes. The first ten winners won valuable fishing equipment, but the others didn't have to be sad either, because all 44 competitors could take home a gift package.

The composite result calculated on the basis of the individual competitions became final after the evaluation of the theory round.

The overall winner's trophy and gifts went to Milán Mányi, who performed consistently well and collected a total of 24 points. The second place went to Rada Kornél, who was constantly competing for the podium. In third place was Bence Gandis, who won the casting competition.

Dániel Ökrös completed the knowledge assessment consisting of fish recognition and a test sheet with an outstanding accuracy of 97%, so he confidently won this competition.

Krisztián Zaka won the first place in assembly production.

The special prize for the most beautiful fish went to Barnabás Bozóki.

The young people from Vasu deserve all the praise, they did a great job during the various competitions!
In the end, Linter Hunor achieved the best position among them, who managed to get the 6th place overall. Congratulations also go to our other two young people, as Sára Szélesi was the most skilled female competitor, and András Csizmazia finished in the first half of the field.

Congratulations to all participants!

Source: MOHOSZ

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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