The Horg-Ászok team from Sárvár won this year's Fishing Competition
On June 6, the XVIII. Vasi Vizeken - Final of the Decathlon Primary School Fishing Competition. The on-site competition was preceded by two correspondence rounds, for which this year 17 teams from the primary schools of Vas county entered. The 10 best performing teams came to Vaskeresztes for the on-site final.

After registration, the children took their places, which were marked by the team flags made in the first round. Norbert Puskás, the executive president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations , greeted the children and their companions and spoke appreciatively about the team flags. He said that it gives us a very good feeling that the children who took part in the first Vasi Vizeken Primary School Competition are now adults and, as far as we know, there are some whose children are already interested in fishing, so it is possible that we will soon be able to welcome the at a future school competition.
Judit Polgárné Németh, an employee of the Association and the organizer of the event, explained the course of the competition and the rules. In the first half of the competition, the children solved a theoretical worksheet. The thorough preparation was shown by the fact that the teams completed the tasks very quickly, well within the given time. The worksheet assessed the students' knowledge with test questions, true-false statements to be decided, and fish recognition based on pictures. The teams submitted their solutions in sealed envelopes and excitedly prepared for the practical part of the program, the catching of fish.
After the fishing spots were drawn, the teams took their places. The Association provided everyone with a 3 m and a 4 m Caperlan rod, but the children could also fish with a rod of the same size brought from home. A bagpipe signaled when the feeding could begin, and after 5 minutes another bagpipe signaled the start of the competition.
This year, a helper was not allowed to stay with the teams at the water's edge, despite this, the children performed very well, skillfully completing this part of the competition as well. During the fishing, mostly silver crucians, some larger carp were caught and 3 baleen were also hooked. The students of Dr. Csepregi János Horváth Primary School, the SzevaszTok team, were especially good, catching more than 6 kg of fish.
After the competition, there was a weigh-in, almost everyone got a fish in their mouth.
After the correspondence round, the on-site theoretical and practical tasks, the overall final result was as follows:
1. HOOKS - Géza Gárdonyi Sárvári Primary School
2.SzevaszTOK - Dr. Csepregi János Horváth Primary School
3. SÁRVÁRI SÜGEREK - Géza Gárdonyi Sárvári Primary School
4.Király Keszegek - Répcelaki Móra Ferenc Primary School and MI
5. Harcsák - István Rumi Rajki Elementary School
6. Karate Carps - Ferenc Móra Primary School in Répcelaki
7. Rainbow Fist - István Rumi Rajki Primary School
8.Csalik a Horgon - János Arany Rábapatyi Primary School
9.Derko Carp Team - Gyula Derkovits Primary School in Szombathely
10. Fishing rods - Jenő Gothard General School
At the announcement of the results, all participants and their accompanying teachers received a souvenir card and a gift package, the members of the first three teams and their schools received additional gifts, a cup, a fishing rod and a coupon to be used in the restaurant offered by Alpesi Fogadó.
Norbert Puskás thanked the children for their participation and the helpers and teachers for supporting the children in spending as much time as possible fishing and expanding their fishing knowledge.
The major sponsor of the event is Decathlon Szombathelyi Sportáruház, who provided the fishing rods needed for fishing. The young people's pole rig was jointly provided by the M-Team swimming company and the Mini-Zoo Díszállat és Horgászbolt.
The children, parents and teachers also returned home full of experiences and expressed that they can't wait to meet again next year at this event.
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