Széchenyi Terv Plusz

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The opinion of fishermen is being researched nationally

2023.09.15. Share

The Hungarian National Fishing Association (MOHOSZ) is preparing a new National Fishing Tourism Strategy for the development of fishing tourism at the request of the State Secretariat for Active Hungary of the Prime Minister's Office, with the professional cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office, and comprehensive knowledge of the opinions of fishermen and the initial situation is essential for the success of this work.

The opinion of fishermen is being researched nationally

Please fill out the following questionnaire in order to lay the foundation for future developments and for the success of our joint work. Based on the current data protection legislation, we continuously ensure the protection of your data during filling, processing and use and that the use is bound to the purpose (establishment of fishing tourism).

The questionnaire is available by clicking here.

Filling out the questionnaire is linked to a prize draw, in which those who enter their fishing card number and e-mail address will be entered into a lottery. The following prizes will be drawn for every 1,000 forms submitted:

- 1st prize: 1 annual (2024) combined national regional ticket according to age group and eligibility (for 1 winner)

- II. prize: 1 fishing article voucher worth HUF 50,000 (for 1 winner)

- III. prize: 2 fishing article vouchers worth HUF 25,000 (for 2 winners)

- IV. prize: 3 fishing article vouchers worth HUF 10,000 (for 3 winners)

- V. prize: 3 1-year subscriptions to Magyar Horgász magazine or 1-year subscription to digital Magyar Horgász (for 3 winners)

The prize draw will take place on October 25, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

The deadline for filling in is October 10, 2023.

Once again, we thank you very much for your help and supportive attitude!

NHTS2030 Working Group

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



30.03°  Humidity: 43%