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Ten thousand small rock perch were settled on the iron section of the Rába River

2020.06.02. Share

The continuous introduction of native fish species is a priority of our Association. In addition to the usual fish species - depending on the purchasing opportunities - we also try to install rare fish species, so it was yesterday as well.

Ten thousand small rock perch were settled on the iron section of the Rába River

On Thursday, Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit ZRT. pre-farmed fish consignment received from. The fish destined for the waters of Vas County, transported in oxygen-blown foil bags and insulated baths, took place in Sárvár. The settlements took place on the section of the Rába from Sárvár to the end of Rábahídv, taking into account the habitat needs of the rock perch.

Although most anglers claim to be able to easily distinguish rock perch from their larger relatives, it is worthwhile to briefly repeat the main differences between the two species based on fisherman's experience, all the more so as the definite streaking of rock perch is not always suitable for isolation.

The two most basic differences between perch and rock perch are:
-the mouth of a perch reaches roughly to the midline of the eye, but never beyond the posterior margin line of the eye (the perch does);
-in adult specimens lack perch-specific dentures in rock perch.

Once again, we ask our T. Fellow fishermen to be careful during their fishing and, in the event of a catch, to carefully release the new inhabitants of the Rába River from the hook, and then immediately and gently release them back into the water!

Take care of each other and the valuable fish stocks in our natural waters!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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