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Renewable energy helps the operation of the Iron Cross Fishing Tourism Center

2020.08.31. Share

The headquarters of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations is located in the Vaskeresztes Alpine Inn and Fishing Tourism Center, which was built in 2006. As a result of continuous developments at the Association, in recent years - with EU and government support - the fishing tourism center has been expanded with a 250 m2 event space and an 80 m2 canopy terrace, as well as a sophisticated park and a double size fishing lake. The Association is constantly developing the fishing tourism activities provided by the center in order to provide the widest possible and high level of services to its guests.

Renewable energy helps the operation of the Iron Cross Fishing Tourism Center
One of the priority goals has been the modernization of the building tourism center for many years, using a solar cell, which is a technology utilizing renewable energy sources. The Association has repeatedly unsuccessfully applied for the planned development in various applications in recent years, but finally the Leader - Development of production and service capacities of non-agricultural micro-enterprises submitted last year and won this year (VP6-19.2.1.-69-8.1.5 -17) and using the additional support of MOHOSZ, the dreamed-up investments can be achieved .- we learned from Norbert Puskás, the executive chairman of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations.

In the framework of the project entitled Service Development of the Fishing Tourism Center with Renewable Energies (Project ID: 1965211434), in addition to the construction of a smart solar system consisting of 124 solar cells with a capacity of 42.0 KWp, 8 high-performance split air conditioners have been installed in recent weeks. For split climates, the necessary electricity is provided from the energy produced by the solar panels. With the installation of air conditioners suitable for both cooling and heating, the currently extremely expensive tank gas heating will also be partially replaced, and in the high heat of summer, the cooling of the entire building will also be solved. Climates provide a comfortable air space for in-building services throughout the year and provide a significantly more economical and environmentally friendly solution than previous technologies. As part of the project, a new energy-saving 300-liter domestic hot water tank with an electric heating cartridge will also be procured and installed. At the end of the project, the purchase of 150 chairs for holding events will also be realized. The Association organizes several large-scale events each year, as well as providing a venue in the center and in the event space built a few years ago, for which the procurement of chairs will be a gap-filling development.

The Leader tender project entitled “Service Development of the Fishing Tourism Center with Renewable Energies” with a budget of HUF 29.9 million - with a 50% support intensity - provided HUF 14.7 million in financial resources for the implementation of the planned activities. Currently, the project is 80% ready and according to our plans, everything can be completed by the end of the project - by September 30, 2020. - the Executive Chairman closed his remarks.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



30.11°  Humidity: 50%