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"Laki baits" team won the XV. Iron Waters and Lands Primary School Competition

2020.06.07. Share

This year, for the fifteenth time, the Primary School Contest entitled Iron Waters and Lands was held. The first rounds were completed by correspondence in the form of correspondence: interesting questionnaires had to be reported, and the top fifteen teams were able to take part in the final, which took place on Sunday, June 7th.

The Alpine Inn and Fishing Tourism Center hosted the event, where as early as 8 a.m., elementary school students gathered excitedly with their attendants, teachers, and parents. Norbert Puskás , the executive president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations , greeted the participants, explained the rules of the competition and wished everyone sporty, successful competition.

The test task that the teams had to solve on site was then assigned. After solving the theoretical problems, fishing followed. Each team was able to take over the two tip sticks and gear, and after the draw of the fishing spots, the competition began: bait was mixed and tactical discussions were held: it was decided who would be the two who would start fishing, who would bag and who would make the next one. fitting if necessary.

After the bagpipe signaling the start of the race, the helpers could only give verbal help or help to remove the hook from the mouth of the fish with a hook release. The sticks were curved, and by the time the race was over, almost every team had managed to put fish in the bag. True, this Sunday was not about fish abundance. The fish introduced before the competition did not have an appetite either, so even a fish caught was worth a lot in summing up the final results.

The deliberations also held a lot of excitement, as a couple of deans also passed the end result. The most skillful in the complex competition was the team of “Laki Csalik” from Ferenc Móra Primary School , the second team from Zichy Antónia Primary School called “Aranyhalak” and the third from HORG-ÁSZOK , who came from Géza Gárdonyi Primary School in Sárvár .

Prior to the announcement of the results, the organizers hosted a delicious lunch for the participating youngsters and their companions, then the cups, diplomas, gift packages were handed over, and every little angler got richer with a Garbolino spike, so they can start preparing for the next race now.

In his closing remarks, Norbert Puskás , the executive president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations , said before the presentation of the results: The event was part of the call from the Pinka to Rába - preparation and implementation of LEADER Local Action Groups. implemented with the support of a local product project.

The cooperating partners and sponsors of the event were Garbolino and, as well as the M-Team swimming company, Alpesi Fogadó, as well as Pannon Local Product NKft and the Pannon Regional Development Association. We would like to thank the Hungarian State and the European Union, as well as all our partners and helpers for their support. The competition, held in a good mood and great warmth, ended with a joint group photo.

The final result was as follows.

1st place: Ferenc Móra Répcelaki Primary School- Laki Lures - 7 points

2nd place: Zichy Antónia Primary School -Goldfish- 12 points

3rd place: Sárvári Gárdonyi Géza Primary School - HORG-ÁSZOK 13.5 points

Detailed result list is available here >>>

Congratulations to all teams on their achievements!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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