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Preliminary results of the Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Sport Fishing Competition Series

2021.10.13. Share

The 2021 Vas County competition season ended with the County Individual and Team Championship. In our multi-round competition series, a total of 57 people started in the adult and youth hobby categories, while 22 people started among the competitors.

Preliminary results of the Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Sport Fishing Competition Series

In the hobby category, a minimum of 2 of the 3 rounds held had to be taken in order for the angler's result to be evaluated in the competition series. The ranking was based on the 2 best results achieved in the given 3 rounds, in case of achieving the same score, the result achieved in the third round decided when determining the final result.

In the adult field, Gábor Bálint (HE. Körmendi Munkás HE.), Who has won several times before and is still the defending champion, won this year's championship with a convincing advantage. In second and third place there was a tie. Attila Kádi (HE. Répcelaki) and József Hegedüs (SHE. Kőszegi) both finished with 43 points. In this case, the next best result decided the ranking order. While Attila Kádi had a score in all three rounds, his competitor only started in 2 races, so there was no need to count in the comparison.

Among the youngsters, Linter Hunor (Répcelaki HE.) Left almost no chance to his rivals, confidently winning all three rounds, so he finished at the top of the composite ranking. This time, Gersei Milán (Körmendi Munkás HE.) Won a silver medal with 36 points. He is followed in third by Ivors Bors (Spartacus HE.) , Who has scored 33 points.

There were 4 competitions with competitors, as the county Csabat Championship took place on two days as usual, so the pecs could compete in a total of 5 rounds. Out of the 5 possible rounds, the starters had to take part in a minimum of 3 rounds in order for the result of the sport fisherman to count in the competition series. The evaluation system is similar to the other category, here the final ranking was based on the 3 best results achieved in the given 5 rounds. In case of achieving the same score, the fourth best result is achieved, in case of further equality, the result of the fifth round is ranked.

The winner of the competition series entitled The Best Sport Fishing in Vasi Vizeken in 2021 was Zoltán Török (Elektromosok SHE.) In the competitor category. It’s interesting about him that he finished second in the tournament series three times in the 5 years before his win last year. Then in 2020, in addition to the ice and the Adult County Individual Championship title, he also managed to win first place in our competition series. This year, moreover, he managed this feat again, as he also defended his county championship title!
Gábor Hajba (SHE. Electricians) was able to take the second step of the imaginary podium, with 68 points. Behind him, Bálint Varga (Elektromosok SHE.) Finished with 62 points, so the 3rd place trophy belongs to him.

The results of the rounds can be viewed:

Preliminary, unofficial results for the categories can be viewed here:

If you see an error in any of the tables containing the preliminary final results of the competition series, please report it to us at the e-mail address! Comments are welcome until October 31, 2021, after which we will no longer accept any complaints and consider the final result to be official!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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