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Pecács from Répcelaki finished in the lead in this year's competition

2024.06.24. Share

Celldömölk's brick factory lake provided the venue for the competition again this year. In the days leading up to the competition, the organizers, with the cooperation of the fish guards, began the preparations for the competition, both by organizing the waterfront and compiling the prizes, tests and other necessary papers. This year, 6 "pre-educated" children between the ages of 10-14 and 3 "one-year-old" youths between the ages of 15-18 submitted their entries for the victory.

Pecács from Répcelaki finished in the lead in this year's competition

After the morning registration , the fishing guard Tamás Karácsonyi and Attila Kádi at the Répcelaki HE. opened this year's competition. After the technical opening, the young people took part in the theory test, which was the first task of the competition. They had to give an account of their knowledge by recognizing fish and basic fishing questions. The young people took the test with confidence, the organizers saw the preparation of the competitors in both categories. When improving the tests, there were minor shortcomings among the young people, but all competitors performed well in both categories. In the "one-year" category, a tie was formed between Annabella Németh and Hunor Linter. Benjámin Buthi performed best among the "advanced".

After writing the test, the do-it-yourself task followed, which this year was the creation of a fine-tuned float pole equipment. The young people had to tie bibs, the organizers also looked at how to tie the hook and took into account the lead, among other things. DIY under constant supervision was already a more difficult task for young people. Benjámin Buthi performed the best in DIY among the lower age groups, and two others reached second place: Hanna Firisz and Ádám Földvári. Linter Hunor was the fastest and most confident in taking the first place among the boys.

After the two tasks, again true to tradition, fishing followed as a trial number. After the draw, the main role was to occupy the starting places and prepare for fishing. At 8:50 a.m., the first bugle sounded, giving the competitors the right to be fed, and 10 minutes later the competition began. The weather was not very favorable for the competitors, as a strong northerly wind had to be reckoned with, which made it difficult to use the swimming method. In the first hours, the fish ate less than usual, but the more skillful anglers, once they figured out the right method, were able to catch whitefish in a row. By the end of the competition, everyone had fish in their fish tank. At the end of the competition, Linter Hunor, who has been defending the title for many years among the "one-year-olds", was able to catch 6780 grams with stable fishing and a heavy rod. Hanna Firisz caught 3,580 grams of the "advanced" ones, including a carp weighing almost 3 kg, leaving the other competitors behind.

After the weigh-in, there was no stopping, as the young people still had the last track, the finish line, waiting for them. In the competition, the contestants had to throw 5 and 5 times from 10 and 15 meters. The young people were hampered by the stormy wind, but they still performed well in all distances. Among the "one-year-olds", Linter Hunor and Bence Németh shared the first place with the same score, 60 points each. Benjámin Buthi, a competitor of the Répcelaki HE, with a confident throw, put everyone behind him in the "advanced" age group with 64 points.

Special thanks to the help of Celldömölki HE in organizing the competition, and to Bagolyvár Pizzeria for the delicious pizzas they provided to the competitors. While eating pizza and chatting with friends, the competition committee began to tally up the points of the competitions.

The following results were obtained at the 2024 VASI VIZEKEN YOUTH FISHING CONTEST - County Youth Fishing Competition:


Linter Hunor (Répcelaki HE) defended his title with 5 overall points.

Bence Németh (Celldömölki HE) took second place with a ranking score of 8.5.

Annabella Németh (Ikervári HE) finished in third place with a score of 10.5.


Benjámin Buthi (Répcelaki HE) finished first with 7 ranking points.

Hanna Firisz (Répcelaki HE) finished second with a score of 9.5.

Ádám Németh (Celldömölki HE) finished in third place with 14 ranking points.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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