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Our competition series continued with the Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-Tacklebait Abért-tó Cup

2023.05.16. Share

A really difficult competition awaited the anglers on Lake Abért on May 14, the weather was not exactly kind to them, to put it mildly. Despite the all-day, intense rain, there were hardly any competitors who gave up the fight. The participants of all three categories deserve all the praise for their perseverance, and as some consolation, fortunately, they managed to catch a lot of fish despite the bad weather.

Our competition series continued with the Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-Tacklebait Abért-tó Cup

Before the competition, the fishing guards of the association prepared the Abért lake competition course by maintaining the water shore and marking the course. 60 people had previously registered for the race, but in the meantime there were some cancellations, so 56 people arrived for Sunday's race. Norbert Puskás, the executive president of the Association, greeted the anglers after registration and said that from this year, the staff of the association will work according to a new formula, since each station of the competition series has a person in charge, thus making each other's work easier and maintaining the high-quality organization. At the same time, he gave the floor to the fishing guard Balázs Szekeres , who, as the main organizer of that day's competition, gave all the technical information and important information related to fishing.

After that, one of the most important events of the day was the draw, as the contestants could find out what fate would bring them in addition to the bad weather. Contrary to tradition, this time the starting places for the hobby adult category and the young adults were drawn first. The reason for this was that the ground on the Gyöngyös stream side was so wet due to several days of rain that it was impossible to enter by car. Competitors in the two categories could only approach their fishing spots on foot, so they could start packing a little earlier.

After the fishing spots were occupied, the preparation for the competition began. For competitors, the stacking rod method was typically used almost without exception, a lot of people forced the large amount of corn and live bait, while in the hobby and youth category, the method rig dominated with the many pop-ups, waffters, and pellets.

After bait control, the first word of the bagpipe was sounded at 9:50, which signaled the start of feeding, and then the competition began at 10:00. The Abért lake did not show its true face, as there were several periods during the competition when the swimmers just stood by the competitors without a catch. Unfortunately, there were a few adults and children who could not cope with the fierce competition conditions and thought it better to give up.

Halfway through the competition, it began to emerge how many fish there are in which sectors and with what intensity the carp, bream and crucian carp are eating. In the competitive category, two experienced and previously successful competitors, Bálint Varga and Gábor Tordai , were placed on the edge of the Abért lake this year, giving a lesson to the other competitors. As expected, the two of them competed for first place, while in the hobby category Tibor Pajtli dictated a very strong pace compared to the appetite of the fish. The field was also very close among the youngsters, as Hubá Kovács, Noel Tóth and Dávid Bálin were also able to follow for a long time.

Before three o'clock, the bagpipe sounded again, indicating that the competition was coming to an end, and the fishermen had 5 minutes to get the last fish into the mouth. After the blow-off, the judging teams set off to find out who finished at the top of the categories this year. The weather was still going to change, so the weighing was a bit difficult, but all in all, all competitors were satisfied with the results they saw, and in the end the anglers finished as follows:

  • Competition category:

1st place: Bálint Varga - Electricians SHE. - 26360 grams - 1 hsz.

2nd place: Gábor Tordai - Electricians SHE. - 25120 grams - 1 hsz.

3rd place: Tamás Borsos - Spartacus HE. - 20280 grams - 1 hsz.

  • Hobby category:

1st place: Tibor Pajtli - Spartacus HE. - 15040 grams - 1 hsz.

2nd place: Zoltán Töreki - Répcelaki City Miner HE. - 13320 grams - 1 hsz.

3rd place: Tihamér Szabó - Szentgotthárd HE. - 13020 grams - 1 hsz.

  • Hobby youth category:

1st place: Kovács Huba - Electricians SHE. 12860 grams - 1 hs.

2nd place: Tóth Noel Csepreg - Répcementi HE. 8740 grams - 2 hs.

3rd place: Dávid Bálint Körmendi - Munkás HE. 8200 grams - 3rd hsz.

The staff of the Association congratulate the winners and the anglers who fought throughout the competition!
The next round will be held on the Magyarszecsőd lake for adult and youth hobby anglers on June 18, 2023.
while the contestants meet next in September.

Detailed results can be viewed by clicking here.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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