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October fishing experience in iron waters

2021.10.31. Share

After night inspections in the county, our fishermen went into the water again in mid-October. The modest amount of precipitation following the rain-free weather made the Rába “navigable” again, so that in the morning the waves licked the side of the boat in Halő. Despite the great autumn weather, our fishermen did not encounter boat fishing, but several of the people fishing from the shore were surprised by the fisherman's inspection from the water.

October fishing experience in iron waters

Our fishermen had different catching experiences from the anglers, as some of them could catch 8 kg of carp during the fishing, others were joked by the whim of the Rába River, so they left without prey. All of the peces inspected complied with the rules of the water area, so our fishermen did not have to be warned or reported during the inspection. After the inspection in Ikervár, the Nicki Rába section was included in the target cross, however, on October 22, our fishermen chose the afternoon hours.

Gábor Porteleki, a social fishmonger and president of the association, helped our professional fishmonger colleagues to map the inflated section of the Rába. Soon after the departure, our fishermen met a boat fisherman, whose ineffectiveness that day, his catch log testified to nice catches, proving that the nickname section of the Rába is still rich in predatory fish.

Due to the low water level and the trees felled by the beavers, the possibilities to travel by boat were significantly limited compared to the previous ones, so the fisherman's inspection ended earlier than planned. Returning to the port during the twilight hour, our fishermen met two more anglers, who were fortunately found to be all right.

Despite the low water level experienced during the inspection and the consequent modest fishing attendance, our Association still considers it a priority to control the wild waters as much as possible, primarily in order to protect native predator species. In addition to the frequented sections of the Rába River, the watercourses more visited by anglers are also constantly inspected in the autumn, based on the November-December fisherman's command, so our anglers can expect our professional fishermen to appear on the banks of the rivers. Last Friday, a series of joint inspections ended in the vicinity of the popular iron fishing lakes, in addition to the routine independent inspections that are commonplace in everyday life.

In the waters of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers, anglers who commit an illegal fishing act can also be read in the public list available here >>>

We continue to ask our T. Fellow Fishermen, if they experience an irregularity in their fishing, to turn to our fishermen, the office of our Association, and in more serious cases to the police, with confidence. Our anonymous online whistleblower is available by clicking here.

(Note: The photos were not taken by offending fishermen, but solely to illustrate control actions)

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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