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Homely atmosphere and great cuisine

2019.07.15. Share

The VI. Pinka Valley Halas Day as rainy, gloomy in the morning, we would not have had a forint not to soak up the event, but the heavens were gracious to us. In the morning, three-quarters of the seven were registered for the fishing competition, where 11 were nominated by the racer, 24 by the hobby, and 18 by the kids. The tournament lasted from nine to thirteen hours, with each competitor catching a stick. Those in the hobby category were at the Pinka's backwater, the competitors on the municipal lake, while the smallest at the on-site lake could measure their knowledge.

The registration and briefing, the description of the rules, have barely ended, the participants of the friendly football cup have gathered alongside the Alpine Inn. The whole event was a fun, familiar sign, maybe even for footballers. They played two to fifteen minute matches in two groups.

The cauldron stood around the fishing pond, and preparations were under way, as the cooking competition began. This year it was possible to name it in the category of fish soup or other fish.

While many cooked a fish soup, it was a bit different for everyone, everybody trying to make their own food more special. In addition to fish soup and fried fish, there were also some interesting things like Russian soup, or fish meat, sausage and greaves.

For visitors, the Alliance has a delicious fried fish, a fish soup and a burger. Tivadar Konyher, a federal fishing guard and his team , used their own spice mix, which allowed them to rest for 3-4 hours, then cooked in hot oil after turning into a deep crumb.

This year, it was special to have a burger burger made by Májky Saki's Kitchen . They shed their catfish and make patties. It is rolled into porridge, flour, egg, salted, peppered, flavored with lime juice and shell - said Miklós Bősz . One hundred and fifty of the excellent catchers were made for the visitors.

In the past three years, the Pinka Valley Halas Sun Cooking Competition has been won by the Lokomotive Fishing Association of Celldömölk , and they did not start this year, but one hundred and fifty batches of fish were eagerly awaiting the event - said Tamás Christmas. As with the programs, food tasting was free during the event, food tickets could be requested at registration.

Meanwhile, the meals of the teams that everyone could admire on the jury's table were completed. We could see more beautiful presentations, interesting solutions on the plates, as if we were going to be on a dinner at a multi-star restaurant. It was good to see how carefully the trays are placed on the table to refine the last one, how curiously they look to the right to the left, looking at the competitors' cooking. The jury was not easy at any of the categories. The dishes were judged by: Zsuzsanna Krizsán, Erika Tóth Tóth, Kálmán Garas, Miklós Seregi, Tivadar Konyher, Tamás Christmas, the president of the jury Dr. István Németh.

On the stage, the wonderful dances of the various productions, the Vaskeresztes Tradition Guards began , and the songs performed by the Nardai Choir could be seen by the audience.

The two groups received a certificate from Puskás Norbert, Executive Director of the Iron County Association of Sport Fishing Associations , as they have been raising the quality of the event for many years with their performances.

The children populated the playground next to the Inn, and battled the balloon with various requests: colored dogs, cats, cats were made. Little girls and boys were also popular with face painting and mica tattoos, and besides the air castle, we met a mum who, according to her own admission, was here for half an hour, looking at her self-jumping baby while trying to persuade her seed to go on.

Meanwhile, the jury also made its decision, the reflections on the lakes were completed, and the results of the Football Cup were summarized. The solemn prize announcement was made by Dr. István Dérer, Deputy Chairman of MOHOSZ , who spoke about the work of the Vas County Fishermen Association and congratulated the organizers on the successful program.

Represented by dr. Péter Balázsy clerk welcomed the participants of the event and was pleased that in the past years the Association of Vas County Self-Government was a partner in the Allied Commitment for Fishing.

Recognition diplomas, cups, medals and gifts Dr. István Németh, Chairman of the Hungarian Inter-American Organization for Aquaculture and Fisheries, Dr. István Dérer, Deputy Chairman of the Hungarian National Horse Association, Dr. Péter Balázsy, Notary of the County of Vas County, Miklós Seregi, The Association of Sport Anchors Vas County President and Norbert Puskás, Executive Chairman of the Iron County Association of Sport Fishing Associations .

János Wehoffer , Zsolt Horváth , and Bence Kondics won the junior category of the friendly fishing competition.

The first place in the low-pitched football cup was the Screen Works - Rock team , and the kids category was the Eberau team.

In the fish-cooking competition, the Electrics SHE and the fish-cooking teams proved to be the best of the HA-KAP-ESIKIK .

Federal Fish Maker Specialist: Májky Szaki Kitchen - Modern trout rolls with egg vegetables, lime- asparagus cream , chips potatoes.

After the award ceremony, András Somogyi's humorous stand was followed by the concert of the Apacuka band. Never before have we seen a band who had already been involved in the fun of the children during the set-up, so by the time the concert started, the righteous were already dissolving in front of the stage. The whole concert was like having a show with the kids: "they built a house," they counted, they were pleased with the countless number of bubbles, and they could stand with the band on stage.

Then we laughed at the Blood Cure (l) Theater of the Bloodhole (l) , in which the cheated hospital director tries to unleash his wife's love life, but an unfortunate exchange eventually confuses everything. The spiders flirted, the "alcohol" went on, but in the end everything and everyone was in place.

Opposite the entrance to the Alpine Inn, Anita Mittlné Ódor waiter waited for wine tasting. He told us that his favorite is the Blue Fountain, which he would recommend here for the fish soup. This kind of wine gives eighty percent of its wines, and it also loves it because it is the best for the region. Merlot and rosé wine were also brought to the event, where the rose was very popular among ladies and merlot among men. Tibor Monos welcomed the visitors to the left of the entrance, and gave a brief presentation of the trout that was made of snacks and tasted snacks.

This year's prize-winning tournament was also rewarded with prize money, the main prize, the Decathlon's $ 50,000 buy-in voucher was given to a young man coming to a football pitch who said he would probably buy a football gob from the sum.

Norbert Puskás, Executive Chairman of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations , thanked the VI after the raffle draw. The organizers of the Pinka Valley Halas Day have the help and support for the organizers and then have fun for the concert of Timi & Hot Stuff Orchestra in Ujvár.

The whole event was very familiar. It seemed like a huge garden party near the Alpine inn and fishing tourism center, where they knew each other who first met. Next year we will meet again!

Results of competitions:

Adult Category (Pinka Backwater)
1. János Wehoffer - Pannonia HE. - 11 885 g
2. Ferenc Nagy - Kéthatár-lake HE. - 10 450 g
3. László Horváth - Worker of Körmendi HE. - 9670 g

Competitor category (Municipal Lake)
1. Horváth Zsolt - Szentgotthárd HE. - 10700 g
2. László Magyar - Electrics SHE. - 7800 g
3. Borsos Attila - Spartacus HE. - 7335 g

Youth Category (Alpine Fishing Pond)
1. Bence Kondics - Kőszegi SHE. - 10 050 g
2. Bognár Luca Réka - Répcelaki HE. - 5450 g
3. Misák Norbert - Büki HE. - 9040 g

Special Prize: Best Daddy Son: Ádám Németh - Ölbő SHE. - 11 340 g

Most fish lady contestants:
1. Christmas at Zsóka - Celldömölki HE. - 7100 g

Lowball football cup
1. Screen Works - Rock
2. Grizzly Team
3. Saint Peter's

Children's football cup
1. Eberau
2. Iron Cross Titans

Fishmaking competition:

1. Electrics SHE.
2. Bust
3. Rábapaty and Vidéke HE. I

Federal Fish Maker Specialist: Majky Saki's Kitchen

Fishing Tackle Competition:

2. Halfarok

Specialist of the Federal Fish Soup Maker: Tímár and his companion - Fishmeal

Photo and text: Gina Nagy

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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