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Fishing school program for Olcsais students

2022.10.13. Share

This Sunday, after a long absence, the class of Zoltán Olcsai-Kiss Primary School in Körmend visited the center of our Association in Vaskeresztes as one of the stations of the HORGÁSZTANODA Program launched within the framework of and with the support of the Fishing Youth Education and Training Program (HUNOP) launched by MOHOSZ.

Fishing school program for Olcsais students

While the enthusiastic parents worked on preparing the delicious lunch, the students of the class, divided into three groups, could first hear a short summary presentation from the head of the fish management group of our Association, about the basic rules for fishing, the tools used, and about fish and fish conservation in general.

After the presentation, the teams, accompanied by a professional fish guard, gathered at the starting point drawn by lottery, with fishing equipment provided by our Association.
After the preparations and the feeding signaled by the sound of the bagpipe, at 11:00 a.m. the 2 5-meter and 1 3-meter spike sticks per team were deployed. As part of the demonstration fishing, everyone could try the basic techniques of fishing.

The 1.5-hour "race" took place in sunny weather without rain, but the strong, sometimes stormy wind did not make the children's work any easier. In order to protect the fish, the results of the teams were given by the number of fish caught, based on which the following order emerged on the announcement of the results following the evaluation of the friendly competition:
1st place: a team called Unicornis
2nd place: Nagy HO-HO-HO Horgász team
3rd place: No team named team name

The children's teams received various fishing publications and a school workbook at the end of the event.

We hope that all participants, helpers, and parents had a good time in the center of our Association, and we would like to thank all our employees and helpers for participating in the program!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



27.25°  Humidity: 55%