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Fishing guard exam option

2024.09.22. Share

The Department of Agriculture of the Vas Vármegyei Government Office announces a fishing guard exam on October 7, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., the venue of which will be the center of the County Fishing Association in Vaskereszets.

Fishing guard exam option
  • Exam date: October 7, 2024 (Monday), 10:00 a.m
  • Exam location: Vaskeresztes, 165/4. hrs. - Headquarters of SEVMSZ
  • Exam fee: HUF 5,000, payment of which must be confirmed before the exam. The fees for the fish guard and fishing examination must be transferred to the account number of the Vas County Government Office, Department of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture. (must be paid to bank account number 10047004-00301370-00000000)

You can download the application form here.
The detailed notice of the Vas County Government Office is available here.

The exam consists of 2 parts:

  1. Fish recognition: 16 out of 20 fish must be recognized
  2. Test paper: 100 questions, a minimum performance of 65% is required

Materials required for preparation can be accessed and downloaded by clicking on the given links:
• NÉBIH textbook to help you prepare for the Halőr exam (2018)
•MOHOSZ note for preparation for the fishing exam (2023)

Featured topics:
• CII of 2013 on fish management and fish protection. Act §§ 56, 56/A., and § 57 (17. Fisheries protection)
• 133/2013 on establishing certain rules of fish management and fish protection. (XII. 29.) VM Decree from § 39 to § 44 (Chapter 11 for the subheading Fisheries protection)
• the table according to Annexes 8 (Native and non-native fish species) and 9 (Specific prohibition period of native, catchable fish species, catchable size range, and daily catchable number for fishing and recreational fishing) of the decree.

Additional legislation and information:
• CII of 2013. Act on fish management and fish protection:
Decree 33/2013, which is the executive decree of the above law:
• Decree 314/2014, which includes fines:

We welcome all interested parties!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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