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Fishing club at Répcelak school

2019.11.23. Share

The youngest can get acquainted with the basics of pecanism, where they not only learn about fish but also teach them respect for nature.

Fishing club at Répcelak school

The plum bream is recognizable as having a nose like a plum, and the carp while swimming on the bottom of the water, when it comes to food, has a slight head, this is also evident in the mouth shape of the habit, as can to conclude that he is the one who attacks most from the bottom near the water, the snake, the first fish of any fisherman. An average person would probably only partially understand the meaning of the previous sentence, but about two dozen elementary school students knew what it was all about.

The fishing industry has a history of more than a decade at school - we learned from Attila Kádi, who has been teaching future anglers the basics of fishing for their fifth year. Not only that, of course. There is talk of the importance of protecting nature and the professional and humane treatment of fish, because once we have had such a great time fishing, this is the minimum we can do.

Kids are quick to repeat what we would never start fishing without: a fishing tackle, a diver and, if we go bigger fish, a carp mattress. The Ferenc Móra School has a fishing group every two weeks, when we went there, the topic was to recognize the fish, but the students could learn a lot of interesting things. For example, the prey is searching for food among its roots and not all fish are scaled. Catfish have skin and eel are deceptive because they have scales so tiny and embedded that they look like skin. It was also mentioned that the fishermen on the shore of Lake Balaton were guided from the mountain at that time, because the herds of fish glittered in the sunlight so that it was easy to spot them, which is why they were called the garda. It also turned out to be careful about the carp looking for food on the bottom of the pond, which will spit out the bait immediately if it suspects something, and that it will be good to take care of bream and eel blood as they are poisonous and .

As we have learned, it is not just a theory, sometimes they make rigging rigs, float lead, and sometimes they take over what a feeder bot needs. What the kids do at home is usually taken home. Of course, they go fishing as well as they are regularly represented in fishing association competitions, which are usually called with two teams, and it was a year when they won.

There are many more boys in the class, one of whom is the eighth grade Linter Hunor, who usually says the right answer when the question has not been asked. Hunor has been fishing since the age of a large group, and has since gone out to the nearby Cséri Lakes virtually every day, which are already in Győr-Moson-Sopron County to catch something. Once upon a time, a twelve-pound carp caught on a hook that he had worn out on his own, his father only helping to lift it into the bait. As he said, he has been fishing on the Danube, where quite different fish are oblong. Hunor is a real sport angler, keeping fish just before Christmas when making fish soup.

They also talked about the difference between catches and protected fish, such as the golden crucian, which can be found in Lake Répcelaki, but also took over what the closed season means. One of the four girls who attended the show, fifth-year-old Luca Bognár has been fishing since she was first attracted to the water by her father. His biggest catch during his five-year career was an eight-kilo carp. As he said, when he has time, he always goes fishing, although he has been spending a lot of time walking and studying these days, but he always goes out on a pole at the summer karate camp in Balatonlelle.

As we have learned, children go to the circuit for many years, so of course, fishing usually lasts for a lifetime. The operation of the fishing community is supported by the Hungarian National Fishermen's Association's youth education support and the Vas County Association of the regionally competent Sport Fishing Associations, as well as in Sárvár, Celldömölk and Csepreg.

Source: Iron Nation Fishing Site - 22.11.2019. - David Buda


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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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