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Electricians SHE. his team again became the county champion

2020.09.13. Share

The Abát II of Lukácsháza hosted the Vas County Waters -Decathlon - Vas County Individual and Team Championship over the weekend. Both days of the race took place in four-hour rounds in pleasant sunny autumn weather. On Saturday, the fish ate very carefully in the first round, but the best still managed to catch over 20kg. In Sunday’s round, several have already managed to weigh in with catches over 30kg in their sector.

Electricians SHE. his team again became the county champion

In the two rounds, the 35 riders caught a total of 1,222 kg of fish, representing an average catch of 14.5 kg on Saturday, compared to 20.4 kg on Sunday.

Zoltán Török (Elektromosok SHE.) Won 79,260 gr. with catch, Norák Misák (Büki HE) excelled at the youngsters 40,940 gr. hallal.

Last year's defending champion "Electricians SHE. I." team once again won this year's championship with successful tactics - a catch of 25 to 254,200 grams.

The Electricians SHE. he has now won the championship for three consecutive years, so the new traveling goblet, founded in 2017, has become his.

In second place among very close results - 31 hsz. - with a catch of 200,220 grams - the Körmend Worker HE. his team finished, while in third place with 33 places with 198.100 grams was Spartacus HE. his team triumphed. At the awards ceremony, the individual winners were enriched with souvenirs as well as Decathlon vouchers.

Detailed results are available here >>>

Round I pictures are available here >>>

Congratulations to the winners and we wish you more sporting success!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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