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Demonstration fishing was Répcelakon world champion in competitive fishing

2022.04.24. Share

Ferenc Répcelaki held a demonstration fishing on Lake Répcelak on Saturday in connection with the fishing school of Ferenc Móra Primary School. The event was attended by nearly 30 young anglers, which deserves even greater recognition given the worse weather. Below you can read the report of Attila Kádi, the president of the association and the organizer of the program:

Demonstration fishing was Répcelakon world champion in competitive fishing

Despite the gloomy weather, 27 young peasants appeared on the fishing show announced for Saturday. Our invitation was accepted by Imre Szákovics, a member of the Hungarian Adult Swimming Team World Cup gold medal team .

Imre held a high quality demonstration fishery and involved the children in the professional mixing of the bait. He also provided bait for successful fishing. The youngsters were able to try pole fishing with the help of a professional angler.

After that, everyone could start fishing in the place of their choice. We didn't have to wait long for the first bites. Several carp and large carp were hooked between the little ones. One of the youngest pecans manages to catch a carp of about five kilograms, it was the biggest fish of the day.

At noon, a small roast took place, from which everyone tasted good, and then fishing resumed. Once again, the kids managed to conjure up an unforgettable beautiful day.

We thank everyone for their support of the event, special thanks to the offers of Desits Meat Rábapaty, C + D Vegetables and Nikoletta Soós!

Source: Attila Kádi

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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