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Celldömölk's "Tired 4" team won this year's competition

2021.06.09. Share

This year, 22 teams entered the competition. Based on the results of the two-part theoretical, correspondence round, the top 15 reached the final on Saturday. In the morning, the children had to give their theoretical knowledge once again, fish recognition was one of the tasks in the test. Then they grabbed pecabots and were able to measure their dexterity on the Alpine lake in practice.

Celldömölk's "Tired 4" team won this year's competition

For the two-hour race, the fishing rods and associated equipment were provided by the federation. Two team members could fish at once and then swap. Small crucifixes gathered in the sacks of the Brenner schoolchildren in Szombathely.

Ludván Boglárka - student, Brenner school
"We used to fish a lot. We have three tiny fish, but I think that's good."

The elementary school fishing quiz has a long tradition. It aims to help children learn the basics of fishing as they prepare and fall in love with this close-to-nature sport.

Ákos Kovács - President, Sport Fishing Associations Vas County Association. Youth Committee
"The proximity to nature, the waterfront always educates you, it's not the punching of your smartphone that matters, it's to be in the fresh air. The experience of catching fish in childhood will be good in adulthood."

The Guards of Sárvár took a good place, they managed to catch 3740 grams of fish.
Kornél Kiss - student, Gárdonyi school
"We managed to catch fish, we were able to pull a better place than last year. What kind of fish came? Carp, crucian carp. Since you're baiting, what's the tactic? With bone and worm."

During the consideration, it turned out that the fish-catching competition was won by the team of the Ferenc Móra Primary School of Répcelaki called "Karate Carp" with a capacity of 4300 grams. There has been a fishing association here for years, they regularly go fishing on the local lake.

Attila Kádi - youth responsible, Répcelaki HE
"We tried to vary with the baits, live bait, corn, that brought success, and we were lucky, the draw was good for the kids."

The good mood day ended with the announcement of results. Based on the correspondence and the results of the theoretical round, as well as the fishing competition, the "No longer young fishermen" of the Gárdonyi school in Sárvár came in third, and the team called Horg-ások from Sárvár also finished in second place. The victory was won by the "Tired 4" from Celldömölk. Each participating team received a gift.

The cooperating partner and sponsor of the event was Garbolino and, thanks to which, in addition to the unforgettable experiences gained during the day, every child became richer with a Garbolino tip stick. Other sponsors were the M-Team swimming company and Alpine Inn.

Congratulations again to the winners!

Thank you for your contributions to the event!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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