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Aunt Mónika Skrapits won the St. Petersburg Fishing Cup

2020.08.03. Share

The sports day was held in St. Petersburg for the tenth time, again with great success, in the framework of which, in addition to the many sports competitions, the local fishers could also compare their fishing skills on the Pinka this year.

Aunt Mónika Skrapits won the St. Petersburg Fishing Cup

During registration at the football field in the morning, 14 adults and 4 children indicated their intention to participate in the whitewater competition. After a brief technical briefing, the starting places were drawn and occupied.

In the bright sunshine, in the stillness of the wind, at 3 o'clock the 3-hour fish catch began. Fortunately, the water was not cloudy this time and was able to show the diversity of its wildlife as well. In addition to carp, there were chub, bottom spokes and balini on the hook, among others.

Several of the starters focused on catching carp introduced on Thursday all the time, while some switched to small fish pecs after the initial more immortal period. As it turned out at the time of the balance, the latter tactic did not pay off, as this time it was not possible to defeat the "carp hunters" with small fish.

The friendly term applied to the competition in an absolute way, as on the river bank, fun and friendly jokes played the main role, by no means the compulsion to score. However, the final order was also announced here as the end of the day.
Among adults, Nagyné Skrapits Mónika (Sárvíz-Tavi HE.) Was the best with a total capacity of 3730 grams. Tamás Haktlits (Sárvíz-Tavi HE.) Finished in second place with 1920 grams, while the bronze medalist Ottó Nagy (Sárvíz-Tavi HE.) Finished with 1625 grams.

There was a lot of excitement among the children during the deliberations. In many cases, the fate of the rankings was limited to a few snecs. On the tenth sports day in St. Petersburg, Ivan Skrapits (Sárvíz-Tavi HE.) Won the gold medal, Kornél Pataki (Border Guard SHE.) Won the silver medal and Skrapits Goran (Sárvíz-Tavi HE.) Won the bronze medal.

Benjámin Jánny (Elektromosok SHE.) Received a special prize, as Levente Völgyi (Elektromosok SHE.) Was the number one competitor catching the most fish in the adult field, and he won a special prize among the children.

The cups, medals, and prizes offered by the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers were handed over by the main organizers at a joint results announcement held in the late afternoon.

Congratulations to all participants!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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