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A children's competition was organized in Répcelak

2023.08.28. Share

On August 27, the Répcelaki HE was held on the Répcelak lake. traditional children's competition, about which you can read a short report below courtesy of Attila Kádi, the president of the association.

A children's competition was organized in Répcelak

Of the 16 registered children, 15 showed up on the morning of the competition. Due to the very high water level, we could only designate eight fishing spots, so we divided the children into pairs, who helped each other fish for two hours each. We awarded the children both individually and in pairs.

The following results were obtained:

  • Individual results:

1st place: Dávid Ágoston - 7895 g

2nd place: Barnabás Boros - 6265 g

3rd place: Takács Buttercup - 5295 g

  • Even results:

1st place: Dávid Ágoston (out of the 15 competing children, he did not get a pair, so we calculated the average catch)

2nd place: Martin Halász, Boglárka Takács

3rd place: Alexandra Szabó, Petra Takács

  • Most successful girls:

1. Weaver Buttercup

2. Alexandra Szabó

3. Petra Takács

  • Special prize for the biggest fish:

Takács Buttercup - 4415 g

  • Girl and boy catching the smallest fish:

Petra Takács (355 g) and Noel Bucsek (220 g) were the ones who were able to accept the offer of Répce Zoo - spike sticks and accessories.

Thanks to a lot of support and donations, every little angler returned home happy with a lot of gifts.

Thank you very much to everyone for your support and donations.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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