Széchenyi Terv Plusz

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The catchment area of the river Rába extends to the Di slopes of the Styrian Alps, to the Őrség Hills, to the north-eastern side of Mount Vasi and Kemeneshát, to the Kemenesalja, to the Sokoró hills, to the north of the Keszthely Mountains, to the northwest of Bakony and the Little Plain and Lake Neusiedl. The most important tributaries of the river are the Lapincs, the Pinka, the Rows, the Gyöngyös, the rapeseed floodplain the Herpenyö and the Marcal. The entire iron section of the Rába River is 790.7 ha and it stretches nearly 140 km in the county.

The width of the river varies between 20 and 50 m and the average depth is 2-3 m. The bottom is characterized by gravelly, gravelly substrates, but rarely encountered in muddy areas. There are 53 species of fish in the river of the decade, of which the common species are mullet, paddlefish, bream, bream, carp, balin, perch, pike and catfish. It reaches Hungary over the Lower Rivers of the Rába River, the section of the Federation of Sport Fishing Associations starts here and goes to the Nick's dam.

The iron section of the Rába is characterized by a constant water level and a wonderful white water environment. He has an awful lot of faces, thanks to the many bends and artifacts you'll encounter while on the road. Usually shallow, but several kilometers long stretches of swamps and sewage channels hide deep parts.

The section above the Lower Gut is reminiscent of a slow-flowing, winding channel. Underneath the dam is an extensive mirror, but when re-merged with the duct, it is almost flowing. At Szentgotthárd, the cozy section, re-inflated again, and then narrow in its wide flood, starting with a wide mirror, soon reaches the dam and power plant of Magyarlak-Csöröt at the height of Magyarlak-Csöröt, and the canal, which is 2.5 km long. It is an ideal place for family fishing tourism.

The smooth, slow-flowing water of the canal makes for ideal river fishing for all fishing techniques. The Pinka arrives at Körmend from the left, but there is also a dam with a power plant buckle, and then the shallow urban section where, once again, Rába takes the form of a real whitewater river. At Ikervár, another dam in the main riverbed flows at the end of the dyke at the first Hungarian power station to divert the river's water, so that the branch with the Csörnöc-Herpenyő creek will return to the original riverbed.

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Area: 790,7
Average depth: 2-5
Bed / Bottom: gravel, gravel
Stalls: sometimes fallen trees
Vegetation: reeds, sedges, groves
Fish: , , , , , , , , ,
Rules: County fishing order
Fishing period:
Boat usage: there is
Tickets, prices: See here!

Alsószölnök-P.molnári: Károly Sipos 06 / 7033-99705;

P.molnári-Ikervár: István Fördős 06 / 7033-99706;

Twin Castle Nick: Tivadar Konyher 06 / 7033-99704;


The Rába mainly consists of the section of road 8 between Kám and Szentgotthárd, or It is accessible from roads around Rum-Sárvár-Répcelak, as well as from bridges and dams.
Ikervár: From Bp - 7 / M7 - Székesfehérvár - Main road 8 - At Kam at Szombathely turn right at road 87 - At Rum at the roundabout turn right to Sárvár - After Meggyeskovácsi turn right at the first junction - access road - to the shore, leads to the dam and parking lot.

GPS coordinates:
Fishing market

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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