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Zoltán Török and Gábor Bálint were once again the best anglers in the iron waters

2021.12.17. Share

On Thursday evening, a ceremonial results announcement was held at the Alpesi Fogadó in Vaskeresztes, where the results of the Best Sports Angler of the Iron Waters 2021 competition series were announced.

Zoltán Török and Gábor Bálint were once again the best anglers in the iron waters

Miklós Seregi, the president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, greeted the participants, invited guests, competitors, and Árpád Bontó, the director of the Decathlon store in Szombathely, the prominent partner of the association. He then asked Norbert Puskás, the executive president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations , to share his thoughts on the tournament series.

"Before the announcement of the results, I fulfill a pleasant duty, since this series would not have been possible if we did not have an excellent sponsor. It is thanks to Decathlon Hungary that we were able to reward anglers with a valuable gift in the past two years. We would like to thank Mr. Árpád Bontó for the cooperation that the company provided us at the time when the covid situation occurred. At that time, all companies focused on savings, but Decathlon Hungary was still present at our competitions, they did not withdraw their previously agreed support." - said Norbert Puskás, and then asked Miklós Seregi, the president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, and vice-president László Laki , to hand over the honorary certificate of the association to Árpád Bontó.

"This year's competition season got off to an exciting start: we decided in March that we would hold all our previous events and announce them, and I can say this overall: despite all the difficulties, we succeeded," he began his evaluation of the competition series, then added: in some cases, solutions to avoid multiple physical contact were needed, so pre-competition briefings and draws were held online, and results were also announced in a narrow circle. - said Norbert Puskás, and then recalled about the competitions:

The year-opening Kéthatár-tó Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Cup was held among the professionals, where the winner was Bálint Varga with 13,380 grams, who also took first place at the Vasi Vizeken Karát Cup in June. In September, at the next stop of the Vasi Vizek best sport angler competition series, Abért Lake, the competition took place with 54 participants, and then the competition series for the professionals ended with the County Individual and Team Championships in the same place. Overall, it can be said that in the multi-round competition series of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, a total of 57 people started in the hobby adult and youth categories, while 22 people started among competitors. - reminded Norbert Puskás, and then added: on several occasions the pre-registration had to be closed months before the competitions due to over-subscription, which is also gratifying, but they would be very happy to give even more anglers the opportunity to start, however, due to the nature of the lakes serving as the location of the competitions it was not possible to create more starting places. Norbert Puskás thanked all competitors, organizers, colleagues and helpers for their help - without whom these competitions would not have been possible - and then presented the results of the competitions:

In the hobby category, at least 2 of the 3 held rounds had to be participated in order for the angler's results to be evaluated in the competition series.

In the adult hobby field , Gábor Bálint (Körmendi Munkás HE.), winner several times before and currently defending title, won this year's championship with a convincing margin. There was a tie for second and third place, but based on the evaluation rules , Attila Kádi (Répcelaki HE.) won the silver medal, while József Hegedüs (Kőszegi SHE.) finished in third place.

Among the juniors , Linter Hunor (Répcelaki HE.) confidently won all three rounds, so he finished at the top of the overall ranking. The second time was Milán Gersei (Körmendi Munkás HE.) with 36 points. He is followed in third place by Ivett Bors (Spartacus HE.) , who collected 33 points.

For competitors, 4 competitions were held, as the County Team Championship took place over two days, as usual, so the pecs could compete in a total of 5 rounds.

Zoltán Török (Elektromosok SHE.) was the winner of the 2021 competition series called Best Sport Angler in Vasi Vizeken in the competitive category. An interesting thing about him is that in the 5 years before his victory last year, he finished second in the series three times. In 2020, the ice was broken and he managed to take first place in the competition series. Gábor Hajba (Elektromosok SHE.) took the second step of the imaginary podium, with 68 points. Bálint Varga (Elektromosok SHE.) finished behind him with 62 points, so the cup for 3rd place belongs to him.

After the award ceremony, we asked Zoltán Török about the most memorable moments of the competition series, as well as his favorite lakes in Vas County and the upcoming competitions: "Gersekárat was the most memorable for me, because there we fished with a matchbot for small fish, I caught three tiny crucians that weighed a total of one kg. I think this was the most difficult course of the series, I was very happy that I managed to win this race. I mostly fish at the fishing lake in Szombathely, unfortunately they don't organize competitions there, but I also really like Lake Abért. And I'm going to a competition in a few days: I'm trying to arrange it so that I can go to competitions every weekend during the year, because that's how you learn. Hobby fishing is also very good, but competition is quite different.”

Upon receiving the cup for the first place, Hunor Linter told us: "During the competition, my favorite place was Lake Abért, as it was there that you could catch the most fish and the biggest fish, and the fish stock was very diverse here. Here I managed to catch the biggest fish in the competition series, which was a carp weighing around six kg. The most difficult course was in Püspökmolnári, because there the task was to catch many small carp. I won't be competing until next year, and I'll try my luck in the competition series as well."

After receiving the awards, the group photos were taken, and all award-winning anglers were able to return home with a trophy and valuable gifts.

After the event, we spoke with Árpád Bontó, the manager of Decathlon Hungary's Szombathely store:

  • Decathlon Hungary has been supporting the competitions and events of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations for two years. I would like to ask why fishing? Where did the idea for support come from?

Fishing moves large crowds, and more and more people feel that they can relax the most in this sport. In our store, I could describe it as one of, if not the best developing sport, with the adjective rapidly growing. And in the last five or six years, this department has undergone real development, so it has the right to exist to support this sport.

  • Does Decathlon have future plans with the Vas County Federation of Sport Fishing Associations?

We would definitely like to continue supporting the association. We also receive many requests from smaller clubs, but I think that we can support the most anglers in the broadest way through the association. I used to fish a lot as a child, now I only go there a couple of times a year with relatives and friends, I know that usually fishermen also have their favorite places where they get their equipment and bait. Decathlon wants the majority of anglers to think of us as their "favorite fishing shop", so we try to shape the selection in such a way that despite our large size, this can also be achieved. In addition, it is important for us to have colleagues available to customers and fellow sportsmen who can offer authentic help, so that anglers can feel that they can shop in our store as if they were in a fishing store.

The final results of the competition series can be viewed here:

Competition category:

Adult hobby category:

Youth hobby category:

Photos and writing: Georgina Nagy


The event report was created within the framework of the project "Promotion of local values and experiences in the area of the Pannon Spatial Development Association" (Project ID: 3007530679) implemented within the framework of call number VP6-19.2.1.-69-8.1.2-17.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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