With over eleven thousand anglers, the Alliance closed last year
The Vas County Association of Sport Angling Associations held its delegates' meeting at the headquarters of the association on Tuesday afternoon, where the association's most prestigious county awards, Vas County Fishing and Vas County Fishing Sports were presented before the reports and budget were adopted.

The recognitions, which can be obtained by two each year, also carry a lifetime territorial ticket for the waters of the Iron Fishing Association. Interestingly, this time all four were award-winning ladies. The awards were presented by the president of the association, Miklós Seregi . Unusually, this year’s delegates had to be postponed from May to August due to the coronavirus epidemic, similar to last year.
The president of the association was the first to call Zsoltne Geröly , known only as Ria, in the fishing circles, who has been operating his fishing shop in Szombathely for three decades, in which he provides the association's tickets continuously, selflessly, offering commissions for youth purposes. He also sponsored several association competitions in the county and several federal fishing events and competitors. He himself does not fish, but over the decades he has accumulated so much knowledge and experience that he can be of help to any angler at any time. With his helpfulness and decades of commitment to serving fishermen, he earned an award for Fishing in Vas County.
The second prize went to Eszter Lőrincz-Farkas , editor-in-chief of Vas Népe, as it will be two years this year for Vas Népe to provide the association with a fishing site entitled Vasi Vizeken, but the county newspaper has already regularly reported on fishing events. With the Honor for Fishing in Vas County, he was recognized for his dedicated work in promoting fishing.
Miklós Seregi and Anikó Pankotayné Kálmán were praised as third, who was a professional women's competitive angler for a decade, was a member of the Hungarian national team several times, won a bronze medal at the World Women's Fisherman's Championship in 1996, was a Hungarian champion in 1999 and won many county and national competitions. results. It has been helping ticket sales in its sample stores for many years, as well as continuously supporting the association’s youth and competitive sports activities.
With his competitive background and decades of commitment to serving anglers, he has earned an award for Fishing in Vas County. Last but not least, the award was given to Éva Csöngéné Nyaras , who started fishing more than 30 years ago, ten of whom she spent as a professional female competitive angler as a member of the Celldömölk Locomotive HE, and competed in three world championships. Leveraging his fishing knowledge, he has been operating his fishing shop in Celldömölk for 30 years, in which he continuously sells the association's tickets to anglers. With his decades-long helpfulness and commitment to serving fishermen, he earned an award for his fishing sport in Vas County. After the presentation of the awards, there was a pause of a few minutes and those who appeared at the meeting decided on several important attacks. A detailed account of the meeting can be seen in the following television compilation.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Sárvár Kinizsi Horgász Egyesület was added to the Association, Lajos Tóth was elected as the committee member representing Sárvár HE and Attila Kádi, representing Répcelak HE, who is also the new president of the association. months. After the election of the officers, the delegates discussed the professional evaluator of the year for Norbert Puskás. The voluminous written report revealed that the epidemiological situation and its measures did not make fishing as an individual recreational sport in Hungary impossible. Thus, in the first months of last year, the dynamically increasing desire to switch fishing tickets to iron waters fell below the level of 2019 in only one month - in March, and then the desire to fish in Vas County also increased. Knowing the exact headcount data at the end of the year, we are pleased to report that we managed to exceed our record year of 10,217 in 2019 by 865, so in 2020 the number of anglers registered in the member associations of our association reached 11,082. In 2019, 2,755 adult fishermen bought annual tickets for iron waters, while in 2020, 383 more people, ie a total of 3,138 adult fishermen, voted to trust our fishing waters with an annual ticket exchange. It is also a pleasing fact for child anglers that we managed to increase the number of 599 annual tickets changed to 735 in 2020.
Of course, the increase in the number of anglers and changes in licenses also resulted in additional revenues, which we spent on one of our most important activities, fish farming. A total of 122,389 kg of outstanding fishing license changes were caught, while we tried to thank our fishing community with 476,000 pre-farmed fish stocks. In line with the fisheries management plans approved by the authority and the needs of the fishermen, the largest amount of carp of catchable size was deployed, of which a record amount, almost 85 tonnes, was released into the waters. Assessing the carp settlements, it should be pointed out that 22.5 tons of this extraordinary quantity entered the iron waters with the support of the Hungarian National Fishermen's Association (MOHOSZ) with the support of the Hungarian National Fishermen's Association and several other fish farmers. the installation of fishing water was also partially supported by the local fishing association during the year. In addition to the typical carp dominance in Hungary and Vas county, we also tried to plant other native fish species as much as possible. In addition, we tried to focus more on meeting the needs of white-water fishermen, so in the spring on the Rába river 4,000 pre-bred goats, in the summer 40,000 perch fry, 10,000 pre-bred perch and 10,000 balins were planted, while in Gyöngyös, Pinka and Répce 400 They were enriched with 450 catchable size trout.
In the summer, we planted 10,000 pre-bred compotes in the Marcal River and the Celldömölk, Nagypiriti, Merseváti lakes, and 42,000 pre-bred bream in Herpenyő, Pinka backwaters, Perenyei and Pinkamindszenti lakes, Szombathelyi Horgásztav, and Szombathelyi Horgásztav. In addition to carp, bream and whitefish, which are of most interest to anglers, were deployed in almost all waters, with a total of more than 35 tonnes. Another favorite of anglers is the perch, whose I. and II. By the end of the year, we managed to dump more than 1,076 kg (approximately 5,500-6,000 pieces) of the summer age group into the iron waters. Following the professional report, the financial report was presented to the financial manager Etelka Bíró , who revealed that in addition to the developments and professional successes, the past year ended with an extremely positive financial result, and then the delegates approved the public benefit report. The work plan and program calendar were also on the agenda of the meeting, but the delegates also approved the proposals for the membership fee and this year's budget. Among the various delegates, they were also informed about the topics of the MOHOSZ election meeting expected in the near future.
Congratulations to the winners once again, we wish you a lot of strength and health in the future!
Photo: Kálmán Garas, Balázs Szekeres
The text was made partly using the writing of Dávid Budai (vaol.hu).