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We started the year with an unprecedented amount of pike planting

2023.01.06. Share

In addition to the continuous negative news coming from the fishing and fish farming industry, we can fortunately also report some happy events. Despite the best intentions of our association, it is not possible to install such a large volume of predators in such excellent condition every year due to the uncertainty of obtaining predatory species.

We started the year with an unprecedented amount of pike planting

In addition to planting nearly 60 tons of carp, despite last year's difficulties and price increases, 14,516 kg of bream and 1,418 kg of catchable predatory fish (pike, catfish, perch) were released. In order to maintain a healthy ratio of peaceful fish to predatory fish, as well as to satisfy the needs of anglers, we consider it important to purchase predators, despite the extremely high (4000-5000 HUF/kg) prices.

In addition to the mother pike installed last year and smaller one-year specimens, on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, V'95 KFT in Nagyatád. beautiful one- and two-year-old pike (average weight of 0.7 dkg) arrived from his premises, totaling 1,000 kg.

After the accurate on-site measurement, accompanied and with the help of our professional fish keepers, the beautiful little predators went into the following waters:

  • Celldömölki Brick Factory and Park lake: 100 kg (approx.: 150-200 pieces)
  • Csánigi mining pond: 100 kg (approx.: 150-200 pieces)
  • Rábasömjén lake: 100 kg (approx.: 150-200 pieces)
  • Vasvár lakes: 50 kg (approx.: 75-100 pieces)
  • Hunting lake: 50 kg (approx.: 75-100 pieces)
  • Hársas lake in Máriaújfalu: 200 kg (approx.: 300-400 pieces)
  • Magyarszecsőd gravel pit lake: 200 kg (approx.: 300-400 pieces)
  • Szombathely Boating Lake: 100 kg (approx.: 150-200 pieces)
  • Szombathely Fishing Lake: 100 kg (approx.: 150-200 pieces)

Since a significant part of the planted stock exceeds the legal size limit (40 cm), we ask T. Horgásztárs to try to be as gentle as possible during their fishing during the 3 weeks until the pike ban, and also after that, and to observe the fish protection regulations contained in the current fishing regulations , since the approx. 1,500-2,000 student pike can grow to a sizeable size (1.5-2 kg) by the fall and become desirable prey for spinner and predator fish fishermen, if we take care of the new inhabitants of our waters together!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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