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We can also support the help of COVID orphans by purchasing an annual area fishing ticket

2022.01.24. Share

The pandemic did not spare the large community of anglers either. So far, we have lost more than 40,000 of our compatriots, leaving about 1,000 COVID orphans in hundreds of families. About 2,000 of the active members of the large fishing community are in painful loss, and unfortunately dozens of children in these families have been orphaned or half-orphaned.

We can also support the help of COVID orphans by purchasing an annual area fishing ticket

Based on the joint decision of the Board of MOHOSZ, the National Service Center for Fishing Organizations and the Balaton Fisheries Management Nonprofit Ltd.
MOHOSZ and Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Np. .

At the end-of-year meeting, the presidency of the Vas County Association of Sport Angling Associations discussed and accepted that the Association supports the Regőczi István Foundation for the Coronavirus Orphans MOHOSZ initiative with HUF 200 for every “1” county ticket sold.

MOHOSZ and the organizations associated with the initiative will continuously publicize the targeting of the offers in a transparent manner.
Detailed information about the activities of the István Regőczi Foundation for Coronavirus Orphans can be read on the website of the foundation:

If you can, help the work of the Foundation!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



30.11°  Humidity: 50%