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VI. Our fishing team participated in the National Fishing Competition and Professional Meeting

2023.09.21. Share

On September 18, the VI started in Szarvas. National Fishing Competition and Professional Meeting. The host of the event was the Hungarian National Fishing Association. Three-person teams - 28 in number - delegated by the member organizations and associations of MOHOSZ competed against each other over three days.

VI. Our fishing team participated in the National Fishing Competition and Professional Meeting

The county of Vas was represented by fish guards Tamás Karácsonyi, Balázs Szekeres, and Benjamin Seregi under the leadership of József Mesterházy. The first day - as usual - was about the professional lectures and the theoretical competition.

Police lieutenant colonel Géza Tóth and Ildikó Habony, head of the TKI working group, gave a lecture on correct conflict management. András Papp, Csongrád county's fish management specialist, spoke to the participants about the practice of official procedures. After lunch, in an open panel discussion , Attila Nemes, Ernő Cserepes, Tibor Dudás, Rikárd Pfeifer and Péter Donkó explained the local characteristics and unusual cases of their organization's work as a fish guard. At the end of the presentations, questions and answers followed each other.

The interactive theoretical competition took place at 5 p.m. Unlike previous years, the teams did not fill out the questionnaire together, but each participant was given a separate test in the topics of fish identification, law enforcement and fishing exam.

On Tuesday, the competitions continued with 4 more skill competitions. In the cycling skill task, the fish keepers were able to put themselves in the shoes of the fishermen for a little while, when they had to ride a camping bike along a course marked with buoys. The second task was also cycling, only in water instead of land. In the traditional boat skills competition, the organizers twisted it a bit, so the fish guards cut through the foam on pedal boats, which was certainly not easy at all with the sluggish animals.

During the "rapid peca" competition, the whole team fished, but only for 10 minutes. Two fishing world champions were waiting for the competitors with ready-made fishing rods and useful advice at the pre-arranged place. Dr. Aranka Kulcsár and Tibor Ambrus did everything to ensure that the fish keepers only had to deal with catching fish during the tight season. The competition can also be called traditional, during which the fish watchers had to bring a person fishing in confusion under control and uncover illegal activities. The organizers evaluated the regularity, professionalism and legality of the measure.

Four more competitions were held on Wednesday morning. The target shooting, or casting as it is called, took place in the same way as last year. It had to be thrown three times on the Arenberg tarpaulin from three different distances (10, 12 and 18 meters). The only difference was that now the time was also measured by the judge. During the rigging, braided and monofilament lines had to be connected, and then two bibs of a given length had to be looped into a swivel. Archery was not included in the tasks before, but it was liked by many. In the guessing task, the fish keepers had to guess the length, girth and weight of three carp without removing them from the fish tank. The winner was the one who could most accurately estimate the sum of the sizes of all three fish.

The fishing team of the Vas County Association of Sportfishing Associations won the 3rd place in the theoretical competition, which was awarded with a special prize. Overall, our fishermen finished in 14th place in the field of 30 teams.

Overall winners of the competition series:

I. Association of Tolna County Fishing Associations

II. NÉBIH State Fisheries Service

III. Kaposvár Sports Fishing Association

Congratulations to all participants!


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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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