Vas complete area tickets will also be valid for the Döröskei Reservoir
Dr. Lajos Szűcs, president of the Hungarian National Fishing Association (MOHOSZ), and Miklós Seregi, president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, concluded a fishing and fishing tourism agreement in December, which provides favorable fishing opportunities for Vas anglers on the Döröskei Reservoir.
MOHOSZ, as the authority authorized to manage the water area's fish, with the active cooperation of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, has provided fishing opportunities on the Döröske Reservoir on a C & R (catch and release) principle since June 1 , 2024, in accordance with previous goals. Within the framework of the established cooperation , there will be several angler - friendly rule changes , which are the following :
- From January 1, 2025, carp, among the native fish in the Döröskei Reservoir, can be kept if its length is at least 30 cm but does not exceed 60 cm.
- Non-native fish can be taken without restriction (silver carp, dwarf catfish, etc.)
- Other native fish and the non-native grass carp cannot be kept and must be gently released back into the water.
- With an adult annual area ticket, you can keep 20 carp, up to a total weight of 40 kg.
- Fishing will be permitted every day of the year from 0:00 to 24:00, except during competitions, events and emergencies.
- With additional "pull-in" tickets issued by the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, the use of a bait boat will be permitted without disturbing others.
- The full fishing schedule is available here >>>
It will also be possible to fish on the lake with the combined national and children's territorial permits of the MOHOSZ, while adhering to the rules described above. If someone wants to fish exclusively on Lake Döröske, they will also have the opportunity to do so. MOHOSZ will issue an annual 2-rod territorial permit, the price of which will be 45,000 HUF. Fishing is only possible in areas designated by MOHOSZ - managed by the MOHOSZ, as well as in the area of their own property (waterfront) for owners of waterfront property and their relatives with a valid territorial fishing permit. Currently, there are about 15 fishing spots available, but during the winter and spring we will work on creating additional fishing spots so that as many people as possible can find their way on the shores of the Döröske reservoir.
The new opportunity will not only benefit anglers, but will also contribute to the further boost of local tourism, thus further strengthening the tourism of Vas County. The agreement states that the parties consider the Döröskei Reservoir to be a potential fishing tourism development area, and accordingly, its fish farming utilization will be carried out in coordination with environmental protection and water management tasks.
The fishing regulations and regional ticket prices of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, valid from January 1, 2025, can be downloaded at the following links:
- General fishing regulations for the waters of Vásárlón valid from January 1, 2025 >>>
- Ticket prices valid from January 1, 2025 >>>
Our association and the associations work together to ensure that Vasi Vizek offers unforgettable experiences and meaningful recreation to all anglers!
We hope you will join us in 2025 and be enriched with more beautiful dishes!
Downloadable Documents
- Döröske HHR 2025.01.01-től (604.71 KB, PDF)
- 2025. január 01-től érvényes jegyárak (657.49 KB, PDF)
- SHE-k V. Szövetsége horgászrendje 2025. január 01-től (806.81 KB, PDF)