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Unexpected "bream blessing" in Szombathely

2021.11.08. Share

In addition to the fish procurement difficulties and in spite of them, Tógazda ZRT caused another pleasant surprise among the ongoing autumn plantings. unexpected announcement that 1,250 kg of beautiful bream had been caught in fishermen’s net on Friday morning.

Unexpected "bream blessing" in Szombathely

As the procurement of whitefish is a problem all over the country and even in Europe, our Association took advantage of the unexpected opportunity on Friday morning, and in the early afternoon the wonderful bream stock was planted on the Szombathely Boating and Fishing Lake.
The planted healthy bream stock consisted of a mixed age group, in addition to the palm and half-bred specimens, 50-70 dkg specimens were also released into the water. It took 830 kg to the Boating Lake and 420 kg to the Fishing Lake.

We ask our T. Fellow Fishermen to spare small specimens during their fishing, giving them a chance to grow and reproduce naturally.

The installation was carried out with the 45% financial support of the MOHOSZ Herd Replenishment and Development Target Appropriation (ÁPFE-III / 4 / 2801-20 / 2021.), With the help of which our Association plans to replenish the bream and predator stocks of the water areas managed by it.

According to our plans, in addition to the Rába River, the most visited stagnant waters will also receive bream plantations during November-December.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



30.03°  Humidity: 43%