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Results of Vasi Vizek's best sports angler competition series until 2023

2023.12.31. Share

The results of the competitions available until December 31, 2023 can be read below.

Zoltán Töreki became the best iron angler in hobby and Gábor Hajba in competition in 2023

In the year 2023, all competitions in the competitive and hobby categories of our competition series called the Best Sport Angler of Vasi Waters were successfully completed. Balanced, sports-like competition characterized this year as well, which included the following competitions:

  • April 16, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Karát Cup - Gersekarát, Sárvíz lake
  • May 1, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Kéthatár Lake Cup - Kerkafalva, Kéthatár Lake
  • May 14, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Abért–tó Cup - Lukácsházi Abért I-II. lake
  • June 18, 2023 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Magyarszcsód Cup - Magyarszcsód Lake
  • September 23-24, 2023 - Garbolino-TackleBait Vas County Individual and Team Championship - Abért Lukácsházi II. lake

The 2023 championship started in Gersekarát in April, then continued with the Kéthatár-tó Cup in Kerkavalv on Labor Day, which was followed by the Abért-tó Cup in mid-May. On June 18, the final competition for the hobby participants was held in Magyarszecsőd, while the "fight" for the competitors ended with the two rounds of the Lukácsház County Individual and Team Championships in September.

In both categories, it was necessary to participate in at least 3 rounds in order for the results of the angler to be evaluated in the competition series. Only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association were included in the overall evaluation. In the case of the same score, the fourth/fifth best score was used to determine the final result, in the event of further equality, the weight of the overall score was the deciding factor.

A total of 45 people participated in the 4 rounds announced for hobby adults and youth. For competitors, there were a total of 21 point-scoring starters in the 5 rounds.

In the adult hobby category, there was a tie for third place between Gábor Szabó and Tihamér Szabó, but the result of the fourth ranking competition was better for Gábor Szabó (Spartacus HE.) , so he became the bronze medalist this time. Last year's champion Tibor Pajtli (Spartacus HE.) finished second thanks to a strong race with 62 points. In the year 2023, the best sport angler of Vas county in the hobby adult category was Zoltán Töreki (Répcelaki HE.) with 75 points, who performed at a high level throughout, as evidenced by the three sector first places and one sector third place in the four competitions.

In the competitive category, the championship was even tighter than usual. Only 6.5 points separated the first and seventh place, and the first four finished within 3.5 points of each other. Kádi Szabolcs and Gábor Tordai finished third and second respectively. The two 62-point competitors were decided by a single sector ranking. Szabolcs's 4th best result was 5th in a sector, while his competitor's 6th place in a sector. As a result, the bronze medalist of the competition series was Gábor Tordai (Elektromosok SHE.) , and the silver medalist was Kádi Szabolcs ( Elektromosok SHE. ).
Gábor Hajba (Elektromosok SHE.) was the 2023 winner of the 2023 competition series named Best Sport Angler in Vasi Vizeken (Elektromosok SHE.) with 64.5 points. Gábor deserves all the praise because, with the exception of the Abért-tó Cup, he did not fish worse than sector three in any of the rounds, so he fully deserved his first place.

The ifik competition brought an exciting sibling rivalry. The work of the Bálint brothers was made more difficult by Áron Hajós (Körmendi Munkás HE.) , but despite all his efforts, he was able to finish third this time with 52 points. Thus, as it turned out, the Bálint brothers finally decided the championship race among themselves, at the end of which the little one crushed the big one, also by a little. Zsolt Bálint ( Körmendi Munkás HE. ) finished second with 57 points, his younger brother Dávid Bálint ( Körmendi Munkás HE. ) finished first with 58 points and won the winner's cup.

Final result of the competition series:

Competition category:

  1. Gábor Hajba - Electricians SHE. – 64.5 points
  2. Kádi Szabolcs - Electricians SHE. - 62 points
  3. Gábor Tordai – Electricians SHE. – 62 points

Hobby adult category:

  1. Zoltán Töreki - Répcelaki HE. – 75 points
  2. Tibor Pajtli - Spartacus HE. – 62 points
  3. Gábor Szabó - Spartacus HE. – 58 points

Hobby youth category:

  1. Dávid Bálint - HE Körmendi Munkás. – 58 points
  2. Zsolt Bálint - Körmendi Munkás HE. – 57 points
  3. Áron Hajós - Körmendi Munkás HE. – 52 points

The final results of the competition series can be viewed here:


Péter Kovács and Tibor Pajtli became the champions of 2022

In the year 2022, we managed to organize all the rounds of the Vasi Waters Best Sport Angler competition series. Balanced, sports-like competition characterized this year as well, which included the following competitions:

  • April 10, 2022 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Karát Cup - Gersekarát, Sárvíz lake
  • May 01, 2022 - Lake Kétchatar Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Cup - Kerkafalva, Lake Kétchatar
  • May 15, 2022 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait Abért–tó - Abért I-II. lake
  • May 21-22, 2022 - Garbolino-TackleBait Vas County Individual and Team Championship - Abért II. lake
  • June 11, 2022 - Vasi Vizeken-Garbolino-TackleBait - Magyarszecsőd Cup - Magyarszecsőd Lake

In our multi-round competition series, a total of 42 people started in the hobby adult and youth categories, while 29 people started among the competitors.

The series started in Gersekarát at the beginning of April, and continued with the Kéthatár-tó Cup in Kerkaval on the first day of May, which was followed by the Abért-tó Cup. In the middle of May, the competitors tested their skills in two rounds of the County Individual and Team Championship and closed the series. For those starting in the hobby category, this year's county championship ended in Magyarszecsőd, which was supported by BNT Business and Trading Kft., which distributes the Garbolino - TackleBait brands, as a new sponsor.

At least 3 of the 5 rounds given for competitors, and 3 out of 4 for hobbyists, had to be taken in order for the results of the sport angler to be evaluated in the competition series. Only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association were included in the overall evaluation.

If the same score is reached, the fourth/fifth best result will decide the final result.

In the adult hobby field, the defending champion Gábor Bálint (Körmendi Munkás HE.) had to settle for the bronze medal this time, after last year's championship title, he was placed on the bottom step of the podium with the 58 points he achieved.

Also in second place was a former champion, László Pajtli (Spartacus HE.) with 65 points, further increasing the number of podium finishes he achieved in the competition series. In 2022, Tibor Pajtli (Spartacus HE.) became the best sport fisherman of Vas county in the hobby adult category. There could not be many questions about his first place, apart from a weaker first round, he played excellently throughout. He alone managed to achieve the first place in 3 sectors, so he became the champion with the maximum obtainable 75 points.

Among them, Milán Gersei (Körmendi Munkás HE.) stood out among his competitors , winning all four competitions and confidently finishing at the top of the overall ranking. Zalán Vogl (Spartacus HE.), one of the youngest members of the field, won the silver medal with 54 points. In third place was Bors Ivett (Spartacus HE.) , who can also be proud of his 48 points.

In the competitive category, there was a great deal of competition for the podium places, as evidenced by the fact that there was a 4-way tie for third place. In order to establish the final order, it was also necessary to take into account the fourth and fifth best places achieved. Although Ákos Kovács, Gábor Tordai and Gábor Hajba all scored 61 points in the comparison, Tamás Borsos (Spartacus HE.) emerged as the winner and took third place in the series. The difference between the first and second place was decided by only 3 points. Zoltán Török (Elektromosok SHE.), the champion of last year and the year before last, did not get the third first place in a row, his 65 points proved to be insufficient. Péter Kovács (Elektromosok SHE.) was the winner of the 2022 competition series named Best Sports Angler in Vasi Vizek with 68 points, two sector 1s and one sector 2.

Final result of the competition series:

  • Competition category:
  • Péter Kovács - Electricians SHE. - 68 points
  • Zoltán Török - Electricians SHE. - 65 points
  • Tamás Borsos - Spartacus HE. – 61 points

  • Hobby adult category:
  • Tibor Pajtli
  • - Spartacus HE. – 75 points
  • László Pajtli – HE Spartacus. – 65 points
  • Gábor Bálint - Körmendi Munkás HE. – 58 points

  • Hobby youth category:
  • Milán Gersei - Körmendi Munkás HE. – 75 points
  • Vogl Zalán - Spartacus HE.- 54 points
  • Bors Ivett - Spartacus HE.- 48 points

The results of the rounds can be viewed:

The final results of the competition series can be viewed here:


Zoltán Török and Gábor Bálint also defended their championship titles from last year in the 2021 edition of the Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Sport Fishing Competition Series

In 2021, we managed to hold all the rounds of the Vasi Vizek Best Sports Angler competition. Balanced, sports-like competition characterized this year as well, which included the following competitions:

  • 01.05.2021 - Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Kéthattar Lake Cup - Kerkafalva
  • 13.06.2021 - Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Karate Cup - Gersekarát, Lake Sárvíz
  • 20.06.2021 - Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Molnári Cup - Püspökmolnári
  • 12.09.2021 - Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Abért-tó cup - Lukácsháza, Abért-tó
  • 18.09.2021-19.09. - Decathlon County Individual and Team Championship - Lukácsháza, Abért-tó

In our multi-round competition series, a total of 57 people started in the hobby adult and youth category, while 22 people started among the competitors.

In the hobby category, at least 2 of the 3 held rounds had to be participated in order for the angler's results to be evaluated in the competition series. The ranking was based on the 2 best results achieved in the specified 3 rounds, in the event of equal scores, the result achieved in the third round was used to determine the final result.

In the adult field, Gábor Bálint (Körmendi Munkás HE.), winner several times before and currently defending the title, won this year's championship with a convincing margin. There was a tie for second and third place. Attila Kádi (Répcelaki HE.) and József Hegedüs (Kőszegi SHE.) both finished with 43 points. In this case, the next best result decided the ranking order. While Attila Kádi had points in all three rounds, his competitor only competed in 2 races, so there was no need to do any special calculations in the comparison.

Among the IFs, Linter Hunor (Répcelaki HE.) left almost no chance to his competitors, confidently winning all three rounds, so he finished at the top of the overall ranking. The silver medalist this time was Milán Gersei (Körmendi Munkás HE.) with 36 points. He is followed in third place by Ivett Bors (Spartacus HE.), who collected 33 points.

For competitors, 4 competitions were held, as the County Fighting Championship took place over two days according to custom, so the pecs could compete in a total of 5 rounds. The contestants had to participate in at least 3 of the 5 possible rounds in order for the result of the angler to count in the competition series. The evaluation system is similar to the other category, here the final order was formed based on the 3 best results achieved in the specified 5 rounds. If the same score is reached, the fourth best result is ranked, in case of further equality, the result of the fifth round is ranked.

Zoltán Török (Elektromosok SHE.) was the winner of the 2021 competition series called Best Sport Angler in Vasi Vizeken, who defended his title won last year thanks to his excellent results at the county CSB. An interesting thing about him is that in the 5 years before his victory last year, he finished second in the series three times. In 2020, the ice was broken and in addition to the Adult County Individual Championship, he also managed to win first place in our competition series. This year, moreover, he succeeded in this feat again, as he also defended his county championship title!
Gábor Hajba (Elektromosok SHE.) was able to take the second step of the imaginary podium, with 68 points. Bálint Varga (Elektromosok SHE.) finished behind him with 62 points, so the cup for 3rd place belongs to him.

Final result of the competition series:

Competition category:

  1. Zoltán Török - Electricians SHE. - 75 points
  2. Gábor Hajba - Electricians SHE. - 68 points
  3. Bálint Varga - Electricians SHE. - 62 points

Hobby adult category:

  1. Gábor Bálint - Körmendi Munkás HE. – 50 points
  2. Attila Kádi - Répcelaki HE. – 43 points
  3. József Hegedüs - Kőszegi SHE. – 43 points

Hobby youth category:

  1. Linter Hunor - Répcelaki HE.- 50 points
  2. Milán Gersei - Körmendi Munkás HE. – 36 points
  3. Bors Ivett - Spartacus HE.- 33 points


In the competitive category, Zoltán Török, while in the hobby, Gábor Bálint became the best sport fisherman in the Vasi waters in 2020

The 2020 Vas County competition season in the life of our Association ended with the County Individual and Team Championships. Despite the difficulties caused by the corona virus, we managed to organize all the rounds with the exception of one competition. Balanced, sports-like competition characterized this year as well.

In the hobby category, at least 2 of the 3 held rounds had to be participated in order for the angler's results to be evaluated in the competition series. The ranking was based on the 2 best results achieved in the specified 3 rounds, in the event of equal scores, the result achieved in the third round was used to determine the final result.

A total of 52 people entered this year's competition in the adult and youth hobby categories.

In the older category, a previous winner, Gábor Bálint (Körmendi Munkás HE.) became the champion again. Márk Koltai Máté Koltai (Kéthátar-tó HE.) finished second in the youth category. All three finished with equal points in the bronze medal position. According to the competition notice, the best third result this time went to László Pajtli (Spartacus HE.) , who, after his 2018 championship title, was now happy with a third place.

Bors Ivett (Spartacus HE.) , the youngest member of the field, managed to win with a great hair. Balázs Bence Tukarcs (Spartacus HE.) finished second, Dávid Sánta (Körmendi Munkás HE.) finished third.

All competitions were held in the competition category, so the competitors must participate in at least 3 rounds out of the 5 possible rounds, so that the sports angler's results count in the competition series. The evaluation system is similar to the other category, here the final ranking will be based on the 3 best results achieved in the specified 5 rounds. If the same score is reached, the fourth best result will decide, in case of further equality, the result of the fifth round will decide. If the final result cannot be decided even in this way, the total catch calculated on the basis of the catch weights for the considered rounds was decisive.

36 anglers measured themselves in this category during the season. The winner of this year's county competition series was the recent county champion, Zoltán Török (Elektromosok SHE.) , who finished in second place three times in the last 5 years. Starting as the reigning champion , Zsolt Horváth (Szentgotthárdi HE.) had to settle for second place this time. Attila Vámos (Spartacus HE.) reached the bottom step of the podium with a balanced performance.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to hold the traditional year-end award ceremony due to the epidemiological situation.


There was close competition in 2019 for the titles of the best iron pecás, which was won by Zsolt Horváth in the competition category and Sándor Horváth in the hobby category.

For the tenth time, the Vas County Association of Sportfishing Associations has organized a series of competitions called the best sport angler in Vasi Vizek in the hobby and competition fishing categories. A good number of competitors took part in this year's competition series as well, an average of 50-55 people started during each round, and 138 anglers participated in the entire competition series. Several times in the days before the competition, he had to close the pre-registration due to oversubscription.

In both categories, sport anglers had to participate in at least 3 rounds out of the 5 specified rounds in order for their results to be evaluated in the competition series. Anyone could participate in the competition series without an entry fee, but only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association were included in the overall evaluation.

In the competitive category, as usual, there was a close fight during the year. Before the last round, even more starters had a chance to win the final. In the end, Zsolt Horváth, who was leading the series, could not be pushed off the top step of the podium, but there was a big battle for the second and third places. Of the two Elektromosos competitors, this time the fishing luck favored Zoltán Török over Gábor Tordai. After five rounds, both stood with 68 points. In this case, according to the competition announcement, the fourth best result decided the fate of the silver and bronze medals. While Zoltán Török was second in a sector, Gábor Tordai was sixth in a sector. Thus, Gábor Tordai finished in 3rd place and Zoltán Török in 2nd place in the competition series.

Zsolt Horváth is the only one in the field to win Szentgotthárdi HE. his competitor managed to bag three sector victories, thanks to which he was awarded the title of Best Sport Angler of Iron Waters in the competitive category this year. Zsolt not only showed off his excellent fishing skills in intense competitive conditions, but also demonstrated his greatness as a sportsman by taking part in the Integrated Fishing Day held in October , where, together with several fellow fishermen, he helped introduce fishing to people with disabilities, as well as managed to make the everyday life of our fellow disabled people more beautiful with an unforgettable experience.

In the hobby adult category, the leading field was even more balanced, and nothing proves this better than the fact that the series ended with a double tie for the top and a triple tie for the bronze medal places. Due to the three-way tie, the fate of the third place was also decided based on the principle of the fourth best result. This time, Gábor Bálint (Körmendi Munkás HE.), who shook his hair big at the end, "only" got a 5th place this time. Tibor Pajtli (Spartacus HE.) finished in 4th place, leading the championship in a tie before the last round. The bronze medalist is Spartacus HE. his winner was Tamás Borsos, as his fourth best result was better than his two other competitors. In order to win in this category as well, three sector first places were necessary.. Two people were able to achieve this feat, so László Pajtli (Spartacus HE.) and Sándor Horváth (Határőr SHE.) were also able to finish at the top of their sector three times. In the deadlock, the fourth best result was also the deciding factor, on the basis of which the defending champion László Pajtli had to settle for the silver medal this year. In 2019, Sándor Horváth became the champion of the hobby adult category of the Vasi Vizek Best Sport Angling county competition series.

In recognition of the year-round performance of young hobby anglers, the Association will reward the most skillful anglers with a special award this year. In the event of the competition series, the most young competitors started this year, 19 young people took part in the various competitions, which is very gratifying for us compared to the number of participants between 8-12 people in previous years. In the youth competition, the title defense was successful, as the 2018 champion Norbert Misák (Büki HE.) became the youth winner of the series this year with 65 points, Varga Marcell (Spartacus HE.) finished second with 61 points, after last year's silver medal Rebeka Szabados (Spartacus HE.) took third place this year with 42 points.

The final results of the competition series can be viewed here:


In 2018, Bálint Varga and László Pajtli became the best iron pecás in the adult competition

For the ninth time, the Vas County Association of Sportfishing Associations has organized the competition series called the best sportfisherman of the Vasi Waters in the hobby and competition fishing category. In accordance with tradition, Miklós Seregi, the president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, announced the final results of the year-long competition as part of the year-end board meeting.
A good number of competitors took part in the competition series, an average of 50 people started during each round, and 144 anglers participated in the entire competition series. Several times in the days before the competition, he had to close the pre-registration due to oversubscription. In both categories, sport anglers had to participate in at least 3 rounds out of the 5 specified rounds in order for their results to be evaluated in the competition series. Anyone could participate in the competition series without an entry fee, but only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association were included in the overall evaluation.

In the competition category, there was a more even fight than ever before during the year, so the decision on the order of the final positions was again left to the last round. After the final round of the series, there was a three-way tie at the top, taking into account the points obtained with the three most successful performances. Bálint Varga, Gábor Hajba, Ákos Kovács also finished the championship with 62 points. In this case, according to the competition notice, the fourth best result is ranked. From this ranking, Ákos Kovács is the Büki HE. his competitor came out somewhat unlucky, as his next best result was 6th place in a sector, while his other two competitors had a sector 4 and a sector 5.

And the 2018 winner of the competition category of the Best Sport Fishing county series on Vasi Vize is Bálint Varga of Elektromosok SHE. became pecá, whose result in the fourth points-scoring competition was 1 sector better than that of his Elektromosos partner Gábor Hajba. Bálint Varga finished at the top of the competition series for the 5th time now!

In the hobby adult category, the most important question has already been decided by the last round. László Pajtli of Spartacus HE. nothing threatened his angler's first place. Fishing sector 1 three times out of the first four rounds, he confidently won this year's competition series in his category with 75 points. In second place is Gábor Németh of Ölbői SHE. pecása finished with 61 points, who also performed well, in addition to a sector victory, he also collected second place in two sectors. Third-placed Attila Tamás became a member of the Szentgotthárd fishing association with 58 points. In recognition of the year-round performance of young hobby anglers, the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations will reward the most skilled anglers with a special prize this year.

In 2018, Norbert Misák is the Büki HE. became the youth winner of the series with 54 points, last year's bronze medalist Rebeka Szabados (Spartacus HE.) finished second with 48 points, Dávid Sánta (Körmendi Munkás HE.) was third with 31 points. At the end of the announcement of the results, the prizes were presented to the winners by the president Miklós Seregi and the executive president Norbert Puskás.

Congratulations to all competitors and their associations!

Final results of the 2018 competition series

The results of the competitions held in 2018 were collected by category and provided with the scores corresponding to the sector results. The scores achieved and the preliminary partial results in the competition series called the best sport angler of the Vasi Waters can be downloaded from the following link:


Tamás Incze and Gábor Bálint became the best sport fishermen of Vasi waters in 2017

Among youth fishermen, Viktor Varga took the lead

For the eighth time, the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations has organized the best sports angler of the Vasi Waters competition in the hobby and competitive fishing categories. In accordance with tradition, Miklós Seregi, the president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, announced the final results of the year-long competition as part of the year-end board meeting.

A good number of competitors took part in this year's series of competitions, with an average of 50-70 participants in each round, and nearly 150 anglers participated in the entire series of competitions. Several times this season, in the days before the competition, he had to close the pre-registration due to over-registration, which clearly shows that competitive fishing is becoming more and more popular in Vas County, both in the hobby and competitor categories. In both categories, anglers had to participate in at least 3 of the 5 rounds announced by the Association in order for their results to be evaluated in the competition series. Anyone could participate in the competition series without an entry fee, but only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association were included in the overall evaluation. As part of the competition series, competitions were held at the following locations during the year: Kéthatár-tó, Abért I-II. lake, Gersekaráti Sárvíz lake, Vadása lake, Ölbői Horgásztó lake. Both the adult hobby and the category for competitors were extremely balanced, the final ranking was decided only in the last round.

More pictures are available here >>>

Among the competitors is Tamás Incze of Kőszeg SHE. his angler finished first, thanks to, among other things, his good performance at the County Championship, where he won a silver medal in the individual overall. Zoltán Török (Elektromosok SHE.) took second place, just one point behind, who, after finishing third overall in last year's series, managed to advance one place on the podium this year. Péter Kovács (Elektromosok SHE.) won the bronze medal in a tie, but as a result of his balanced fishing throughout the year, he won third place.

In the hobby adult category, two of them performed quite outstandingly during the entire competition season. Gábor Bálint of Körmendi Munkás HE. competitor and Ferenc Nagy, a member of the Kerkafalva Fishing Association of Kéthátar-tó, finished first with the same score, 3-3 sector wins. In addition to the three sector victories, Gábor Bálint's fourth best result also meant a sector victory, while his competitor was third in the sector. Thus, Gábor Bálint earned the award for the best sport angler of Vasi Vizek in the hobby adult category of 2017. György Zsankó of Pannónia HE took bronze. pecá finished with one sector win and two sector threes. In recognition of the year-round performance of young hobby anglers, the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations awarded the most skillful junior anglers with a special award this year. Compared to last year, the order of positions at the top of the IFs was reversed. This year Viktor Kovács (Vasvári HE.-Körmendi Munkás HE.) became the winner, pushing last year's champion Máté Koltai (Kéthátar-tó Kerkafalva HE.) behind him. Rebeka Szabados, a young female competitor of Spartacus HE, finished in third place. At the end of the announcement of the results, the prizes were presented to the winners by the president Miklós Seregi and the executive president Norbert Puskás.

Congratulations to all competitors and their associations!


For the fourth time, Bálint Varga became the best sport fisherman of the Vasi waters in 2016.

This year's champion was Dezső Tancsics in the hobby category

The Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations held its competition series for the seventh time in the hobby and competition fishing category. According to tradition, the results of the county competition series were announced at the December Steering Committee meeting today in Vaskeresztes. It was gratifying to see that a good number of competitors took part in this year's competition series, an average of 40-45 people started during each round, and 113 anglers participated in the entire competition series. Miklós Seregi, president of the Vas County Fishing Association, began his speech. This year, the Kerkafavi lake, Lukácsházi Abért II. lake, Gersekarát Sárvíz lake and Vadása lake. In the hobby and competitive fishing category, sport anglers had to participate in at least 3 rounds out of the 5 specified rounds in order for their results to be evaluated in the competition series. Anyone could participate in the competition series without an entry fee, but only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association were included in the overall evaluation.

In the competitive category, competitive anglers Bálint Varga, Zoltán Török and Ákos Kovács delivered an even performance during the five rounds announced for this year's competitors and fought an exciting fishing battle for the podium places. Bálint Varga managed to win first place in three rounds and was second in two rounds. During the competition series, his best catch was 22,100 grams on the Abért lake, while he also managed to catch more than 20 kg of small fish on the Sárvíz lake in Gersekarat in four hours. With this year's result, Bálint Varga became the best iron competitive angler of the year for the fourth time, and Miklós Seregi, president of the Vas County Federation of Sport Fishing Associations, congratulated him for his excellent performance at today's award ceremony. Ákos Kovács and Zoltán Török achieved the same score, but Ákos Kovács managed to achieve a better individual result in the fourth round of the competition, which is why he took second place overall.

In the hobby anglers' competition, the results were also close at the top, the podium positions were decided only in the last round between Dezső Tancsics, Tibor Pajtli and Attila Tóth . Dezső Tancsics became the best hobby angler of 2016 with two sector singles and a second place. To win two sectors, catch results of 14-15 kg were necessary. In recognition of the year-round performance of young hobby anglers, this year the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations also awarded the best of this category with a special award. I also want to encourage young people to take part in next year's competitions in as large a number as possible.

The 1st-3rd in each category will be awarded at the end of the competition series named "The best sport angler of the Vasi waters 2016". In addition to congratulating the runner-up, Norbert Puskás, the executive chairman of the Association, presented souvenirs and a free annual fishing license - together with the chairman Miklós Seregi - to the waters of Vas.

Final result:

- Competition category: 1st place: Bálint Varga - Electricians SHE 75 points; II. location: Ákos Kovács - Büki HE. 68 points; III. location: Zoltán Török - Elektromosok SHE. 68 points

- Hobby category: 1st place: Dezső Tancsics - Electricians SHE. 68 points; II. location: Attila Tóth - Körmendi Munkás HE. 60 points; III. place: Tibor Pajtli - Spartacus HE. 54 points

- Youth hobby category: 1st place: Márk Máté Koltai - Kerkafalvi HE. 68 points; II. location: Viktor Kovács - Vasvári HE. 61 points; III. location: Zsolt Kovács - Vasvári HE. 58 points

Detailed results:

- Competition category >>>

- Hobby category >>>

- Youth hobby category >>>

Congratulations to the winners!


Results so far:

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In 2015, János Csótár and Bálint Varga became the best sport fishermen in Vasi waters in 2015

The Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations held its competition series for the sixth time in the hobby and competition fishing category. According to tradition, the results of the county competition series were announced at the December Steering Committee meeting last Saturday. It was gratifying to see that a good number of competitors took part in this year's competition series, there was a round where the number of entrants reached 62 people. A total of 121 anglers took part in the competition series, the average catches in each round were between 3-5 kg, but there was also a competition where 16-18 kg of fish had to be caught in four hours to be successful. The cup series took place at the following locations: Kéthatár lake in Kerkafal, Csónázá lake in Szombathely, Abért II. lake, Gersekaráti Sárvíz lake, Vadása lake. In the competitive category, a minimum of 3 rounds out of the 5 specified rounds, and a minimum of 3 rounds out of the 6 rounds organized in the hobby category had to be participated in order for the results of the sport angler to be evaluated in the competition series. Anyone could participate in the competition series without an entry fee, but only the results of the members of the member organizations of the Vas County Fishing Association were included in the overall evaluation.

More pictures can be viewed here >>>

In the competitive category, competitive anglers Bálint Varga (Elektromosok SHE), László Magyar (Elektromosok SHE) and Levente Komáromi (Kőszegi SHE) provided balanced performances during the 5 rounds announced for this year's competitors and fought an exciting fishing battle for the first place, which was specially congratulated for their excellent performances held this Saturday at the award ceremony, Miklós Seregi is the president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations.

More pictures can be viewed here >>>

In the competition of hobby anglers, there was a close result at the top, the podium positions were decided only in the last round between fellow athletes János Csótár (Kerkaszentkirályi HE.), József Hegedüs (Pannónia HE) and Attila Kádi (Répcelaki HE).

More pictures can be viewed here >>>

The 1st-3rd in each category will be awarded at the end of the competition series named "The best sport angler of the Vasi waters 2015". In addition to congratulating the runner-up, the Association president Miklós Seregi also presented souvenirs and a free annual regional ticket to the best two competitive anglers of the county to the Association's fishing waters.

Fishing market

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



3.36°  Humidity: 54%