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The Halőr boat engine purchased with association support passed the test

2023.05.08. Share

In order to enforce the bans that came into force last week and to collect related information, our professional fish guards carried out a group inspection on several sections of the Rába River on Sunday from the shore and from a boat. During the inspection, the YAMAHA F6C gasoline boat engine purchased with the help of the member associations was tested, which, according to the first experiences, will be an excellent tool for Rába inspections in the future.

The Halőr boat engine purchased with association support passed the test

In order to increase the protection of the fish stock in the Rá River, our Association was assisted in the procurement by the following member associations based on the offers made at the 2022 winter IB meeting:

  • Celldömölki Locomotive HE.
  • Electricians SHE.
  • Körmend Border Guard HE.
  • Répcelaki HE.
  • Répcement HE.
  • Sárvár Kinizzi HE.
  • Spartacus HE.
  • Vas County Savaria HE.
  • Vassurányi HE.

Once again, we thank our Member Associations for their support, and we also thank the North Transdanubian Water Board for the free mooring place provided for the posted fish guard boat.

Based on our experience as a fish watcher on the Rába River, we would like to draw the attention of T. Horgásztársak to the fact that from 02.05. ensuring reproduction, which can also be disrupted by gentle C&R fishing with the stress caused by fatigue and bagging.
In addition, due to a change in the legislation from this year, the specific ban also applies to specimens of catfish exceeding 100 cm, so we ask all good-natured and ethical anglers not to fish specifically for species protected by the ban period during the spawning period, thus showing restraint and giving opportunities to our native fish species for undisturbed spawning!

Thank you for your understanding and patience!

If you experience fishing-related violations, crimes, illegal use of equipment, water quality problems, environmental damage, or other incidents that threaten the natural environment of the waters and fish stocks, please call our Association, our fisheries guards, or send us your report anonymously by filling out the form below!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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