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The customer service tool park of the Sárvíz-Tavi Fishing Association was renewed with rural development support

2022.07.20. Share

The Sárvíz-tavi Fishing Association submitted a successful application for the invitation number VP6-19.2.1.-69-8.1.9-21 entitled Pannon Spatial Development Association - Support for procurement of equipment for the development of civil organizations. (Project ID: 3337611686)

The customer service tool park of the Sárvíz-Tavi Fishing Association was renewed with rural development support

The Sárvíz-Tavi Fishing Association, as a member organization of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, carries out fishing advocacy and fish management, fish protection, youth education and community program organization tasks. The association performs voluntary fishing guard duties on the 36-hectare Gersekarát Sárvíz lake, Vasvár Csónakázó lake, and Püspökmolnári-Kavicsbánya lake. Its main task is closely related to the area of activity on 1373.61 ha of water in the counties of Vas and Zala, for which it issues fishing licenses as a member of the Vas County Association of Sports Fishing Associations and performs full-scale fishing license administration.

Goals achieved by the project:

  • Expansion and modernization of the existing assets of the Sárvíz-Tavi Horgásgegyesület.
  • Expansion of the services provided by the Association and their more efficient performance for fishermen. Maintaining the association's operation and strengthening its effectiveness.
  • Quick and accurate service to anglers thanks to the new equipment park.
  • Ensuring up-to-date data provision for MOHOSZ-HORINFO, in accordance with national regulations, thus also helping to prepare the current legislation.

The following activities were carried out in the framework of the project "Equipment Procurement for the Development of the Customer Service of the Sárvíz-Tavi Fishing Association":

  • Acquisition of new computing devices in accordance with the regulations: 4 Dell notebooks and the IT devices required to build the NAS system.
  • Carrying out information and public duties.

The implementation of the project took place in Vaskeresztes (165/4th hrs. in Vaskeresztes village), where the Association has its headquarters and its customer service office.

The 1,999,996 million forint Leader tender project entitled Equipment Procurement for the Development of the Customer Service of the Sárvíz-Tavi Horgászegyesület, provided 1,899,996 million forints in financial resources for the implementation of the undertaken activities, with a support intensity of 95 percent.

The project implementation period is June 6, 2022 - July 31, 2022.

Further information:

  • Polgárné Judit Németh
  • Mobile: +36/70-33-99-703
  • Email:
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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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