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Spring was active at the fish guards on the shores of the iron waters

2022.05.25. Share

The activities of our professional and social fishermen this year have once again shown the complexity and diversity of the work of fishermen. In addition to the “routine tasks” at the beginning of the year (distribution of fishing tickets and area tickets, maintenance of waterfront equipment, cutting of trees, branches and reeds), due to this year's fish procurement problems and rising fish prices, our fishers were tied up in several smaller installments.

Spring was active at the fish guards on the shores of the iron waters

Inspecting fish farms on site, accompanying them from loading, and carrying out the installations are also the job of our professional fishermen. Fortunately, many of our social fishermen also appear as regular helpers during fish and water management tasks, as well as during fish stocks.

Despite our repeated information, many people are still unaware that in addition to their daily tasks, our fishermen and agents maintain and mow the shores of the following water areas: Pinkamindszenti Lake, Magyarszecsőd Gravel Mine Lake, Gersekaráti Sárvíz Lake, Vasvári Csónakázó Lake Lake, Mersevát peat lake, Csánigi lake, Nagypiriti gravel mine lake, Pinka backwater Iron Cross, Croatian section of Pinka stream, Alpine lake and the Federal center Iron Cross.

In addition to the regular inspections and waterfront maintenance required by the employer, our fishermen cleaned up Újperinti I. no. several sections of the shores of the lake where the excavated shrubs and branches have been mined, so it is expected that even more fishing spots will be established in the water area visited by many.

Considering the whitewater anglers as well, mowed fishing spots await those interested in the dammed section of the Twin Castle in the Rába River and in several parts of the Marcal bank.

It is a constant problem that many waterfront visitors (and not necessarily anglers) would be unable to accept the simple rule that what you take out to the waterfront should be taken home in the first place, if there is a waste bin on it. Our colleagues often receive a signal, or during their daily inspections, that in addition to littering, some people use the fire dumps and bacon grills placed by the Association with the support of the tender as waste collectors.

The mortality rate following the changeable weather in the spring and the weakening associated with the spawning of fish varies from one water area to another, but the collection and removal of fish carcasses is also performed by our colleagues. We would also like to draw the attention of the anxious population to the fact that minor fish mortality is still completely “normal” for fish farming in a water area, which can be caused by general winter weakening, poor spring condition, susceptibility to disease, or other injuries. Legislation sets out the extent of fish mortality, in which case our Association must take action to notify and involve the relevant authorities. We accept, of course, that similar to the sight of a run-down game on the road, the sight and smell of slight fish destruction can be disturbing, which is why our fishermen try to remove the fish carcasses in the shortest possible time.

At the fishing competitions organized by the Association, our fishmongers assist in the organization and weighing of the competition, and they also maintain and designate the competition tracks. In addition, they take part in the acquisition of children's and youth events and in the organization of programs to help educate young people. Those interested in fishing and those wishing to buy a regional ticket also regularly call our fishermen about fishing places, rules and ticket prices.

By the end of the spring, our fishermen carried out a joint inspection 8 times, of which 2 times at night. On-the-spot reports were recorded 16 times and a written warning was used in approximately 150 cases, which was also recorded in the state fishing ticket. Following the inspections, our Association reported 10 cases to the competent fisheries authority, most of which are still pending.

We have previously reported that the government decree on the level of fines for fish protection and fisheries management has been tightened, so in the future anglers without a state fishing ticket and territorial ticket will have to pay a minimum of HUF 55,000 in fish protection fines, which can be significantly increased by other fishing rules. , quantitative restrictions, withdrawal periods). The fish protection fine is collected by the tax authority in case of non-payment.

According to the law, recidivists can expect an increasing amount of fines, so in a decision of May, a neighboring county Fisheries Authority imposed a HUF 278,000 fish protection fine for “simple” fishing without a permit.

Fortunately, most fishermen follow the rules of our fishermen, and most of them are happy with the regular inspection of the fisherman (often even less attendance), as they are aware that illegal fishermen are damaging all decent fish with their actions.

The types of acts committed are divided, with 3 rod fishing still not taken seriously by many, and failure to complete a catch log is common. It is typical that there are fewer and fewer fishermen without a state and territorial flag, but there is still a “trick” in terms of the amount of fish that can be retained and the catch weights recorded in the logbook.

In addition to the Vas County Police Headquarters, our association maintains excellent relations with most of the City Headquarters and with the district commissioners around the fishing waters, so the few measures when our fishermen need the help of police authorities are done quickly and professionally.

We continue to ask our nature-loving visitors and fellow fishermen to protect the aquatic environment in addition to the valuable fish stocks in our waters, to use the public welfare facilities established there, and to help preserve the orderly and romantic waterside of our lakes!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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