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Small compos arrived in Vas County

2021.07.13. Share

Small specimens of the relatively rare fish species are available from H&H Carpio Halászati KFT in Ócsárd, Baranya County. he was raised and transported in an oxygen-blown double plastic bag, and then Tamás Christmas, a professional fish guard, and Vice President László Laki, deported them.

Small compos arrived in Vas County

Based on the native fish stocking program of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Fishermen's Associations, in accordance with the approved fish management plans for the water areas, 20,000 pre-raised compos arrived in the following waters of the Association on Wednesday:

  • Marcal River: 8,000
  • Mersevát peat lake: 4,000 pcs
  • Nagypiriti mine: 4,000 pieces
  • Vasvár lakes: 4,000 pcs

One of the anglers' favorite "doctor fish" grows extremely slowly, so the chances of survival of 3-4 cm specimens are already good, especially since it is an omnivorous fish species that is not too sensitive to the oxygen content of the water.
The Association's county fishing order protects this beautiful fish species with a stricter size limit of 30 cm and a limit of 2 pieces than the national one, but experience has shown that most of its fishing comrades, after admiring the rare fishing prey, gently release the compo into the water.

Let us follow their example and let the new inhabitants of our waters grow!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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