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Nearby and long-term goals in vascular waters

2019.07.10. Share

He's been in the middle of five to six years, CEO for eight years. A real sport fisherman, his favorite iron lake is Gersekaráti, and environmental protection is important to him. Norman Puskás, the managing director of the Iron County Federation of Sport Fishing Associations, talked about the Fish Cross Day organized at the Iron Cross.

Nearby and long-term goals in vascular waters

The Executive Chairman of the Iron County Federation of Sport Fishing Associations - I think - can only be a fish-loving person. When did you first meet this sport? Do you remember your first fishing experience?

The passion for fishing was infected at about 5-6 years old. With the help of my grandfather's brother, I started to punch on the Boating Boat in Szombathely. The love of fishing usually goes from father to son, I am an exception because our father, my grandfather, has never been hit. My first fishing association was Spartacus HE, and then Electricians continued in my SHE career. At that time there was much greater community life in the associations and much could be learned from each other, from fishing friends. I was fishing at the age of about 11 years. During my childhood I spent all my free time on the waterfront and reading fishing charts. I took an average of 150-180 days a year, but today it has shrunk for a few occasions a year. It was one of my first experiences when my father ordered my first spindle stick at the then TV-shop, and I took a lot of biscuits on the Boat Stew during the first pecking. I got a lot of nice experiences with the pecking, even the mother and wife of my two wonderful little daughters I knew at a fishing camp ...

Can you recall what plans you started as your first day managing director? What is it?

My career as a fishing organization started 15 years ago when I worked as a volunteer in the Elektromok HE, then in the Federation I became a county youth officer in 2004, and after my college studies - ten years ago - I started working part-time at the Alliance. The executive director was elected in July 2011, and at that time we obtained the right to fish in Lake Lukácsház. One of my goals at that time was to develop this lake as a sport fishing water. Many people have argued that this lake should be "Shut up and release" in the Alliance's frame, but I think life has proved to me today. My main goal has always been to raise the fish stocks and the environment of our waters together with my colleagues to the highest possible level. We still have a lot of tasks to do, but I hope that in the last 5 years we have doubled the number of iron fishing boats with almost 10,000 people and the ever-increasing quantities of fish and the waterfront renewals with the help of the tenders. It is important to note that the current operating conditions of the Alliance have been well established by former federal presidents, executive chairmen, and association leaders for their active and committed work in the fishing community.

Developments around the association's house are ongoing, there are plans that are still to be realized?

Of course, we always have more plans and goals than our source, but we are working hard to make every "dream" come true. We are currently running a new project called Ecotourism Development in Vashegy. The project is implemented in a consortium cooperation between the Iron County Association of the Sport Fishing Association and the Municipality of Vaskeresztes Village and the Municipality of Narda. Within the framework of this, the expansion of our Vaskeresztes alpine fishing lake, the restoration of the road leading to the Pinka Backwater, and the fitness park next to the Nardai Municipal Lake will be carried out with more rest areas and equipment. We are also running an interregional competition in which we have won support from the consortium for the development of the federal office for infrastructure and the organization of many fishing programs (competitions, camps, competitions, etc.). I do not like to talk about our plans in advance, but I can say that our goal is to arrange, renew and further increase the environment of the fishing ponds in line with the expectations of the anglers. Our very complex and really challenging task - our largest water area - is to strengthen the conservation and replacement of fish stocks in the River Rába.

The Pinka Valley Halas Day is held for the sixth year, and we can say that it is now a tradition. What was the idea behind this great event?

One of our goals is related to the fact that the common feature of the settlements of Vaskeresztes, Horvlövő, Pornóapáti, Szentpéterfa is the cross-border “closed-down” culture, which can be traced back to the existence of iron curtains going through settlements for several decades. We hope that the Pinka Valley Halas Day will also contribute to the Alliance's endeavor to get to know more and more people about the unparalleled natural and cultural values of the wonderful Iron Cross and the Pinka Valley. In the county of Vas, the consumption of fish is below the national average, therefore, as the largest fish farming organization in the region, besides the promotion of fishing sport, fish f \ t our association has also aimed to promote the consumption of alcohol.

Seeing the programs is a real family event in the Halas Day, where children and adults, anglers and cooks can enjoy themselves. How popular was the event in recent years?

Every year, an average of 600-800 people visit our event and, according to our experience, more and more people come from year to year. We are now confident that there will be a lot of interest in our programs. We are proud that, after six years as a non-governmental organization, we can provide every visitor with different programs and tastes free of charge. As we consider it important in the environment of our waters to keep as little garbage as possible, we also thought about what we could do to protect our environment when organizing Halas Days. So this year, instead of the usual plastic plates, we distribute fully decomposing plates and cutlery to the teams and visitors. We know that this is not going to be an eco-event, but we feel that we have done something that we have started on a road. When choosing the size of the tasting plates, the main goal was to act against the so-called "over-consumption" nowadays and to minimize the amount of prepared delicacy. It is also possible for visitors to the Halas Day to bring their own plates, glasses, cutlery and dishes, because it is really possible to reduce the amount of waste if we do not consume all food and drink in a separate container.

And by the end some brief questions:

Which one is closer to you? Sport fishing or meat fishing?

Sport fishing because I don't consume fish!

Fish fried or cooked?

If I definitely need to eat, it is baked.

Lake or river fishing?


Swimming or Fooling?


Favorite lakes in Vas County?

Gersekara, because I got to know my mother's mother and there was my wedding.

If you could get a gift to go fishing anywhere on Earth, where would you prefer?

Outside Austria, I have not done any further work, but I do not know the answer, but I would rather ask for free time if I could wish.

Thanks for the conversation, we welcome everyone in the VI. Pinka Valley Fish Day.

(Photos were made on last year's Halas Day.)

Interview by Gina Nagy - DGH /


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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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