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More than ten thousand anglers, awards, developments in the iron waters

2019.12.30. Share

In the last days of the year, as we have done in previous years, we will reflect on and evaluate what this year has been like and how we have been able to meet the community we represent. We are pleased to note that in terms of the number of anglers, we have once again achieved a record year of 9,117 by 1,100, so that today the number of anglers registered in our member associations has reached 10,217.

Which is especially great in the year when the Hungarian Fishing Card and the new central online fishing register were introduced in order to strengthen the unity of the fishing society and to create a credible electronic fishing register. Special thanks go to the association volunteers and trustees who took part in the registration of the fishermen, who successfully completed the new tasks resulting from the digital switchover at the beginning of the year.

Another indicator of success in the life of a county fishing organization dealing with water utilization, such as the Iron County Federation of Sport Fishing Associations, is the change in annual fishing permits for the fishing waters it manages. In total, 2,755 adult anglers have replaced their annual area ticket, which is 64 more than in the previous year. Based on current data, the number of daily ticket changes significantly exceeded last year's sales figures . Recently renewed fishing waters (Lake Magyarszecsődi, Gencsapátti Pinka oxbow, Iron Cross Pinka oxbow, Gersekaráti Sárvíz Lake, Püspökmolnár Pebble mine, Pinki Brickyard) are more attractive to county and guest anglers.

The development continued with the project, won in spring 2019, called Vas Mountain Mountain Ecotourism. With the help of the tender, the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations has expanded the "Alpine fishing pond" owned by it in Iron Cross. The purpose of expanding the small but more popular fishing pond was to house more family fishing, youth fishing programs and friendly fishing competitions around the lake and the Federation Center. Even after the size of the pond has been increased, all anglers will be able to fish for free on the Alpine Lake, who holds a daily, weekly, annual territorial ticket valid for any of the waters of the Federation and adheres to the lake's specific regulations. In addition to the extension of the lake, the aforementioned tender has allowed the members of the consortium to undertake a number of small-scale tourism developments. The Association has added camp tents, mattresses, bicycles, and a bicycle service center, while the Municipality of Narda has created a recreational area for the municipality's existing lake, including a drinking fountain, solar-powered candelabra, barbecue, and fitness items. The municipality of Vaskeresztes has completely renovated the 314 m access road to the Pinka backwater and the fishing tourism facilities next to it, and a resting place, a bicycle stop and the associated equipment - barbecue, drinking fountain, garden tree - have been developed. structures, tables, benches, rubbish bins are also procured .

In addition, we succeeded in renewing some of our federal office's IT assets through inter-regional leader support, and we received rural development support from our local leader grant fund, Pinka Valley Fish Day VI.

At the Iron Cross Traditionally Halas Day, nearly 1,000 people visited and tasted delicious fish and took part in colorful programs. As in previous years, there were no shortages of other events in the life of the Alliance. The organization also organized a number of self-organized, no-entry competitions in the county to provide county fishing, and a total of 138 anglers took part in the tenth competition, the "Best Water Fishing for Vasi Waters."

For the 14th time, our fishing competition for elementary school children has been staged for the record number of 32 teams in 2019. In order to educate the young, we held several demonstration fishing sessions for elementary school students with the involvement of associations, and during the summer we organized the Vasi Vizeken Fishing Camp, which has a tradition of several decades.

In the autumn, fishing schools started in four elementary schools, which, like the fishing camp, were financially supported by the Hungarian National Fishing Association's youth training program. In October we organized an integrated fishing competition where the young people of the Disabled and Homeless Public Nonprofit Ltd. spent a nice joint friendly fishing afternoon with the anglers of the Iron County Association of Sport Fishing Associations in Iron Cross.

The frequency and quantity of carp settlements has again exceeded those of recent years due to the increase in ticket sales. A total of 60,082 kg of carp from the two to three-month-old carp and the extra-large individuals over 5 kg placed at the beginning of the year arrived in the iron waters. 13,850 kg of mixed bream and bream were realized during the year, while 58,500 fish were brought in from 4 to 10 cm size fish (trout, pike, catfish, burbot).

This year, due to lack of purchasing opportunities, we were unable to deliver the quantities we expected of bream and burbot. For this reason, we have set the goal that, in addition to the carp landing of more than 60 tonnes today, we must also strive to strengthen the bream and predatory fish stocks in federal waters. This year's fish replenishment was also supported by the Hungarian National Fishermen's Association's "Standard and Preferred Indigenous Fish Reintroduction, Replenishment 2019" program, which was unprecedented in recent decades.

In addition to fish restocking, the development of fish control and fish protection also played an important role. Early in the summer, a modern boat was purchased with the necessary accessories, and a new era in fishing control of the Rába River began. As part of a series of measures to control the entire Rába section of the Vas County during the summer and autumn, professional fishermen, together with the police, continuously performed complex inspections to protect valuable native fish stocks. The Hungarian National Fishermen's Association also helped the Association's fishing and fish protection efforts with a state-of-the-art grant of seventy per cent through the purchase of a state-of-the-art thermal imaging camera and the acquisition of four Halor SUVs. We thank the active social fishermen and associates involved in the monitoring of fish throughout the year for their work and we look forward to helping them in the future.

In 2019, our Alliance has been expanded with new sponsors and partners, which we hope will prove that we are on the right track to achieving our goals. This year we also welcomed Garbolino and Spottedfin Hungary, the Decathlon Department Store in Szombathely, and the Vas Népe County daily newspaper.

It was a great honor for us that our Association's website, which was renewed last year, received the Quality of the Year Award at a professional competition organized by the Hungarian Marketing Association and the Internet Marketing Division , which received a total of 183 entries.

In December, at the closing of the year, the Executive Chairman of the Iron County Federation of Sport Fishing Associations, Norbert Puskás, was elected Vice President of the national organization of 550,000 anglers at the Hungarian National Fishing Association , which is also a great recognition for our Association.

All in all we can say that in terms of our organizational life we have a colorful, meaningful and successful year in most areas, which of course has many tasks and challenges ahead. Our association will continue to strive to preserve, develop, expand and continuously raise awareness of the natural values of the waters under its management, both in Hungary and abroad. We work with our colleagues to make our Vas fishing waters a popular and fish-rich sport fishing spot for a wide range of society, providing a pleasant, cultured recreation for all nature-loving anglers and families.

The Iron County Association of Sport Fishing Associations wishes a Happy New Year to all fishing companions rich in Health and Fishing! Detailed information on fishing opportunities in Vas County can be requested by calling 06-94 / 506-835 or by visiting!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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