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MOHOSZ leaders held a regional workshop

2020.03.07. Share

At the board meeting of the Hungarian National Fishing Association on January 16, 2020, the chairman of the organization, dr. Lajos Szucs MOHOSZ Presidents defined the territorial jurisdiction of the Vice tasks in respect of which member associations will facilitate the task of the future.

MOHOSZ leaders held a regional workshop

Under the terms of reference, the newly elected Vice President Norbert Puskás mentors the following regional organizations: Association of Balaton Fishing Associations, Bakony-Balaton Fishing Association, Association of Fishing Associations Pest County, Association of Fishermen's Associations of Komárom-Esztergom County, Association of Fishermen of Szeged, Horgász County Association, Association of Sport Fishing Associations Vas County. The first step in the opening of the vice-president Norbert Puskas activities Csizmár Vice Director Erika MOHOSZ OHSZK with Veszprém in mid-February, a regional workshop invited the alpine, near Zala, Balaton member associations and leaders. At the beginning of the meeting, Norbert Puskás greeted the participants and dr. Aladár Táncsics, the president of the BBHSZ, gave his welcoming thoughts as a host and introduced the historical values of Veszprém in a few sentences.

In the first half of the meeting, the purpose of the meeting was presented by the leaders of MOHOSZ, then the leaders of the organizations got acquainted with the current problems of the member organizations, the tasks to be solved and the development ideas. Among the topics discussed was the possibility of commenting on the model articles of association and union federation published by MOHOSZ, the introduction of the fishing examination system on the electronic interface, and the central possibility of providing civil law advice to associations. The problem of the Balaton boats and the small number of fishing beaches was highlighted as a very important topic of the meeting. In addition to the problems at the meeting, it was also mentioned that the Balaton Fishery Nonprofit Co. Ltd. excels in the utilization of the Balaton fishery management, and is the largest lake in Hungary, rich in fish and popular among local and angling tourists. In addition to the above-mentioned topics, both Balaton fishing organizations consider it important to unite the interests of the Balaton fishermen, which is why they consider it necessary to organize a meeting with the leaders of the regionally involved associations in MOHOSZ coordination as soon as possible.

In the second half of the meeting MOHOSZ 2020-2021. It was possible to present and discuss ideas for the preparation of the call for proposals for 2007-2013. Erika Csizmár said that in the coming years they would like to work harder to provide tender opportunities within the public service mission that are in line with the needs of anglers and fishing organizations. Norbert Puskás encouraged the participants to elaborate on the project ideas that were presented, for which planning leaflets were distributed to the leaders of the member associations. The leaders of the Association of Balaton Fishermen's Associations and the Bakony-Balaton Fishermen's Association on the agenda item will be MOHOSZ 2020-2021. In the allocation of resources for 2007-2008, they asked for the renewal of permits for fishing harbors, the launching of grants to support their development, and the creation of a grant for the restoration of the beach due to natural disasters. All participants of the meeting also agreed that a unified data collection on the Balaton fishing boats should be prepared this year. The survey can provide a solid database to pinpoint additional tasks in this regard.

The nearly four-hour workshop was considered useful and forward-looking, and they look forward to further work and cooperation. At the end of the day, MOHOSZ leaders visited the customer service office of the Bakony-Balaton Fishing Association.

Source: Hungarian National Fishermen's Association

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