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Iron Waters-Decathlon Abért Cup final entry list

2021.09.07. Share

After the long summer break, on Sunday, September 12, 2021, our county competition series entitled The Best Sport Fishing in Vasi Vekek will continue with the Vasi Vizeken-Decathlon Abért Cup. The number of entries was pre-filled in March, but since then several people have canceled their intention to start, so some of the pecs that originally missed the registration can also take part in the Sunday competition.

Iron Waters-Decathlon Abért Cup final entry list

It is important to make a note that is not specifically addressed in the competition notice, and we would like to draw the attention of the participants to the fact that the use of ring bags is mandatory, and a maximum of 20 kg of fish can be stored in a fish tank. If the amount of fish in the two fish tanks reaches 20-20 kg, the competitor must request an interim weighing or collect the fish in another fish tank.

A valid group collection permit for the competition and any training prior to it - from Friday to Sunday - will be sent at the end of this article to the e-mail addresses provided and downloaded from the attached documents. The drive is only valid for the use of the roads behind the embankment. It is strictly FORBIDDEN to drive on the embankment! The permit must be placed in a conspicuous place behind the windscreen.
If you did not provide the registration number of your car during the registration or in the meantime there was a change of registration number, please let us know at the e-mail address!

The Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations considers the following entry list to be final:

  • COMPETITOR category
  1. Gábor Hajba - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  2. Zoltán Török - Gábor Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  3. Péter Kovács - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  4. Gábor Tordai - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  5. Dániel Sipos - Körmendi Workers' Fishing Association
  6. Bálint Varga - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  7. Attila Vámos - Spartacus Fishing Association
  8. György Unger - Körmendi Workers Fishing Association
  9. Attila Csizmazia - Pannonia Anglers Association
  10. Ákos Kovács Bük - Fishing Association
  11. Attila Borsos - Spartacus Fishing Association
  12. Patrik Giczi - Spartacus Fishing Association
  13. Viktor Kovács - Körmend Workers Fisherman 's Association
  14. Magyar László - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  15. Szabolcs Kádi - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  16. Tamás Borsos - Spartacus Fishing Association
  17. Zsolt Horváth - Szentgotthárd Fishing Association
  18. Balázs Roland - Spartacus Fishing Association

  • ADULT hobby category
  1. Ferenc Nagy - Kéthatár-Tó Kerkafalva Horgász Egyesület
  2. Imre Fekete - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  3. Imréné Fekete - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  4. Andrea Sántáné Tóth - Körmendi Workers Fishing Association
  5. Tamás Sánta - Körmendi Workers Fishing Association
  6. Attila Kádi - Répcelak City Miner Fisherman 's Association
  7. István Varga - Körmendi Workers' Fishing Association
  8. József Hegedüs - Kőszeg Sport Fishing Association
  9. Gábor Bálint - Körmendi Workers' Fishing Association
  10. Kiss Szabolcs Imre - Kőszeg Sport Fishing Association
  11. Attila Tóth - Körmendi Workers' Fishing Association
  12. László Török - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  13. Jánny Benjamin - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  14. Csaba Bertók - Petőfi Fishing Association of Vasvár
  15. Tibor Imre Pajor - Alsószölnöki Sport and Tourism Association
  16. Ferenc Pajtli - Spartacus Fishing Association
  17. László Pajtli - Spartacus Fishing Association
  18. István Pajtli - Spartacus Fishing Association
  19. Szabolcs Pajtli - Spartacus Fishing Association
  20. Tibor Pajtli - Spartacus Fishing Association
  21. Zoltán Nagy - Spartacus Fishing Association
  22. Szabolcs Bucsek - Rábapaty and Region Fishermen 's Association
  23. Árpád Pegán - Kőszeg Sport Fishing Association
  24. Jenő Barki - Spartacus Fishing Association
  25. István Fördős - Spartacus Fishing Association
  26. István Tompa - Kőszeg Sport Fishing Association
  27. Sándor Horváth - Border Guard Sport Fishing Association Körmend
  28. László Horváth - Körmendi Workers Fishing Association
  29. Ferenc Horváth - Körmendi Workers' Fishing Association
  30. Sándor Bors - Spartacus Fishing Association
  31. Gábor Németh - Ölbői Horgásztó Sport Angling Association
  32. Levente Szilágyi - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  33. László Horváth - Vas County Savaria Sport Fishing Association
  34. Tamás Borsits - Electricians Sport Fishing Association
  35. Szilvia Heintz - Other association

  • YOUTH category:
  1. Bors Ivett - Spartacus Fishing Association
  2. Máté Bucsek - Rábapatyi Fishing Association
  3. Rebecca Szabados - Spartacus Fishing Association
  4. Milan Gersei - Körmendi Workers' Fishermen's Association
  5. Linter Hunor - Répcelak Anglers Association

In case you do not want / can participate in the competition or see their name in the list but have already canceled your entry earlier, please let us know at or by phone at +36 70 3399 709 phone number!

Competition notices can be viewed here:

Downloadable Documents

Featured accommodation deals


Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



32.25°  Humidity: 28%