The news of the Christmas charity action of the Vas People also reached the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Association. Managing Chairman Norbert Puskás visited Zsombor Stieber and did not arrive empty-handed.
- We've read you're a big peck. Accept the gifts from the association with the help of our supporters - Norbert Puskás started and handed Zsombor a complete feeder set, a dipping bag. There was also a quality fishing chair and a gift voucher from the fishing shop on Szily János Street, a few meters from where you live, and a gift voucher from the association for next year's fishing license in Vasi Vizeken. Zsömi can also use the new equipment on the lake in the spring. The president promised him that he would also send photos of his biggest catches, and recommended that he organize a team for their association’s three-round elementary school quiz, which begins in February each year.
Zsömi's joy that night knew no bounds. He unwrapped the presents, searched for the words, and finally, after a lot of thank you, said: this is simply phenomenal.
We would like to thank TackleBait Fishing Shop and Small Pet Food for participating in the extra discounted provision of the gifts.