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Cormorant situation in iron waters

2020.12.29. Share

As in previous years, depending on the winter weather and the freezing of stagnant waters, large wandering cormorant troops from Northern Europe appeared in Hungary in addition to the domestic nesting population.

Cormorant situation in iron waters
Based on the sporadic news and the observations of our fishermen and fishermen, with the exception of some county water areas (eg Gersekaráti Sárvíz Lake) no significant stock can be observed yet, but we want to prepare for the appearance of larger, wandering troops and the winter stock.
We do not want to detail the forms and significance of the damage caused by the great cormorant in fish production and natural aquatic fish stocks, the literature is "unfortunately" quite detailed and exhaustive, but the occasional the constant presence of cormorants cannot be left idle.
After prior consultation with the conservation manager, it was agreed, among other provisions of the law, that armed depletion in a protected or Natura 2000 area will take place, with the notification of the conservation manager, only if the cormorant -the number of people exceeds 30 on a stagnant water or 1 km section of a river.
Under an agreement with those entitled to hunt, large-watered cormorants may be depleted by 31 January in water areas which are not protected or which are classified as special protection areas.
Of course, we accept that the great cormorant, which feeds almost exclusively on fish, is part of the domestic fauna, and we would be happy if the "cormorant dumping" of previous years were not achieved, if they see cormorants in the crowd, report it by telephone to the territorially competent professional fishmonger or our Fisheries Management Team Leader on + 36-30 / 3110640.
Please help protect our native fish stocks!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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