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Artificial bait fishing has been extended on the Alpine lake in Vaskeresztes

2024.02.26. Share

During the winter period, we started our artificial bait lake trout fishing opportunity on the Alpine fishing lake in Vaskereszetes on a trial basis, which we extended today until April 15, 2024.

Artificial bait fishing has been extended on the Alpine lake in Vaskeresztes

You can fish with fishing tickets valid for the lake under the following conditions:

  • Fishing is permitted only with 1 rod, beardless hook - artificial bait - spinning and fly method.
  • The use of all kinds of artificial rubber bait (twister, grub, worm, crab, rubber fish, etc.) is PROHIBITED!
  • When fishing with artificial bait, it is mandatory to use knot-free or rubberized diving mouths!
  • All caught fish must be carefully freed from the hook and released back into the water as soon as possible - avoiding touching them with your hands - and, if possible, the hook must be unhooked with metal tweezers or pliers.
  • You can fish from sunrise to sunset, or until the street lights are turned on! Fishing in the dark is FORBIDDEN!

In view of the mild spring weather, non-artificial fishing (feeder, float...etc.) deviating from the above rules is only permitted on individual request - to our annual regional ticket anglers who regularly visit the lake in the past - for a limited number until April 15, 2024. Such requests must be sent to the address, which will be evaluated within 5 working days after submission. In the application, please enter the serial number of the state ticket and the annual regional ticket, as well as the method you want to use.

Anglers with an annual Vas County area ticket can fish on the Alpes fishing line without changing a day ticket!

Ticket prices for holders of a state fishing license:

  • Adult C&R (over 18): HUF 1,500
  • Replacement C&R (under the age of 18): HUF 1,000

Day tickets valid for the Alpine Lake can be purchased online via the website after logging in to your personal fishing profile!

Thank you for your understanding!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



30.59°  Humidity: 43%